At the minimum, you will answer exactly one question from each of the first five question sets. Always ready to lend a hand, it is likely they enjoy whatever task is at hand. Another unusual patronus in that it is most common in 2 completely different houses: Hufflepuff and Slytherin. If this is your patronus then you stand by what you believe and aren’t easily corrupted. Archived. Hi, this looks amazing! All animals come with their own series of animations, which might explain why it took so long for Pottermore to create the quiz. Answer the mysterious questions, and navigate your way through the forest to cast your new Patronus … Those with the patronus of the deer, specifically, the doe are gentle and observant. Hermione’s Patronus is an Otter, while Ron’s is a Jack Russell Terrier. Equally impressive is the number of animals within the Patronus test. But what if we used those questions to find out something a little bit different? Those with the polecat are inquisitive. People with the weasel are often friendly, polite and honest. I wouldn’t tell on them, but if the teacher asked me…I’d probably rat them out. Speaking of results, most of you would presume that each unique combination would lead to a unique Patronus, and that's mostly correct. I would have preferred a far more detailed quiz, tbh. I have to ask. However, if you fail to answer two questions from the same set (missed the original and then missed the replacement), the quiz will reset itself and send you back to the first question set. Same, the fact it didn't feel like my answers were really asking anything important made me instantly decide I didn't care. Unusual Patronuses are marked in green, and Very Rare Patronuses are marked in yellow. Your Patronus can also change! We hope you love the animal you discover. Those with the Buzzard are natural observers, rarely missing anything. So my small suggestion about making an all-answers quiz would be to try to preserve an "opt out of answering" feature. I have no clue how precisely to do this, but you might e.g. because, without that, none of this would have been possible... AlolakazamA Slytherin cursed with the curiosity of a Ravenclaw. It might make the algorithm too complicated to be workable.). Those with the Occamy patronus are thoughtful. After taking the quiz a few times, it became pretty clear -- as you say -- that there is a significant luck factor in your results depending on the questions you're asked. Finally, this post would not be complete without an Acknowledgements section since I would have never been able to do this on my own. Stay tuned for more information. Pottermore is extremely proud to reveal the new Patronus experience. ***Very Rare Patronus***. Answer the mysterious questions, and navigate your way through the forest to cast your new Patronus friend. Fantastic Beasts: Cases from the Wizarding World. Even wizards and witches who are deemed qualified struggle with conjuring up a Patronus. I was working independently since yesterday on cracking the quiz and came up with a handy color coded chart that is essentially a compact visual illustration of the information you have posted here. Those with the Marsh Harrier patronus often have an individualistic or creative side. Oh, and don’t forget to tell us after you get your results if we were right? So a Patronus is a form of magic that is quite frankly a bit advanced. Patronus Analysis 023 Thestral (Is that even possible? Those with the Thestral patronus are gentle at heart and kind to those around them. The buzzard is most common in Slytherin but is found in other houses. And canonically speaking (IMO), there's no reason to think that luck-of-the-draw has anything to do with determining one's Patronus form. Be sorted, earn house points, take classes with our fine Hogwarts staff, debate which actor portrayed Dumbledore the best, and finally get some closure for your Post-Potter Depression. ... Thestral… So long as you answer that replacement question, it doesn't matter that you missed the original question. This is late, but Pottermore doesn't ask for gender, right? A good bit of them don't seem connected at all, so the specific question you got really does impact your results if you're trying to be honest. This patronus is extremely rare and can be found in all houses but most common is Hufflepuff. Those with the polecat Patronus are family/friend orientated. It asks you a riddle, and you must solve it to open. In order to unleash your Patronus, you have to think positive and think about all of the things that you love and cherish. The patronus quiz is an interactive feature offered on Pottermore since 22 September, 2016.1 Users pick one of many timed choices with their instinct and follow the story to find out which animal will become their magical guardian. Did you expecto to get that? Now, each of these questions come from a pre-determined question set. However, those with this patronus do have a tendency to be flighty, nervous and are often on the back foot in confrontation. Still