THE BREWSPAPER/ CRAFT BEER SAMPLER FOR SEPTEMBER I... JUDGE RULES AGAINST TRADER JOE’S SPAT WITH AIRBNB, AMAZING CNN DOCUMENTARY ON SEPTEMBER 11, 2001, BBC REPORT / WHY THE WOODWARD EFFECT DAMAGES TRUMP, MEDIA MONDAY / FULL TEXT OF THE STEELE DOSSIER, SUNDAY REVIEW / TEXT OF FORD’S PARDON OF NIXON. “I ran to part the curtains, and I caught a glint of falling metal out of the corner of my eye. Who knows how many lives were saved as a result?”. Seconds later, we heard this tremendous explosion. In this article concerning the mid-air collision of Pacific Southwest Airlines (PSA) flight 182, the writer traces the events leading up to the event. The press gathering heard the grinding crash and explosion. Retrieved on July 25, 2006 from, Shess, T. (1998). Pieces of the Cessna, with its two-man crew, crashed at 32nd and Polk streets in the heart of North Park, an eclectic mix of shopkeepers and working-class residents, a few miles from the San Diego Zoo. The writer narrates some of the eye-witness accounts and reviews its aftermath including the effect of the crash on the regulations on air-traffic control around busy airports. Osby jumped in his red car and fumbled for his “Kojak light,” the portable emergency flasher placed on the roof. Terms & Privacy. But we couldn’t let them, because there might still be pools of jet fuel or live power lines next to those bodies. I kept putting as many witnesses as I could find on the air. I was no stranger to dead bodies, but I wasn’t ready to see the torso of a stewardess slammed against a car.”. Worst U.S. crash kills 140 here; 10 homes set afire by jet debris.” The one-column story snaked down the page next to an amazing aerial color photograph of PSA’s ground zero by the Trib’s Thane McIntosh. Understanding that has made me a better reporter. In the end, fewer than a dozen were deemed credible. “It was only then that I could fathom the complete destruction of the area. One potential passenger, Jack Ridout, a survivor of the Tenerife airport disaster the year before, had also booked a ticket on Flight 182 from Los Angeles, but had cancelled his booking to leave for home the day before. “All I can remember was trying to do our job. “Many students and faculty at St. Augustine High School saw the crash and the gymnasium of the school became a makeshift morgue.”. We just happened to be there when it happened. In: District Pics of flight crew..when stewardess were all HBB and young.. RIP. He turned away, but this time I could hear him clearly.”, Hastings recalls that Youngbar’s voice became alarmed. “I saw the smoking jet banking, turning toward the airport. Posted on: Sep 16, 2020 12:00:00 AM Blood was all over the hysterical driver and her baby. PSA Flight 182 Families, Crash Witnesses Gather for Documentary Screening By Erika Cervantes • Published September 25, 2018 • Updated on September 25, 2018 at 11:28 pm The men told NBC 7 that while their memories are horrific, gathering with others affected by the crash helps them cope. Also, I didn’t want them to drive wildly into the scene and run over any bodies that were lying in the street.”, Looking back from his downtown office 20 years later, Chief Osby salutes the fire captains at the scene. Rumble — Forty years after the tragic plane crash, witnesses remember PSA Flight 182. All of them hold on to memories of that fall day in 1978, and some of them shared those memories in the film "Return to Dwight and Nile.". The heat of the fires and the sun made the whole scene surreal. Few of its flights were more than an hour long (so no meals were served), fares were cheap, and the flying was fun. September 25th of 1978 was a very hot but pretty day that would end with what was, at the time, the deadliest air crash in the United States. I was standing with my back to the station and facing toward Montgomery Field. An idyllic California morning. “There are still many surviving family members and friends of the victims who experience the loss caused by this tragedy,” said Ennis, who has been putting on annual presentations at Grossmont College for the last several years, but is limiting it to a virtual event this year because of the pandemic. With each following disaster, we seemed a bit more jaded.”, “With the arrival of the computer age, many important safety strides have been made in the airline industry. At the screening, people talked about trying to get a memorial plaque placed near the intersection of Dwight and Nile streets, the spot where the plane crash landed, before the next anniversary. “When other engine companies started coming down both Nile and Boundary, I told the men to proceed carefully, because I knew there were power, water and gas lines down. Retrieved on July 25, 2006 from, "CVR transcript: PSA Boeing 727." Jim Nichols, later praised as “one helluva rewrite man,” wrote the cover story under a huge banner headline: “AIR TRAGEDY! The crash of 182 changed all of us. “Fire crews kept arriving,” says Osby. “One scene I can’t erase from my mind,” he says, “is seeing baby clothes on the ground and no baby around. All 135 aboard the Boeing jetliner perished, as well as two in the Cessna and seven persons on the ground. More time can be spent on efficiently saving lives instead of fighting confusion.” Why is the loss of 144 souls in one plane collision so poignant when more people die—about 35,000 a year—in traffic accidents? He kept coming at me for updates from the crash scene.”