Make a Black 3 and White 3. I would love a gen 5 remake for the Nintendo Switch but not as a remake of BW or B2W2. How in the world would a gen 5 remake even work? The source code of the games, in addition to the Nintendo 3DS, was uploaded online, following the surfacing of the Nintendo Wii, Nintendo 64, and GameCube source codes earlier this month. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. However, even if it were, it’d most likely be a nightmare to render Unova Pokémon in 3D Switch format, as well as meeting soundtrack expectations (Gen 5 had the best, you can fight me for it). truth is something everyone can spread but that very few can handle, It goes with the story of Black and White. and Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee! Press J to jump to the feed., Pokemon Ultra Sun & Pokemon Ultra Moon Veteran Trainer's Dual Pack, Pokemon Ultra Sun / Ultra Moon - Battling. How do I breed for an own tempo Rockruff. Even with this idea, it leaves a whole lot of other problems that I don't want to go through. Gen 5 was my personal fav.

In addition to graphical updates, each pair of remakes also includes all Pokémon in the National Pokédex at the time of release (with the exception of Let's Go, Pikachu! Fans believe that if the three-year-old post got the names of Pokémon Sword and Shield correct, then the titles of the remakes for Pokémon Diamond and Pearl should also be true. A remake will happen perhaps a BW3, gen 5 will finally get the appreciation it deserves. I somehow doubt that. And considering how much I love the Sw/Sh soundtrack, I'm confident they could do a Unova remake's music justice. In my opinion, Unova can’t truly be remade. It correctly predicted that the first pair was Pokémon Sword and Shield, the titles of which were not revealed until 2019. Gen 5 remakes will happen but we'll have to wait a bit, I would love it! They'll probably just remake B/W and pretending B2W2 didn't exist in order to make full price remakes of them too. All Pokemon were made 3D for Gen6/7, and Unova Pokemon just joined Go, and a good chunk of Unova Pokemon are already in Sw/Sh (including Zekrom, Reshiram, Kyurem with DNA Splicer, Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, and Keldeo). What are the chances of hatching a HA pokemon with a parent w/ its HA? Elesa's gym music is amazing. Another sequel in which we can obtain the original Dragon. Homosexual Hipster of Smash Bros and Pokemon X and Y boards. But then you'd have to hope things aren't missable for areas no longer accessible in BW2. All rights reserved. Pokemon Grey/Gray with the Original Dragon on the cover. I would like a remake with a few extra things added to it.
Expanding the titles of Pokémon games for their remakes has happened before. Nah get out of here gen 4 would make the best remakes, no one can deny how amazing that gen was. I’ve played gen 1,2,3,5,6 and 7 and I like gen 5 the best. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Pokémon Time Diamond and Space Pearl are certainly possible titles for the remakes, but until an official announcement, fans should not keep their hopes up. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. The 4chan post claimed that the second pair will be called Pokémon Time Diamond and Space Pearl.

I don't think it would be hard to put both games on one cartridge. - Rikku. The script is also retranslated for localizations. The resurfaced 4chan post follows a possible teaser in April for the Pokémon Diamond and Pearl remakes from the official Pokémon account on Twitter. I love Unova, and I personally wouldn't be mad if they skip Sinnoh, but I'm also OK waiting because I hated Pearl back in the day but want to give Sinnoh another chance if it gets remade. instead of having 2 games for a 3rd, what if there was just one, but there isnt one set route to take for the game and things like the story would change depending on where you go. Official Genesect of the Pokemon Ultra Sun Boards! and Let's Go Eevee! Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, originally launched for the DS in 2006, are best known for introducing online trading and battling, features which have since become mainstays in the massively popular franchise. Super highly unlikely, but instead of having separate protagonists for each game, just leave it as one, and then the sequel can be the post-game content that's similar to Kanto in GS/HGSS. Cookies help us deliver our Services. (Maybe not sword and shield). I have nothing against Gen 5 and would love a Gen 5 remake, but a Gen 4 remake has been overdue. It's really unlikely they'd do things out of order when they know a lot of fans really want Sinnoh. This is just my thoughts, I’d like to hear yours. © 2020 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Also there still other games to be remade before gen 5, so even if they get remade its not gonna be for a couple years after the next games (swsh DLC/ next remake/ next gen, then gen5 remakes maybe), Gen 10 has to exist for a BW remake to happen, it’d most likely be a nightmare to render Unova Pokémon in 3D Switch format. I was perhaps hyped for Gen 5 more than any other gen and was sorrowfully disapointed. r/pokemon is an unofficial Pokémon fan community. Any tips on making a competetive Diancie? Best weapon combo in tf2:

In my opinion, Unova can’t truly be remade. In addition, while Pokémon Diamond and Pearl are Gen 4 games, the remakes may be considered Gen 8 games as they could include all the Pokémon that have been introduced through the latest generation. Unova pokemon are already in sword and shield and in pokemon go/home, so thats not a problem.
I hope they remake it, and I hope it stays 2d, I’m with you. G.A.Y = Good At Yugioh. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.

Facebook: Let's look at the remakes HeartGold/SoulSilver and OmegaRuby/AlphaSaphire. This is just my thoughts, I’d like to hear yours. im a magical fire cat also join my pokemon discord A little bird (who works at Game Freak) told me rumors of a Gen 5 remake. for the Nintendo Switch in 2018.

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