One of His Spoof Articles Was About ‘Rape Culture’ in the Dog Park; Anther Article Was a Re-write of … My Chat with Pete Boghossian – On the Grievance Studies Project (THE SAAD TRUTH_788)We discuss Pete's recent collaboration with James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose seeking to highlight the rot in some "academic" disciplines. Rod Dreher is a senior editor at The American Conservative. You can read that letter here. We cherish local community, the liberties bequeathed us by the Founders, the civilizational foundations of faith and family, and—we are not ashamed to use the word—peace. This is directly counter to known zoological facts about the Family Suidae, and you are therefore arraigned on a charge of falsifying data…”. Read the letters of support written by high-profile academics in defence of Peter: Read James and Helen's written piece for Areo magazine – Support the feature-length documentary…2019-01-06T01:03:07.000Z. James A. Lindsay, Helen Pluckrose and Peter Boghossian wrote 20 fake scholarly papers and had several accepted and published in journals. He lives in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, with his wife Julie and their three children. But Portland State University says that he may have violated ethical guidelines, and is threatening to fire him. Boghossian and his two academic colleagues functioned as academic whistleblowers in this case. Boghossian is not a tenured professor. Boghossian — along with the mathematician James Lindsay, and the medieval-studies independent scholar Helen Pluckrose — was involved in writing and submitting twenty spoof articles to well-respected academic journals. The thing is, Singal demonstrates that Boghossian probably did violate standard IRB protocols to pull off his hoax. ... a husband believes his wife is faithful even though everyone knows she’s sleeping with his best friend. He lives in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, with his wife Julie and their three children. His fundamental objective is to teach people how to think through what often seem to be intractable problems. Peter has a teaching pedigree spanning more than 25 years and 30 thousand students - in prisons, hospitals, public and private schools, seminaries, colleges and universities, Fortune 100 companies, and small businesses. Boghossian’s official biography says that he has a “teaching pedigree” that spans 25 years, and that he’s taught ” in prisons, hospitals, public and private schools, seminaries, colleges and universities, Fortune 100 companies, and small businesses.” Boghossian says that his “fundamental objective” is to “teach people how to think through what often seem to be intractable problems. The fake opinion columnists primarily targeted right-of-center outlets receptive to a hawkish line against Iran, 3 Ways to support the American Conservative, We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Portland State University The evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins has been one of the louder voices calling for Boghossian to keep his job. He and his partners focused on so-called “grievance studies” — areas of academia which advocate on behalf of the supposedly powerless against the supposedly powerful. We discuss Pete's recent collaboration with James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose seeking to highlight the rot in some "academic" disciplines. His doctoral research studies, funded by the State of Oregon and supported by the Oregon Department of Corrections, consisted of using the Socratic method to help prison inmates to increase their critical thinking and moral reasoning abilities and to increase their desistance to criminal behavior. Peter's publications can be found in USA TODAY, Areo, New Statesman, Scientific American, Time Magazine, Diálogos, CounterPunch, Cogent Social Sciences, The Philosopher's Magazine, Skeptical Inquirer, Education Policy Analysis Archived, The Clearing House: Educational Research Controversy and Practices, The Radical Academy, Offender Programs Report, Teaching Philosophy, Corrections Today, Informal Logic, Skeptic, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Educational Philosophy and Theory, Inside Higher Ed, Essays in Philosophy, Federal Probation Journal, the Journal of Correctional Education, Radical Pedagogy, Allthink, Quillette, Truthout, Motherboard, Free Inquiry, World Religions (ABC-CLIO), Philosophy's Future: The Problem of Philosophical Progress, and Christianity is Not Great. After all, whistleblowers almost always publicize confidential information that they were forbidden by company rules to publicize. Boghossian said his aim was to write deliberately ridiculous, slightly lunatic articles, just to test how far they could go without being rejected by the academic journals. The American Conservative exists to advance a Main Street conservatism. ”. Pete's Twitter handle: @peterboghossian YouTube channel documenting the project:,,, writing and submitting twenty spoof articles.
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