Feb 1, 2020 #1. The user usually starts out with one tail when transforming and therefore only gains 1/10 of the fruits true strength, but if left in their animal or hybrid forms long enough, the remaining eight tails will manifest themselves, and the user will be near impossible to beat or match in power. He's an incredibly powerful character and the only one with two Devil Fruit powers. Share via Email Report Story Send. Powers: The abilities of this fruit allow the user to draw and keep the attentions of others on them through the use of rude gestures or words, making the user a Taunting Human. One Piece (Devil Fruit Ideas) Tōke Tōke no Mi (Freeze Freeze Fruit) Type: Paramecia. Devil Fruits. The Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Spinosaurus is an Ancient Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to transform into an spinosaurus hybrid and a full spinosaurus at will.It was eaten by Page One, one of the Beasts Pirates Headliners and one of the Six Flying Fighters, six of the strongest Headliners.The fruit gives its user tremendous strength, particularly in their jaw, tail, and arms (in hybrid form) as shown when Page One smashed and tore apart buildings in the Flower Capital and sent Sanji flying away with ease. Although the three types have varying levels of rarity, there is only ever one Devil Fruit with the same power that exists at any one time: In order to keep Devil Fruit abilities balanced and equal, there are some rules or guidelines to follow when creating new fruits: OnePiece Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Unlike other logias, the user can also use the mist they generated to make mist clones of the user, which can hurt enemies as if they were real people but disappear when taking a blow that would be fatally for normal people. As stated in the series, the fruits are classified into Paramecia, Logia, and Zoan types and each one of them can be awakened. [OP QUIZ] Combine Devil Fruits with their respective Users, [OP QUIZ] Test Your Knowledge On Devil Fruits. Appearance: A large rectangular fruit purple fruit with strange swirls on it. Powers: The main ability of this fruit is that it allows the user to reduce their target's age to the age of a child, making the user a Child Human. -berserk:lets the user excede their limits by letting the devil take over increasing all physical attributes. This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content. -Sonic boom:raps really fast so that the enemy cant predict whats to come, -Straight :fire: : the user says a really savage line. Weakness: Even though mist is a logia devil fruit, it is still an air based logia and can be cleared by strong busts of wind or any other form of wind based attacks. #Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Spinosaurus. An example of the spiral pattern common to Devil Fruits. Once the powers of a fruit are awakened, the user starts to affect things other than their own body, such as their immediate surroundings. Name fruits with either the Japanese convention of a "(two syllable word) no Mi" e.g. Dragon is an incredibly powerful character whose reputation is enough to match the Yonko themselves. Share. orherwise known as the moss moss fruit it lets the user grow moss at a rapid rate can only be used when theres moss around and the moss can be used like a sponge and can make difrent types of real life moss, Name: Blink-Blink Fruit (Tenmetsu-Tenmetsu No Mi). The Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Pteranodon is an Ancient Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to transform into a pteranodon hybrid and a full pteranodon at will.It was eaten by King, who’s supposedly the strongest Disaster of the Beasts Pirates.This devil fruit gives him the ability of flight, so that he can perform extremely powerful aerial attacks from mid air as shown when King toppled the Queen Mama Chanter, a gigantic ship, with enough force to throw Big Mom off. Send to Friend. All 9 Known Ancient And Mythical Zoan Devil Fruits In One Piece. It appears that the user has some degree of control about the number of heads that can sprout at once, with eight being the maximum limit. This attack can copy and damage the opponents durability and strength, Atom atom no mi(From zoro the demon, Luffy, and Im your long lost uncle), Weaknesses:colliding any atom with the same atomic mass or electrons into eachother can destroy any atom, Strengths:This has no elemental weakness besides other atoms and haki. #devilfruit #fanfiction #list #onepiece #powers This power is useful for transportation, and can also teleport up to four people in addition to the user, so long as they are touching the user at the time. Weakness: The user suffers the standard devil fruit weaknesses. The gel can be imbedded with haki to increase defence and bypass Devil Fruit defences. The user can also use their petals to travel on the wind and spread them across the entire area and use their scent to lure other creatures to that area, this ability is extremely handy when facing Zoan types. 