You’re going to need a magnifying glass for this one. We encourage you to share our work, but due to previous abuses, we ask that if you reprint anything you find here, please send us a link so that we can be certain that the piece is posted in its entirity and that the authorship is properly attributed. Rockefeller Reveals Planned 9/11, NWO, Microchiped Cashless Society – Aaron Russo, The Truth Behind Bill Gates’ Depopulation Agenda, The Pleiadians on Soul Recycling : How to stop the Archon Matrix Reincarnation Trap, The Last President, The Last Pope, The Last Prophecy, The Great War, The Age Ends – Naughty Beaver, Chinese Virus is a Variant of SARS/Flu, They Already Have The Vaccine! Miley Cyrus Net Worth – Richest Disney Stars – UPDATED 2018, Emily Osment Net Worth – Richest Disney Stars – UPDATED 2018, Dove Cameron Net Worth – Richest Disney Stars – UPDATED 2018, Top 10 – Richest Disney Stars (Earnings & Net Worth) – UPDATED 2018, 10 Amazing Benefits Using Aquamarine Gemstone, Top 10 People With The Highest IQ Ever Recorded, Top 10 Most Famous Painters And Sculptors Of All Time, 10 Most Famous Sculptures (Statues) Around The World. "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. Illuminati Minerval Owl. This was a landmark moment in history as the values of Democracy could now truly be held up and it offered great encouragement to other colonies to also break free from their colonial master nations. We snapped a photo of a US dollar bill and jacked up the contrast, and no alien symbol appeared. During all this, he also served as the webmaster and magazine editor for the Mizpah Shrine in Fort Wayne Indiana. Freemasons had nothing to do with US currency. Some of the symbols on the Dollar Bill are fairly obvious, if not in meaning then in intent at least. News Corp is a network of leading companies in the worlds of diversified media, news, education, and information services. Owl on the dollar bill. His Masonic lineage includes his Father (Robert Maitland), Grandfather (Maitland Garrecht), and Great Grandfather (Edward Henry Jackson), a founding member of Scarsdale Lodge #1094 in Scarsdale, NY. This website uses cookies in order to improve your browsing experience. Feds Seized Nearly $1 Billion in Bitcoin from Wallet Linked to Silk Road, The Wisconsin Elections Commission 2020 Saga, If Biden wins the election, I think there was Chinese collusion and he should be impeached. ", Another wrote: "You can make anything look like an alien if you try.". White House Insider's postings -PART- - §3O§ -. share: Terms777. The comment is likely a reference to another conspiracy theory about the dollar bill, which suggests the eye and pyramid symbol on the back of the note are an Illuminati signal. join. Thanks DikHoe, The Above Top Secret Web site is a wholly owned social content community of, They will bring new hope and new courage to many a priest, minister, or rabbi, who gives his all. Is every one to scared to reply!? Owl On A Dollar Bill. You can contact him at, WB Gregory J. Knott is a founding member and Senior Contributor of the Midnight Freemasons. On the upper right-hand corner, next to the large “1”, if you look real close, you might be able to see an owl perched atop. site, then imagine them NOT safely nestled away with a bag of cheetos in their mom's basement, but running around in your backyard with a torch and a The number 13, obviously representing the 13 original colonies and not proof of a Satanic theme to the dollar bill like some lunatics’ conspiracy theories suggest, appears many times on the one dollar bill. 356 Allied Masonic Degrees. Which — if you believe conspiracy theories — is supposed to be the symbol of Freemasonry, which lends credence to the belief that a majority of the founding fathers were Freemasons themselves. These numbers appear 4 times on the face of the dollar bill. 282 and currently serves as EHP. The forever alone face is a popular internet meme that popped up in 2009 as a part of Rage Comics. He is a Past Master of and Worshipful Master of St. Joseph Lodge No.970 in St. Joseph. You might have heard some conspiracy theories about the number being proof of a Satanic theme to the dollar bill, however, that is just lunatic ravings by people who probably don’t realize that it actually denotes the 13 original founding colonies. In the Harry Potter universe, owls are used to carry messages from one place to another. AN "alien symbol" is hiding in plain sight on the US dollar bill, according to crackpot conspiracy theorists. The outrageous claim was sparked by a photo posted online that appears to show the head of an extraterrestrial on the one dollar note. (no reason given), edit on 20-1-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given). Comments are subject to our community guidelines, which can be viewed, The poster appears to have changed the contrast across three photos to reveal a hidden "alien figure", We took our own photo of a dollar bill (left) and jacked up the contrast (right), but no alien face appeared, "mystery chalk lines" spotted in China's moon landing photos, Flat Earthers said the Blood Moon lunar eclipse was faked, Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO). Some will argue that's not an owl at all. In the above picture the letter C  represents – Philadelphia. Zion #311, Troy, New York. Owl hidden on the top right corner of the American one dollar bill. This number refers to the Federal Reserve Bank that printed the bill. Cumin Versus Black Cumin — What’s the Difference? Todd started the Midnight Freemason blog in 2006, and in 2012 he opened it up as a contributor blog The Midnight Freemasons (plural). He’s a member of the Scottish Rite, the York Rite, Eastern Star and is the Charter Secretary of the Illini High Twelve Club No. Owl on US Dollar Bill. See the little owl? Some people speculate its meant to be an owl, a symbol associated with the Masons. Keep reading though, you may find it interesting even if it’s not your currency. Although it seems unlikely, some say that the back of the dollar bill actually features the Hindu God Shiva, known as “The Destroyer”. WB Bill Hosler was made a Master Mason in 2002 in Three Rivers Lodge #733 in Indiana. Many believe that figure is actually a spider! Next to the large “1” on the upper ride of the front side of the one dollar bill, there appears to be a tiny creature. He is a Fellow at the Missouri Lodge of Research (FMLR). To inquire about a licence to reproduce material, visit our Syndication site. No ciphering there, it’s a balanced budget. You'll find a wide range of subjects including history, trivia, travel, book reviews, great quotes, and hopefully a little humor as well on topics of interest for Freemasons and those interested in the subject of Freemasonry. Todd E. Creason, 33° is the Founder of the Midnight Freemasons blog, and an award-winning author of several books and novels, including the Famous American Freemasons series. There is no Masonic influence or symbolism in the Great Seals or American currency. On the front of the dollar bill, over to the left, you can probably see a small encircled letter. All of his suggestions were consistently voted down. Now this is a very rare occurrence, and it means you have a “replacement note”. One wrote: "We will hide our secret plans by putting a clue in the pocket of every person in America NO ONE WILL EVER FIND OUT MWUAHAHAHA!!". If you look closely towards the base of the pyramid, on the right side of the third row, you will be able to see a face which looks suspiciously like a “forever alone” face. Again, these are fairly non-controversial symbols. He’s a member of the Scottish Rite Valley of Danville, a charter member of Illinois Royal Arch Chapter, Admiration Chapter No. These bills can actually prove quite valuable when sold online. by Midnight Freemason Contributor WB Darin Lahners Freemasonry does very little to no talent development. It’s logo has gone through a few incarnations since the company’s founding until 1997 when it adopted its current logo, The ‘M’ is formed with stretched out wings overlayed on a circle.

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