[4], Navarro's views on trade are significantly outside the mainstream of economic thought, and are widely considered fringe and misguided by other economists. (2003), The Coming China Trade and Economic War (2009), How to Improve the Seeds of Prosperity Policy Blue Print (2010), Why you can’t Stimulate Your Way to Prosperity (2011). Peter Navarro has written many books in his career. [9][21], In 2001 Navarro married Leslie Lebon, a California architect. He has also done research in the topic of wind energy with Frank Harris, a former student of his. [9][119] Similarly, she did an MBA from the University of California-Irvine. [76] The plan called for $137 billion in tax credits to private business to induce them to financing the bulk of infrastructure spending. wid: "393218", He serves in the Trump administration as the Assistant to the President, Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, and the national Defense Production Act policy coordinator. }; In 2012, Navarro directed and produced a documentary film based on his book, Death by China. Currently, Lebon has been residing in Laguna Beach, California, USA along with her husband and son. He also said that Trump will bring American jobs home with factories too. [6], Warum er Handelsbilanzdefizite als prinzipiell schädlich für das Wirtschaftswachstum betrachtet, hat Navarro so erklärt: Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt eines Landes ist die Summe der Umsätze aus Konsum, Investitionen, Staatsausgaben und dem Außenbeitrag (Exporte minus Importe). Navarro later confirmed that he had written the memo. The house is remodeled by his wife Leslie Lebon. Most of them are related to economics and finance. It has been believed that the economic relationship between the USA and China is likely to degrade following the coronavirus outbreak. "[99] Navarro put his attention to China in the mid-2000s. [135] In an April 2015 op-ed, Navarro said, "To woo us, their spinmeisters boast the TPP will spur American exports to stimulate sorely needed economic growth. Your email address will not be published. [1], In explaining his role in the Trump administration, Navarro said that he is there to "provide the underlying analytics that confirm [Trump's] intuition [on trade]. [130] Nobel laureate Angus Deaton described Navarro's attitude on trade deficits as "an old-fashioned mercantilist position. He thinks that for every dollar we import, our GDP is reduced by a dollar. [4], In Donald Trumps Präsidentschaftswahlkampf 2015/16 zur Präsidentschaftswahl in den Vereinigten Staaten 2016 diente er Trump als wirtschaftspolitischer Berater;[5] als „President elect“ teilte Trump am 22. She has also been providing special assistance to her husband Navarro in many of his political situations. The Economist described Navarro as having "oddball views". These cookies do not store any personal information. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. [120] Dermot Hayes, an agribusiness economist at Iowa State University, described Navarro's statement as "uninformed". [4] He then spent three years in the U.S. Peace Corps, serving in Thailand. According to The Economist, "the core allegations Mr. Navarro makes against China are not all that controversial. He doesn't publish in journals. He serves in the Trump administration as the Assistant to the President, Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, and the national Defense Production Act policy coordinator. 'https' : 'http'; [110] In December 2019, a memo apparently authored by Ron Vara began circulating in Washington DC. This led him to China. [2] Er ist Mitglied der Demokratischen Partei, ein Umweltaktivist[3] und kandidierte in den 1990er Jahren mehrmals für politische Ämter. She has kept her personal information private and also not seen on social sites. [30] During his mayoral campaign, Navarro ran on a no-growth platform. [56], Navarro has said that a large part of China's competitive advantage over the United States stems from unfair trade practices. var params = But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Now He's the Mastermind Behind Trump's Trade War", "Orchestra Leader is Dead from Detroit, Michigan", "Navarro Says Loan for Race Was Inherited: Mayoral candidate admits $300,000 was given to him by his mother, but all the money has been spent", "Former San Diego politician Peter Navarro is fighting for Trump's tariffs", "Peter Navarro is about to become one of the world's most powerful economists", "Here's the Economist Whose Ideas Guide Trump", "Peter Navarro – Google Scholar Citations", "Publishers Weekly review of The Coming China Wars", "China's not-so-secret plan for world domination", "Economist Peter Navarro says U.S. manufacturing is suffering 'Death by China, "Election Results – Mayor, City of San Diego", "California's 49th Congressional District Elections", "Election History – Council District 6, City of San Diego", "Navarro's shifting political affiliations didn't work, consistency on trade did", "Conservatives have always won in San Diego", "How many San Diego elections did Trump trade adviser Peter Navarro lose? Navarro couple with their son lives in Laguna Beach currently.

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