10 Changes Made To Kaiba In The Dub That Make No Sense. Appearance: A dark purple pear with a red stem in the shape of 'Y'. This zoan can take your soul to make himself stronger, the scythe does not hurts you physically and mentally. Name - Self explanatory. Appearance: A blue/pink fruit in the shape of the gender symbol, with pink swirls decorating it. The user can also use their liquefied bodies to model any part of their body into anything, or to any size. It is highly likely that he's a user of Devil Fruit awakening and in his case, it would grant him a better regeneration factor, increased stamina, and a higher level of strength. Being a Zoan, Kaido's awakening would give him the greater strength, recovery, and boost all his other physical attributes beyond their limits. Rules: 1. At both Alabasta and Impel Down, Crocodile suggested that he has taken his ability beyond the limits of the fruit. Another ability granted by this devil fruit is that the user is able to cover a small area in darkness, which greatly reduces their enemies vision, accuracy and sense of direction, and it allows the user to move and fight under the cover of darkness, increasing their attack power and giving them a better advantage of fighting without the fear of sunlight. if the user said 'Shield Order', the orbs would form an indestructible shield or if the user said 'Attack Order' the orbs would fly at the enemy with speed and strength that resembled a cannon ball. Each atom like copper, aluminium, potassium, etc. It also has nine stems; one in the middle and eight surrounding it. Notes: With the proper training and use,this fruit is the closest thing to a logia as a paramecia can get. No matter how many order orbs the enemy is able to destroy, the user can generate a replacement if needed. Forums One Piece The Rp Devil Fruit Ideas. Appearance: A group of 5 bananas with swirls of a different colour on each one, giving it a rainbow effect. Fanfiction. -Elemental overdrive:an attack in which the user turns parts of his body into different elements like, -earth refresh: this would be the ultimate ability in which the user reshapes the world, Strengths:can be coated in haki while firing to pierce any df user, This fruit is basically the user turning his fingers, limbs, eyes, or even ears into barrels that fire any kind of ammunition. People like kizaru can fend off death since death feeds on darkness but kizaru got that light :fire: . [OP QUIZ] Can you recognize all these female characters? Apart from that, the user suffers the same standard devil fruit users. Once eaten they bestow an ability of some kind upon the eater but at the cost of the eater's ability to swim in water. Captain Unstoppable. See a list of existing fan-made fruits bellow. Kyōki Kyōki no Mi (Madness Madness Fruit). Also, being a monster cat, the user also has the ability to track their enemies' movement through the use of the eyes and senses. Power: It gives the user who consumes it to freeze anything he/she touches and they can produce sub-zero temperatures, making them a Sub-Zero Human or sometimes called a -10,000 Degree Human (not to be confused with the Hie Hie no Mi, user can only produce sub-zero temperatures and freeze those they touch, not turn into ice or cold temperatures). Weakness: The enemies need to hear the music in order for them to start dancing, if the opponents are able to block out the music or interrupt the user from producing the music, the ability would have no effect. It's strengths and weaknesses, pros and cons, how it will effect the users life. This zoan will also have insane physical strength, this df would be best suited for someone that knows rokushiki. Aokiji's powers are implied to have been awakened, as seen during a glimpse of his fight against Akainu. Expand on your idea however you see fit here. This ability can freeze just about anything, from running ocean water to raging forest fires to extremely violent winds, plus the sub-zero temperatures provide the user a protection against any heat or fire based attacks. The main abilities granted by this fruit are a massive increase in strength, speed, stamina, reflexes, and the abilities associated with a mummy, such as producing bandage like appendages, which can wrap up any object or enemy, it allows the user to feel little to no pain at all, and the user can reattach any served limbs. This fruit has potential to be the most overpowered if it is in one piece. Notes: This fruit ties with the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi in terms of range potential, and it's also similar to the Ope Ope no Mi and the Bara Bara no Mi in terms or cutting the user or opponent but not killing them. The victims only stop dancing when the user cancels their ability or when they fall unconscious from exhaustion. Apart from that, the user also suffers the same weaknesses of the standard devil fruit users. Appearance: An ice blue apple with an iceberg-like style,with zigzag patterns and … When the user uses their Devil Fruit powers to force other people to dance, the victims begin losing their energy and strength the longer they dance. so if anyone likes a certain DF please Message me the one you want and we can talk about it! Weakness: The major weakness of this fruit is fire or any attack that burns, as it burns the bandages that user has wrapped around them in their mummy or hybrid mummy. Fanfiction. Other than that, the user suffers the same standard Devil Fruit weakness. 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