Throughout medical school, ortho-applicants should strive for the highest grades and performance. There are essential dates and practical advice. IMG residency candidates should consider when choosing medical specialties such as: – Some specialties are more competitive and have increased expectations of residency candidates. and opportunities – Your choice may depend on how large the specialty you choose is and the number of programs you qualify to apply to based on your professional credentials and each program’s application requirements. If you pick too narrow a specialty, you may need to prepare a backup specialty. Since the 2016 NRMP Match, the IMG friendliness percentage has dropped from 21.4% to 16.22% . Find The Right IMG-Friendly Residency Programs Now. First, however, it is good to review some general match statistics in order to understand the big picture. , we were able to figure out which medical specialties had the highest percentage of US and Non-US IMGs in the positions filled for each specialty from last year’s Match. IMG friendly program. Preliminary General Surgery dropped from the 5th position all the way up to second! Orthopaedic Surgery is among the most competitive residency positions to achieve, especially for International Medical Graduates (IMGs). THE MATCH™ is a trademark of National Resident Matching Program® (NRMP®). Using the information provided by, NRMP’s® Results and Data 2019 Main Residency Match®. Orthopaedic Surgery is among the most competitive residency positions to achieve, especially for International Medical Graduates (IMGs). The suggested minimum applications for IMG candidates is 100 programs per specialty which add up to thousands of dollars. and opportunities – Your choice may depend on how large the specialty you choose is and the number of programs you qualify to apply to based on your professional credentials and each program’s application requirements. The unique platform helps you apply smart by generating the most compatible and up-to-date Customized Residency Programs List in any of the 18 most popular specialties for IMGs. This book is essentially written for international medical graduates seeking residency in the US. – Another way to prove your interest and dedication to a specialty is having specialty-specific supporting documents. IMGPrep's Residency Programs List offers the most detailed examination of IMG friendly residency programs. The American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery suggests residency applicants interested in Orthopaedic Surgery should start early and locate a mentor. You should work hard to obtain specialty-specific Letters of Recommendation and a Personal Statement for each specialty you plan on applying to. Using the information provided by, NRMP’s® Results and Data 2020 Main Residency Match®. –  Applying to residency can be expensive. The suggested minimum applications for IMG candidates is 100 programs per specialty which add up to thousands of dollars. – All specialties like to see some evidence of commitment and deep interest in the specialty. However, these are the same 5 Most IMG Friendly specialties and did not change this year, remaining the same as they were last residency season; Psychiatry is showing a troubling trend of becoming less IMG friendly than it has in the past. The list serves the purpose of giving you an idea of the programs that have historically been IMG-friendly. Top IMG Friendly Specialties of 2020 by Ratio, Top IMG Friendly Specialties by Number of IMGs. For example, an orthopaedic research or mini-research fellowship project should be included in your residency application. Orthopaedic Surgery is a demanding specialty that expects the best from its future residents. Match A Resident is not sponsored by, endorsed by, or affiliated with National Resident Matching Program. They were also asked to rate each factor on a scale from 1 (least important) to 5 (most important). Make sure you assess your specialty decision carefully to make the best use of your resources. This book is essentially written for international medical graduates seeking residency in the US. List of IMG Friendly Residency Programs. – Another way to prove your interest and dedication to a specialty is having specialty specific supporting documents. NRMP conducts regular Program Director surveys to identify which parts of the residency application are most important in differing specialties. I recommend that you bookmark this page. The Top 5 Most IMG Friendly Medical Specialties, Specialty Rank in Highest Percent of IMGs, Percent of total positions filled by IMGs. If you pick too narrow a specialty, you may need to prepare a backup specialty. How to generate a list of “IMG-friendly” programs for ANY specialty in under 5 minutes; Visas: practical advice for non-US IMGs ; NOTE: This article is jam-packed with information. Make sure you assess your specialty decision carefully to make the best use of your resources. Find Your Intenal Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, Radiology, Family Medicine, etc. Learn more at. You should work hard to obtain specialty specific Letters of Recommendation and a Personal Statement for each specialty you plan on applying to. NATIONAL RESIDENT MATCHING PROGRAM®, NRMP®, SUPPLEMENTAL OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE PROGRAM®, and SOAP® are registered trademarks of National Resident Matching Program. It is also important to establish connections and network throughout the Surgery, and Orthopaedic Surgery professional community. What is the Difference Between Match A Resident and Residency Explorer? We present to you the most complete and up-to-date IMG friendly orthopaedic surgery residency programs list with full match selection criteria and requirements for these programs. Plus, you can see cold, hard data on successful past residency applicants.,,,,,,, © Match A Resident 2020 All Rights Reserved, Customize your Orthopaedic Surgery program list, Total joint reconstruction (arthroplasty), 5 years (minimum) + 2 years clinical practice, Specialty specific Letters of Recommendation (89%), Audition elective/rotation within department (77%), Audition elective/rotation within department (4.6), Evidence of professionalism and ethics (4.6), Visa Status (4.6). However, these are the same 5 Most IMG Friendly specialties and did not change this year, remaining the same as they were last residency season, Psychiatry is showing a troubling trend of becoming less IMG friendly than it has in the past.

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