Purple Shep is kind of a not smart person. Pink lost him when Shep went to the park, and then encountered Purple Shep's mom: the Ender Dragon. He was given a new toaster by Crystal Sheep. He pronounces some words differently [example: 'failboat' to 'failboot', 'computer' to 'compooper']. Dutch His voice is a combination of the Ender Dragon's and Pink Sheep's. ?WhAt iF i WaNtEd tO dOwNlOaD tHe vOicE iF u knOW wHaT i MeAn© 2010 - 2020 Planetminecraft.com. His voice is a combination of the Ender Dragon's and Pink Sheep's. Friends The Dragon was furious by this point and was ready to kill Pink, but her son appeared and asked if she was going to kiss Pink. In the video "WHY PURPLE SHEP IS UGLY??" He can not understand the meanings of basic words, and he can not read well. Purple Shep Purple Shep on a Camera in one of Pink Sheep's videos, Purple Shep walking around in the TNT Town. He also has a voice that sounds like yelling, even though he describes it as being as loud as a mouse screaming into your ear. If A Dragon Egg Hatched In Minecraft Part 2.if dad owns MinecraftAge: 2Height: 3'4"Weight: 210 lbs.IQ: <70 His left eye is upside down, causing him to see half of the world upside down and half right-side up. Purple Shep His grammar is horrible, like in the description of "SURPRISING DADDY PINK SHEEP!! In ExplodingTNT's video "If the Dragon Egg Hatched - Part 1", his egg teleported onto his father, Pink Sheep, causing a malfunction that fertilized the egg. She presumed Pink stole her egg, but Pink said it already hatched with disastrous results. He also hates red M&M's. He also misspells and/or mispronounces words, like how he says the word "computer" as "compooper", "subscribe" as "subscreeb", "YouTube" as "U-Tub", and "Failboat", as "Fialboot". If The Dragon Egg Hatched - Part 1 (ExplodingTNT, implied). | PewDiePie's Tuber Simulator, Let it go - Minecraft Song Parody by Purple Shep. He is the son of Pink Sheep and the Ender Dragon, who both thought that he was ugly, but he never seemed to care, and instead just went about his life trimming toasters. He walked over Pink Sheep's keyboard twice. (mii only) shep shorts 1 (mii only) Every other PurpleShep video i aM goING tO sTICK mY head In A ToASter nOw goODbyE oH GoLLy. he said that he got a "compooper" by stealing it from Notch (Bald Man). The reason why he deleted it is because he thought it was spam, because "Data" sounded like something his mom would have made up. PinkSheep YT Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. He is purple because of his ender dragon heritage and is a sheep and has a mustache due to being the son of Pink Sheep. (HD):http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/purple-shep-hd/. HellO unCLe FaIlBOOt It hatched off screen at the end of the video. In "REAcTING 2 My FIrstT VIDEO!! A dirt block named Seth oH GoLLy PuRple ShEP Usually, he poops in Failboat's refrigerator which upsets Failboat. His YouTube picture is similar to Pink Sheep's, but with his face. I aM HAnDsoME!" If A Dragon Egg Hatched In Minecraft Part 2. When Pink Sheep saw him, he did not die, but he was appalled at Shep's ugliness, saying Shep was "a defective version of Pink Sheep" who was glitchy and overall not very attractive". He calls Cows "Horses" and Horses "Cows". Purple Sheep Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. Pink Sheep sometimes runs into Purple Shep when playing games. Purple Shep is a shep with low intelligence. Japanese Purple Shep is an ExplodingTNT character and the son of Pink Sheep and the Ender Dragon. Looking for games to play during your virtual game night? The dragon said her eggs did not hatch, but Pink said it was a combination of the both of them: Shep has Pink Sheep's body, but was purple and ugly like the Dragon, after which a pair of pixelated glasses appeared. He was an unfertilized dragon prior to Pink Sheep's intervention. this is probably due to his vision, where blue is more common than any other color. His official debut appearance was in part 2 of that series. Purple Shep is known as one of the ugliest creatures in the world, but is loved anyways by his many fans (but not as many as his gangster dad). Theme Purple Shep has an eponymous YouTube channel. His catchphrase is "Oh, Golly!" Let it go - Minecraft Song Parody by Purple Shep [FULL VERSION], hes not actually ugly boi excluding his fanart, he likes toasters, he sticks his head in toasters. He thinks his mustache is an eyebrow because it is over his nose and one of his deformed eyes. His face was hidden for the first half of the video, but Pink Sheep had a tombstone built for his egg, but Shep appeared in front of his father and his face is finally revealed, and it is ugly (which was implied when TNT and his 2 friends all went into a pit of lava with a sign in front of it that said "The 'I give up' Hole" on it after seeing Shep's face, when they were arguing over which of the latter 2 would go into it a second ago for one of TNT's videos, and later, when Herobrine tried to make the ugliest mob in Minecraft, but Shep barged into his house, and he saw Shep's face, and said it was uglier and died.) Spanish HeLLO ThERe toaSTeR heads He is known as stupid because he often sticks his head in the toaster and puts his hand in the microwave. Check out Onmuga (online multiplayer games) What is the Meme Generator? Teh Meme Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Purple Shep It's a free online image maker that allows you to add custom resizable text to images. He is not scared of horror games, and often laughs at them, while Failboat is definitley scared. http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/purple-shep-hd/, https://purple-sheep.fandom.com/wiki/Purple_Shep?oldid=4086, PURPLE SHEP IS ACTUALLY SMART!? He is the son of Pink Sheep and the Ender Dragon. Stream Tracks and Playlists from Purple Shep … He says that Chess is his favorite game because he eats the other player's pieces before they make a move and he keeps doing it until he wins. Purple Shep Purple Shep, despite his ugliness and Pink Sheep not liking him, is actually the most powerful sheep in the whole of the ExplodingTNT universe, having the ability to manipulate time, he can stop it, reverse it, and change it's speed. Purple Shep I've Seen Enough Hentai To Know Where This Is Going, https://meme.fandom.com/wiki/Purple_Shep?oldid=41496. Debut He speaks in third person due to his dragon-sheep heritage, which is best described as slightly unstable. Pink was ready to start a new life with her and Purple, but the Dragon said she would rather die, which she did. Purple Shep He arrested Pink Sheep twice in it's videos. Appearances Edit. Non è possibile visualizzare una descrizione perché il sito non lo consente. so you want to make purple shep … How do I download the voice generator file or mp3 files from the pink sheep and purple shep voice sites? He uses several pairs of words backwards, such as Up and Down, Left and Right, and Longest and Shortest.

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