El Diego), a top drug baron accused by the Mexican authorities of ordering more than 1,500 killings. [29] Through a banner, Gente Nueva and Los Ms, a faction led by Ismael Zambada García, accused other lieutenants in the cartel of "heating up the plaza" in Durango by trying to attract law enforcement presence in the area, usually through indiscriminate killings and other violent tactics. Other experts echoe that the cartel is having difficulties paying its members and that the violence will continue to decline as its hegemony erodes. [20] Some of the addicts sell candy and gum at the city's stop lights to raise money for those struggling in their rehab center, but the cartels have taken this opportunity to force them to sell drugs too. [23] Nonetheless, experts told El Paso Times that part of the reason why the violence in Ciudad Juárez toned down is because the Sinaloa cartel has consolidated its dominance over the now-weakened Juárez cartel. [21] La Línea and the Juárez cartel lived their biggest blow with the arrest of José Antonio Acosta Hernández (a.k.a. En 2011, después de la captura del primer lugarteniente de El Chapo y líder militar de Gente Nueva, Noel Salguiero Nevarez “El Flaco”, el Gobierno dio por terminada la organización paramilitar. [13][14] 18 patients were killed in the attack and two others were left wounded. [CDATA[ Mario Nuñez Meza, also known as, M-10 or El Mayito, was arrested in Ciudad Juarez. Vienen atraídos por buenos salarios y un estilo de vida que los cuerpos de donde procedían no les podían ofrecer. [19] In Ciudad Juárez alone, there are around 100,000 drug addicts and many of the rehab clinics are unlicensed and ran by former addicts, making them easy points for the cartels to infiltrate. But when Bernabé Monje Silva, alias M14 was arrested by the Federal police, he led them to the exact location of the bodies. [19], The decline of the Juárez Cartel began in 1997 after the death of Amado Carrillo Fuentes, but worsened in mid-2000 when the Sinaloa Cartel sought to take over the assets of the criminal organization and move into the city. Aparte de patrullar las plantaciones y rutas de narcotráfico de la organización que dirige El Chapo, la misión principal con la que nació Gente Nueva era la protección personal de su líder y de su familia, sobre todo ante los ataques de los Zetas, del cartel de Juárez, de La Línea y del Gobierno mexicano. México 100% original, es la nueva campaña de Microsoft que otorga el “Distintivo M100” que avala que el software con el que se cuenta es legítimo, además que ayuda al potencializar la imagen competitiva de las empresas e instituciones. Una parte de las acciones de Microsoft es incentivar el uso de software legal, debido a que, por falta de actualizaciones en los programas genuinos, los usuarios pueden perder los activos más valiosos de sus empresas: la información y la confianza de sus clientes. [32] The area is a strategic drug trafficking corridor since it can connect with the border cities of Nuevo Laredo, Reynosa, and Ciudad Juárez. Sus guardaespaldas hicieron retroceder a los militares y consiguieron rescatar a El Chapo y esconderlo en el bosque. The dispute indicated that two leaders in Gente Nueva, Noel Salgeiro and Felipe Cabrera, had lost the support of the upper-leaders in Gente Nueva and the rest of the Sinaloa organization. [21] Joaquín Guzmán Loera's four-year struggle in Ciudad Juárez left more than 10,000 since 2008,[22] but evidence shows that the murder rates in Ciudad Juárez decreased by 59.8% in the first half of 2012 when compared to the same period in 2011, and Mexican officials have attributed this decline to the success of its law enforcement agencies.
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