They are referred to as water conditioning systems by RainSoft. The company offers comprehensive water filtration systems. My lifetime warranties and manufacturers literature does not mention any replaceable filters on the unit or the need to do so. My wife and I like to talk things over, especially when someone wants us to make a 12000 dollar investment. No matter what problems you’re having with your tap water, RainSoft has the perfect solution. None that I'm aware of. Whether your water comes from a well or municipally treated source, it may contain impurities that cause it to taste or smell bad or create other problems in your home. I placed first online food delivery and I received a free whooper for signing... Guthy-Renker is a SCAM. As well-bought up adults we politely implied that we would consider this offer but we needed time to consider their offer and information. Again, the only way to get an accurate price is to get the in-home consultation. The instalation went fine and the system worked great for about 5 yrs. the culligan salesman didn't know what suspended iron was. Hello! The water flows into the softener, the ion exchange occurs, the minerals stay behind, and the softened water goes into your pipes. There's also a difference between water softener and a water conditioner. Ok,, spoke to finance manager and everything for cancellation seems to be a go.®, founded in 1995, is the leading independent You can buy a DIY water testing kit, but you’ll get more reliable results and helpful solutions with a complimentary in-home water test from the experts at RainSoft. Since 1953, RainSoft has been serving the water conditioning and softening needs of families and businesses all over the United States and all over the world. Rainsoft — complete water system - whole house water softener/reverse ososes under sink and smart clean washer system First: The system … (from over approx. P.H. If you don't like it, buy something less expensive. 5. The information center provides all the needed information, including usage profile, water quality, support data and system data, which makes troubleshooting easy. Whether your water comes from a well or municipally treated source, it may contain impurities that cause it to taste or smell bad or create other problems in your home. He also said he will be sending his installers to remove the system at 3pm. Does your water taste bad? Best Water Cooler: The Top Models in the Market for You! RainSoft has been making water softeners since 1953. As far as I can tell it has worked fairly well. Drinking Water Testing & Analysis in New Jersey: Precision Analytical Services, Inc., YouTube - Watch this before you buy a water softening Rainsoft and Aquamaid, Eagle Spring Filtration, Inc. - Model 2030,, Alkaline Water Filter - Fact or Crap? That is a lie. In either instance, the corporate offices will do anything they can to resolve it. SPEED FORWARD TO 2007. It turned out that the representative was actually a Rainsoft sales pitch. If you have hard water, which is water filled with minerals, then you probably know the need to soften it by using a water softener. I finally saw a lovely RainSoft saleswoman to the door after 4 hours of painful waste of time. With a RainSoft water softener, you get easy to use computerized systems and softeners with low maintenance and self-lubricating motors. Broken irrigation lines, valves and wiring in 2 of 4 zones, at one location near my house. I found the following webpage about "structured water" entertaining and somewhat informative. that sold us, but it did sound good. "Warrenty" repair is $80 an hour plus parts! Also, see how RainSoft stacks up against its competitors to help you make the most informed decision. "Rain Soft" ? We recently talked to the manager at our local dealership about updating our system, he came out to our home free of charge, retested our water, and gave us the option of putting a new computerized head on our unit, or trading it back in for a complete new system. This was very disrespectfull on the part of the rep. This guy just blew me off as a dick, which I may be, but I am no idiot. All the systems from RainSoft are designed for different situations. I would never purchase a unit that claimed a filter lasting longer than a year... carbon or not. We just replaced the unit today (have had to replace the motor and piston 3 times in the last year) with a better unit form a different manufacturer for only $1000. We bought a Rainsoft water conditioner 25 to 30 years ago and it is working fine. We weren't too impressed with the offer. Include any other important information such as the sales rep's name. service people have come 5 times. I spoke to Judy first. That is why we have done all the legwork for you. THE SOFTNER HASN'T WORKED IN YEARS!!! A couple weeks after the initial installation, I noticed that my plants were dying. She repeatedly shook the bottles containing the filtered water and the tap water asking us if we wanted to keep the sandy looking tap water. RainSoft reviews ( Our dealer in New Castle, Delaware spoke to Ms. After reviewing this with our distributor in Florida, it appears the chlorine level in the customer's water supply was high enough that it was effecting the performance of the softener. I asked Discovery Marketing to take the unit off my well, since I did not want to pay for salt to remove minerals as it watered my lawn and flowers and trees. Enjoy cleaner laundry and potential cost savings with CleanStart® from RainSoft. continued rust stains in tub, sinks, shower head, toilet, on clothing. So finally the guy gives up and says, "so what did you pick for your free gift". Your favorite coffee will taste even better when prepared with water from a RainSoft purifier. You do have to do some routine maintenance of your water softener to ensure it works. Are you tired of seeing filmy spots on your dishes after a wash? How is that a warrenty? Angry Customer Bottled water just doesn’t measure up to receiving clean, crisp-tasting water right from your refrigerator door. TERMS OF USE. First of all, Chris, I do not beleive a whole house softner can be purchased for $59.00 (or even remotely close to that) anywhere. Of course, the salesman was a bit upset. You could save a ton of money by just installed some type of carbon filter (solid carbon block filters are best) under the kitchen sink and drink the water from there. RainSoft has been in the business of helping people get mineral-free water that is clean and crisp since the 1950s. I finally told the guy that I was offended at his tactics and that I told them from the beginning that I don't make buying decisions under false pretense of urgency.

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