Obleschuk, Blessed be the Name of the Lord- Vigil Ending, Vespers Lord I Call Tone 1 Kievan Variant, Vespers Lord I Call Tone 3 Kievan Variant, Vespers Lord I Call Tone 8 Kievan Variant, Resurrection Troparion Tone 1 Simplified "Greek Chant", Resurrection Troparion Tone 4 Moscow/Kastalsky, Resurrection Troparion Tone 5 Kievan Variant, Resurrection Troparion Tone 6 Lesser Znamenny, Resurrection Troparion Tone 7 "Greek Chant", Resurrection Troparion Tone 8 "Greek Chant". 0000007357 00000 n
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See also … 0000005582 00000 n
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Home / Work of the Church / Liturgical Music & Texts / Outlines for Liturgical Services / Outline of the Orthodox Service of Vespers These outlines list in sequence the fixed portions of vespers. ~ Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church Second Week of Great Lent: Saint Gregory Palamas 8 March (Wednesday) 7:15 a. x�U��N�0�= �0K��8ׄ�(Ƅ���/�il"�)e���2�� �4S�Y�<6Z9`ov-:蕖�i�ႃҐ� �pQ�[��I��uv86���,ٻ_��]����[`�V�Uz�v1�G�xU��>��ܙ�nD`��O�c59���I�l:���B�9��'�+@-������.���l��6䧊X�Ĭ�X��1������w�'�>�L. <>
Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. stream
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1 The Ordering of Divine Worship Sunday Vespers and Orthros Fr Chrysostom MacDonnell [s1 There is little dispute that from its earliest days, Christianity drew heavily upon and then developed, ways of … 0000022876 00000 n
Come, let us worship- Special Melody "Thou hast wrought salvation..." Sheet music (pdf) | Audio … << /S 219 /I 322 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 318 >>
Lawrence M. (New Version), O Gladsome Light- Valaam ChantSheet music | Audio file (mp3) | Midi, Saturday Prokeimenon- Znamenny Tone 6 (slight revision), Wednesday Prokeimenon- Sheet music | Midi, St. Symeon's Prayer- Kievan Variant- Tone 6, (click here for sheet music which includes 2nd part in the Alto), St. Symeon's Prayer- Kievan Heckman- Tone 6, (click here for sheet music which includes 2nd part in the Alto)Resurrection Troparion Tone 1 Simplified "Greek Chant"Sheet music (pdf) | Audio file (mp3) | Midi, Resurrection Troparion Tone 2 KievanSheet music (pdf) | Audio file (mp3) | Midi, Theotokion Tone 2 | Tone 2 "Glory...Now" verse | Midi, Resurrection Troparion Tone 3 Sheet music (pdf) | Audio file (mp3) | Midi, Resurrection Troparion Tone 4 Moscow/KastalskySheet music (pdf) | Audio file (mp3) | Midi, Resurrection Troparion Tone 5 Kievan VariantSheet music (pdf) | Audio file (mp3) | Midi, Theotokion Tone 5 | Tone 5 "Glory...Now" verse, Resurrection Troparion Tone 6 Lesser ZnamennySheet music (pdf) | Audio file (mp3) | Midi, Resurrection Troparion Tone 7 "Greek Chant"Sheet music (pdf) | Audio file (mp3) | Midi, Resurrection Troparion Tone 8 "Greek Chant"Sheet music (pdf) | Audio (mp3) | Midi, Theotokion Tone 8Rejoice, Virgin-Lesser Znamenny Tone 4 (Revised), Rejoice, Virgin- 15th century two part- Arr. << /Type /Font /Subtype /CIDFontType2 /DW 750 /W [ 3 [ 277 295 389 556 556 833 814 204 333 333 500 605 277 333 277 277 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 277 277 605 605 605 443 736 722 722 722 777 722 666 777 833 407 556 777 666 943 814 777 666 777 722 629 666 814 722 980 704 704 610 333 605 333 605 500 333 556 556 443 574 500 333 537 610 314 295 592 314 889 610 500 574 556 443 462 389 610 537 777 537 537 480 333 605 333 605 722 722 722 722 814 777 814 556 556 556 556 556 556 443 500 500 500 500 314 314 314 314 610 500 500 500 500 500 610 610 610 610 500 399 556 556 500 605 605 574 736 736 1000 333 333 548 1000 777 712 548 548 548 704 576 494 712 822 548 273 333 299 768 795 500 443 295 605 548 556 548 611 425 425 1000 287 722 722 777 1000 833 556 1000 389 389 204 204 548 494 537 704 166 556 258 258 610 610 500 277 204 389 1000 722 722 722 722 722 407 407 407 407 777 777 790 777 814 814 814 314 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 666 314 629 462 610 480 605 777 500 704 537 666 574 605 605 333 333 333 833 833 833 666 777 537 407 629 462 722 443 722 443 574 500 333 333 722 556 722 556 777 650 777 722 500 722 500 962 610 666 314 666 385 666 327 814 610 814 610 732 777 500 722 443 722 443 629 462 666 389 666 389 814 610 814 610 610 480 610 480 645 780 780 529 460 430 578 410 546 500 204 389 537 396 1288 846 422 1000 500 1000 500 1000 500 500 979 719 605 604 354 354 604 354 333 722 556 722 443 722 443 722 500 722 500 722 500 777 537 777 537 777 537 833 610 833 610 407 314 407 314 407 314 407 314 556 295 777 592 591 666 314 814 610 793 583 777 500 777 500 722 443 629 462 666 389 814 610 814 610 814 610 814 610 980 777 704 537 319 722 556 1000 795 777 500 333 333 722 277 788 916 500 800 840 836 368 722 722 620 616 722 610 833 777 407 777 722 943 814 748 777 833 666 610 666 704 850 704 1028 777 407 704 555 467 602 368 580 555 514 537 500 467 439 602 556 368 592 547 610 537 437 500 627 528 437 512 465 580 623 576 805 632 368 580 500 580 632 722 800 620 707 629 407 407 556 1097 1116 900 756 737 833 722 717 722 620 792 722 1025 652 843 843 756 814 943 833 777 833 666 721 666 737 873 704 831 770 1092 1099 831 1032 680 712 1076 743 556 513 537 458 570 500 804 467 620 620 577 616 708 626 500 614 574 443 486 537 755 537 621 568 869 869 619 757 526 452 748 577 500 610 458 451 462 314 314 295 833 847 610 577 537 625 542 359 980 777 980 777 980 777 704 537 ] 583 [ 204 556 556 1077 600 833 833 833 833 600 605 604 600 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 604 1000 989 989 989 989 604 604 604 1000 1000 916 ] 658 [ 656 656 656 656 500 ] 664 [ 333 333 333 333 1000 ] ] /CIDSystemInfo << /Registry (Adobe) /Ordering (Identity) /Supplement 0 >> /BaseFont /FONTAA+Century /FontDescriptor 305 0 R >>
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