Drucke mit PC Blend Our newest member: jehooper1 https://help.prusa3d.com/ja/article/ele ... ion_114494, https://marlinfw.org/docs/gcode/M206.html. Čeština (v3.14) | Français (v3.14) | Deutsch (v3.14) | Italiano (v3.14) | Polski (v3.14) | Español (v3.14), MINI  handbook in the other languages: Čeština (v1.1) | Français (v1.1) | Deutsch (v1.1) | Italiano (v1.1) | Polski (v1.1) | Español (v1.1), MK3/MK2.5 Multi Material 2.0  handbook in the other languages: update based on changes in firmware v3.1.0 - Wizard, Linear Advance, SD Card sorting, etc. Čeština (v1.01) | Français (v1.01) | Deutsch (v1.01) | Italiano (v1.01) | Polski (v1.01) | Español (v1.01), MK3  handbook in the other languages: Solved I mostly use PLA from my local Clas Ohlson shop. Not Replied Mine comes from the squish into the textured sheet. Level the print platform - (it does auto leveling before each print, so I would not expect that could be a problem - moreover, the rest of printing is fine Replied Unapproved Hello! It works great, albeit being not really the solution to the problem. it's probably way too close on the first layer. The case also has a carabiner mount to attach it to a tripod if you dislike the other mounting options. Check your printer settings in Slic3r Custom G code and look for the line M221 S{if layer_height==0.05}100{else}95{endif} Čeština (v2.62) | Français (v2.60) | Deutsch (v2.60) | Italiano (v2.60) | Polski (v2.60) | Español (v2.60), SL1  handbook in the other languages: Not sure how people don't find any of the older posts that address this. Can we please get a feature to compensate for "Elephant Foot", similar to PrusaSlicer: you can do that with the Z offset.. same thing .. Using PrusaSlicer for slicing and brim is not checked. MK3S  handbook in the other languages: Balance print platform temperature and fan speed - (I have tried lowering BED temp by 5°but it started to non-stick perfectly, is fan speer really so important for elephant foot? Standard temp set to 60°) Mark all read, Topic Icons: Have a play with these and slice, save the g-code and preview layer by layer, it is best to start with a default profile and make a modification and save it as a different profile so that you don't accidentally ruin you existing profiles. tonyno Forum contains no unread posts If you can use our FirmwareUpdater and hex files. (You may get some overextrusion if you continue to print with this off, but you can always reduce the Extrusion multiplier in filament settings from 1 to 0.95). First time posting here. Manual is suitable even for 3mm version except material temperatures and images. Closed, Normal people believe that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Čeština (v1.05) | Français (v1.05) | Deutsch (v1.05) | Italiano (v1.05) | Polski (v1.05) | Español (v1.05), CW1  handbook in the other languages: Enables Arduino IDE to upload the FW. I really don't understand why PRUSA even put this line into the custom G code and I am going through my profiles one by one and commenting this out and adjusting extrusions and live-z's for each filament and extrusion height, it's taking a long time, but once done it's done. The nozzle is too close to the bed for the layer height chosen. Sticky Hot Check the nozzle height - (first layer is ok, Z level is -0.660 and it does not make any problems visible) So try lowering the bed. Mine comes from the squish into the textured sheet. If you slice a test cube (Straight sides), and check each layer in the preview, you will see that due to this, the first layer is slightly wider than the rest, so initially try by commenting this out (Put a ; in front of the M221 then reslice and do a preview again. Chamfer the model base - (can`t do that on most models). The rest are defaults as far i can see. Elephant foot is caused by an incorrect setting of the Z offset (distance between the nozzle and bed during the first layer. It seems (or maybe not) it has really something in common with first layer height. New PrusaSlicer 2.2.0 (video about new features) SLA Hollowing (Knowledge Base) Bundled profiles for 3rd party printers; Automatic Variable Layer Height ( Knowledge Base) Save to SD/USB, eject (Knowledge Base) 3MF thumbnails; Adaptive elephant foot compensation (Knowledge Base) Insert pause/ custom G-code at a certain height (Knowledge Base) compared to other filament. PrusaSlicer: Print Settings -> Advanced -> Elephant foot compensation ; Cura: Print settings (Custom) -> Search settings -> Initial Layer Horizontal Expansion. Everything prints without supports and fits together snuggly. Recent Posts Unread Posts Tags, Forum Icons: I usually run the filament about 5c hotter due to speed and 60c on bed. calibration flow tweaks, when is needed to redo the calibration, XYZ calibration results are now available in Support menu, When stopping a print, user is asked what filaments to unload, “T?” Gcode added, which selects extruder to use prior to the print, Only for MMU 1 (not compatible with MMU 2.0). Attached picture. Čeština (v1.05) | Français (v1.05) | Deutsch (v1.05) | Italiano (v1.05) | Polski (v1.05) | Español (v1.05), Slic3r PE upgraded to 1.34.1 – Up to 4x faster slicing thanks to parallelization. The first layer was so shrunk down that the second layer didn’t have support. To support the M5Stack at the top, I just turned off elephant foot compensation in PrusaSlicer. For the PLA i use from add:north (swedish company) i do around 202c and 0.99 extrusion due to it being more "liquid?" Elephant foot compensation- 0.4mm. Čeština (v2.02), MK2  handbook in the other languages: Learn the causes and how to fix it! Latest Post: 1. Private Why, maybe the manufacture does not tell you how or the printer is not accurate enough to maintain an accurate Z offset across the bed, so over compression of the first layer is need.. Maybe you just need to be obsessive to take the time to set it up.. not sure.. but I see so many people having issues with adhesion and the first layer on other forums and it all comes down to this one critical setting that is apparently ignored by manufactures and most users. Second, switch to prusaslicer and enable elephant's foot compensation. New PrusaSlicer 2.2.0 (video about new features) SLA Hollowing (Knowledge Base) Bundled profiles for 3rd party printers; Automatic Variable Layer Height ( Knowledge Base) Save to SD/USB, eject (Knowledge Base) 3MF thumbnails; Adaptive elephant foot compensation (Knowledge Base) Insert pause/ custom G-code at a certain height (Knowledge Base) If it is still showing as wider, then your extrusion widths in Print Settings Advanced may be wrong, I find 1st layer prints best if slightly lower than the rest ie if your default extrusion width, Perimeters etc are say 0.45, then first layer would be 0.42 or even 0.4, but this may require you to adjust your live-z a little lower. The first layers of my solids are being sliced in a way that I get an elephant foot.

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