Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Mr Erdogan praised the drama for "entering the nation's heart" at an award ceremony in Turkey in November 2016. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. But the Pakistani PM has been facing some criticism at home for openly backing the show. //, Prime Minister Imran Khan’s personal request, posted on the YouTube channel of PTV Home, its primary intended audience was domestic, These Countries Will Be the World's Most Populous in 2050, 'Ertugrul' in Urdu, a Hit in Pakistan, Showcases Turkish Soft Power, Chinese EV Maker NIO Gains Ground as Crossover Demand Rises. Turkey’s Erdogan has assumed a similar status in Pakistan today. It’s been an instant hit. After its incredible success in the country, Senator Faisal Javed said that the Pakistan Television Network (PTV) has been directed to air the famed Turkish series seven days a week. The Turkish television series Dirilis (Resurrection) Ertugrul, based on the life and times of the 13th-century Muslim Oghuz Turk leader, Ertugrul, has taken Pakistan by storm. He also shared plans on converting the state-run television into high definition (HD) display to upgrade the experience for viewers. The holy month of Ramadan is also prime season for television in much of the Muslim world. Critics believe Mr Khan has backed the show because he relates to its promotion of Islamic values and it chimes with his goal of establishing Pakistan as an ideal Islamic society. Turkish multimedia industry is replacing the craze for Bollywood and is successfully carving a niche in Pakistan,” said Qazi. Why Places Like Kosovo Live in Limbo, Coronavirus: Conspiracy Theories and Fake Videos Fuel Rise in Islamophobia, The Coronavirus Pandemic is Already Increasing Inequality, Eastern Mediterranean: A Microcosm of Regional and Global Battles, Defending Political Freedoms: Incidents in Israel and Scandinavia Raise Alarm Bells. Ertugrul’s Kayi tribe are an embattled people with a purpose. Pakistani producers are feeling threatened by the Turkish series, and many people, including Federal Minister Fawad Chaudhry, fear that foreign imports will ultimately harm the local entertainment industry. And Dirilis Ertugrul seems to have satiated that desperation to see a glorifying depiction of Muslims," says an article in English-language website The Global Village Space. .css-14iz86j-BoldText{font-weight:bold;}The Turkish historical TV drama Dirilis Ertugrul (Ertugrul's Resurrection) has been all the rage in Pakistan since the state broadcaster began airing a dubbed version in April. 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Pakistan's TV industry is popular, but it isn't particularly known for its focus on Islamic values - though it has produced shows like Alif in this genre. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. And some, such as social activist-turned-politician Jibran Nasir, say the show is creating an "identity crisis" among Pakistanis. The show also appeals to many by reflecting Islamic values. Why Foreign Countries Are Scrambling To Set Up Bases in Africa, The Foreign Aid Game is Changing: These Are The Opportunities for Africa, Why African Countries Are Reluctant to Take Up COVID-19 Debt Relief, Democratization on Hold in Somalia as First-Past-the-Post Election is Postponed, Vultures, Doves and African Debt: Here’s a Way Out, The Case of Biden Versus Trump: How a Judge Could Decide the Presidential Election, Why Donald Trump Still Appeals To So Many Evangelicals, Muslim Americans Assert Solidarity with Black Lives Matter, Finding Unity Within a Diverse Faith Group, Militarization Has Fostered a Policing Culture That Sets Up Protesters as ‘The Enemy’. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. 1/2 Ertugrul is a very entertaining series, I myself have seen more then 200 eps, The issue is NOT with the play, the issue is with PTV & the laws related to the entertainment buisness. On 24 May, the state-funded Anadolu news agency quoted locals in Pakistan praising the show for "raising the Islamic flag" and "showing how a Muslim leader should be". "If it [Ertugrul] seeks to project Islam as a religion of peace and to counter Islamophobia, then the very opposite is achieved," he wrote in Dawn, citing the extensive violence and beheadings shown in the drama. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The series is based on the life of the 13th-century Muslim Oghuz Turk leader Ertugrul, whose son Osman Ghazi is considered to be the founder of the Ottoman Empire.
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