. From there, I figured we could progress safely. Even more than four decades later the tragedy still stirs heart-wrenching memories and deep emotion on the part of a group dedicated to the creation of a memorial to crash victims. When the jetliner pretty much went in nose first, it contained the fireball to a smaller area.”. The neighborhood was rebuilt, and people moved on. PSA Flight 182 crash witnesses recall tragedy. So did Warren McKenna, another witness, who says the Radio Shack he was working in shook as if it were in an earthquake, and the sound was so loud it emptied the store at I-805 and University. Bibliography Sources: 5, © and ™ 2001–2020. Ask me what I said, and I would have to refer to the tapes of our broadcasts. The 42 nd anniversary of the PSA Flight 182 crash in San Diego that killed 144 people and transformed North Park into a swath of wreckage and carnage will be remembered Sept. 25 with an online commemoration by Grossmont College’s history department. Gillespie believes he was at the crash site at Dwight and Boundary—tapes have him calling it Dwight and Boulevard—at the west side of the devastation. Allen grabbed the two-way radio he carried with him. “First responders experienced a scene unlike anything they had ever encountered and worked under extreme conditions to provide emergency aid, put out fires, and move people to safety,” he said, noting that what was at the time the deadliest air crash in the country represents an important chapter in local history. “I was doing my job. “It was all a blur,” says one former staffer. The large crowd at Grossmont College included relatives or loved ones of crash victims, witnesses and first responders. About noon that day, he and fellow rookie cops had stumbled on the charred door of a gutted residence. I couldn’t believe it. She was keeping everybody laughing with her comments and just as we were on short final at SFO , she got on the PA and said, " And now, ladies and gentlemen, our steely-eyed pilot will impress you with one of his silky smooth landings." Web. I remember shouting for civilians to get away from the bodies. I remember saying, ‘Damn! Two hours after the worst of the horrific black-and-orange smoke cleared, PSA management and investigating officials reported that no one aboard had survived the passenger jet’s 300 mph plunge into the residential neighborhood. (1979). 05 November. “I heard the crash, and next thing I know, I’m looking for the keys to a station car,” he says. It was definitely a phone. In this paper about PSA flight 182 I shall trace the events leading up to the event, describe the accident, explore the possible causes of the accident, narrate some of the eye-witness accounts, and review its aftermath including the effect of the crash on the regulations on air-traffic control around busy airports. “My main focus was to see what was going on, then run back to the car radio to file my dispatch,” says Gillespie. AcaDemon — The collision of PSA’s Flight 182 and the Cessna 172 brought a huge domestic disaster home. He is a native and resident of North Park and publisher of the North Park News and founder and chief editor of That fearsome footage, a staple of countless TV stories about the crash, no doubt will be seen often this September as the crash anniversary is reached. Among those witnesses were several on-duty firemen, who saw the disaster from two different locations. Jaus puts his hands to his face briefly, glances out a nearby window and speaks very slowly and softly. Site is owned and operated by Academic Resources Center, "Aircraft Accident Report." <. A special documentary screening marked the 40th anniversary of the 144 lives tragically lost when PSA Flight 182 collided with a Cessna in the sky above North Park. Duane Youngbar allowed the media into our war room as long as they didn’t get in the way. More than 140 eyewitnesses to the midair collision and resulting ground-level devastation would be documented—a chilling number, considering it almost matched the death toll. It wasn’t long after 182 that the FAA scrapped the old system of having the pilots maintain visual contact with each other.”. “I jogged to the scene. He graduated from Stockton (now Martin Luther King Jr.) Memorial Academy, San Diego High and SDSU. By the time he reached the area of the crash, Gillespie had a live feed back to Brown, who was now running solo at the microphone, with sportscaster John DeMott working the phones. Oh, God—no, no! When Hastings arrived at Sacramento Metropolitan Airport, he grabbed a company line and called his boss, Duane Youngbar, who was head of corporate PR for the publicly held company. Nearly two dozen homes were damaged or destroyed and nine other victims on the ground were injured.

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