"Perseus, for your betrayal I banish you from Olympus and revoke your title as an Olympian. "What shall we name them, dear? I should congratulate you or not but you're going to have a baby." Silence rang throughout the room. The author would like to thank you for your continued support. Percy is still in a relationship with Annabeth. She bit her lip when Poseidon knocked three times. Your review has been posted. "Oh, my Gods…" Athena said, putting her hand over her mouth. Perseus gave his sister a soft kiss on the forehead as they both grieved the loss of their mother. Hestia,Athena,Artemis,and Hera likes Percy jackson. "Okay so there is a big chance you are but there's also the chance you're not. A sudden choked sob rang out, and the Olympians turned to witness Hestia, tears streaming down her face as stared hatefully at Dionysius, regretting giving him her throne with every bone in her body. Let's go to Artemis, she's the Goddess of Childbirth right? Poseidon quickly put on boxers and shorts and went to the other side of the bed to stand in front of Athena. What are doing here?" Athena was nervous when they finally got to Artemis palace door. He was thinking about working at Camp Half Blood, but that would arise his memories of him and Annabeth. "It's ok Athena. She got up and went to Athena. She's probably doing this because of our constant bickering over what part of us controls the body. Poseidon put a hand on her shoulder and said. "At least Apollo's out riding his sun chariot." The Olympians nodded, recalling the moment. He then started to explain what happen last night and with every word Artemis eyes grew wider and wider. "Oh my Gods, I could be pregnant." Your review has been posted. His father insists that as soon as Percy shows himself worthy enough, he shall become one of the major gods. "Father, what do you speak of? This story is based on Forbidden Marriage by FallenFireDemons. ", "Remember when your beloved Perseus said that he would give courage and hope to the Greek forces?" "Oh, my Gods…"Athena said with a blank face. "Don't be ridiculous, Poseidon, there's a big chance I could be pregnant!" ", "Very well," Zeus ground out. He and I are on a good enough basis. ", Poseidon gave her a smile, "Of course you can, our child is going to be one of the smartest God or Goddess that ever lived. She made her decision and defiantly stayed by her brother. As the thirteen immortal beings took their seats, carefully avoiding their enraged king's eyes, Zeus snapped his fingers and a woman in celestial bronze chains appeared in the center of the room. "What have you done, Father?" I'll wait for you by the front door." She couldn't help herself but smack him over the head. A gasp escaped her when her suspicions were right. A silver aura glowed around Athena's stomach for awhile until Artemis took her hands away and sat back. She didn't want to believe what's right in front of her. "Athena, please tell us of the plan that the Greek city-states are attempting to put into action." Athena, one of the most bravest Goddesses, was afraid to turn to her right. Athena looked into Poseidon's sea green eyes and nodded her head. Artemis raised an eyebrow and said. Poseidon then got up and said, "Well then we should go visit your brother and explain what is going on." She wanted to be free to continue the inventions from Daedalus' laptop. Percy stayed there for two more years and his father trained him to use his powers the whole time. Percy stayed there for two more years and his father trained him to use his powers the whole time. "Goodbye Athena, Poseidon, and Apollo won't be done riding his chariot until later this evening," Artemis said. Artemis shouted. Especially your father.". Athena stared on in disbelief, unsure of what to believe. Artemis couldn't help but groan when she heard the knocks. Athens most brilliant Strategos is commanding a Greek fleet in Artimesium. A grinning Perseus leisurely strolled down the streets of Olympus humming a tune, not in a particular hurry. "Sister, you truly believe that a mere three hundred men from my patron state, no matter how skilled, can hold off the thousands that the Persians will throw at them? "Of course, come in." Apollo pouted. He made his way over to his sister's palace and walked in, glad to be away from the crowds. "No matter what you may believe, Father…," her voice was laced with disgust, "this council is a democracy and we must vote. She says heart but I say mind, and it keeps going from there. "What is it you need my help with?" Punish me if you must, but not my mother." She said and gave them a weak smile. "Athena, what are you doing here? "Do not fret-although we are not allowed to directly interfere, I will make sure that the Greek soldiers never lose courage or hope in the midst of their uphill battle.". The author would like to thank you for your continued support. Percy x Athena. Athena suddenly stopped. The sight of Perseus in this state broke the hearts of many of his half brothers and sisters as he and Athena vanished in a gloom instead of his usual bright flash. A few of the gods and goddesses chuckled at his naiveness. She gave him a small smile. Once everything has settled down, Annabeth makes a surprising decision: She tells Percy that she is lesbian and is in love with her best friend, Thalia, and they break up. Will he stay with Annabeth or go with the Goddesses?

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