though, it should be useful. For example, the first question set contains 5 questions, each having three possible answers. Wow! If you were relying on lots of crowd-sourced submissions, is possible that a mistake was made? Are you sure that your data is accurate? January 22, 2018. Tigers are known to be highly protective and territorial, traveling great distances, including walking and swimming, to protect their homes. Once you’ve become acquainted, you’ll be able to share your results, read the Patronus Charm writing by J.K. Rowling, or go back and visit your Patronus – which you can do at any time here. You’ll know exactly which Patronus is yours after taking this very official Pottermore Patronus quiz! This patronus is most commonly found in Gryffindor but can be found in other houses. The second exception is the gendered animals (Stag/Doe, Leopard/Leopardess, Lion/Lioness, Tiger/Tigress, and all horses). Those with this patronus are reflective and often have profound ideas. Cookies help us deliver our Services. We’ll give you a few minutes to finish that. For some reason, they don't stop you from doing this. That said, from my perspective, there is one advantage to the original quiz format over an all-questions format. Though, I definitely feel that, had they added meanings to the various Patronuses, it would have made some of the "less desirable" ones more tolerable to their respective individuals. I haven't any permission from J.K. or Pottermore to do this. A giant beanstalk, just waiting to be climbed (there’s definitely a giant with some gold up there). Thestral patronus can be seen by even those who have no been close to death. So by you yelling “Expecto Patronum” your Patronus will act as a sort of shield that will come between you and the Dementor. Your emotional intelligence is high and you can connect to others well. Those with the Marsh Harrier patronus are quick thinking and smart. I also wrote my own analysis but that is redundant now given the existence of this thread. As for other factors, such as your house, wand, or even how long you take on the Patronus quiz, after extensive testing, none of them seem to have any effect. The first one I found was Weasel, so I thought maybe it's a Weasley Easter Egg, but that doesn't explain the other two. Oh, and for those who need a refresher, let me give you some information. However, as I personally confirmed every single Patronus, I can guarantee the combination does work. Analytical, those with the Buzzard are often found thinking and can outsmart there way out of any problem. Well, we sure hope you did. Locked with a heavy lock that appears impenetrable. I liked the quiz for the most part. You can get any Patronus with any possible selection of questions. So, I tend to agree. The list of corresponding answers can also be found beneath their respective question set and on the complete spreadsheet. That way, the meaning of the animal would be personal to the person. I’d just make sure I still got the best score. Black onyx, sleek. Well, if you fail to answer a question in time, that question will always be replaced by another question from that exact same set. Those with the weasel are uniquely perceptive, often understanding things about those around them without having to be told. Often less talkative but still involved in what happens around them. They know what they want and will do anything to achieve it. A cramped, cobblestone path lined with old shops. This is due to them being summoned by a … What is the meaning of your Pottermore patronus? Welcome to r/HarryPotter, the place where fans from around the world can meet and discuss everything in the Harry Potter universe! Now it’s time to discover yours. Everyone has been to Pottermore and found their way to the Sorting Hat and find out if they fit in Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin. I guess it does make those unusual Patronuses rarer, but this only happens to a few of the unusual Patronuses. Simply put, the quiz takes a combination of your answers and matches it with a specific animal. If the user's Patronus Charm is particularly rare, then the user may be asked an additional question to clarify it. Pretty good, right? Next, let's talk about how the quiz determines your Patronus. We’ve found the official questions from the Pottermore sorting test, but we’re reinterpreting the data in a whole new way. I feel like they did that on purpose. This is due to them being summoned by a Charm and under the control of a witch or wizard. Before you embark your journey on our Pottermore Patronus quiz, we here at MagiQuiz think that it’s pertinent for you to sit down and take the ultimate harry potter trivia quiz. Which Chinese Zodiac Sign Matches Your Personality? My reaction was "Ew, neither!," and so I was moved on to a new question that had better, clearer associations for my purposes. Those with the Buzzard patronus have great communication skills and can be very persuasive.

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