Get The Latest IndieWire Alerts And Newsletters Delivered Directly To Your Inbox. She renders Kaylie as a driven woman on the edge of sanity herself. Oculus is actually one of the most acclaimed things WWE Studios has ever been attached to, which suggests they do better with a hands-off approach, letting talented directors like Flanagan realize their vision unimpeded. She steals the haunted antique, setting it up in the family home as the focus of a fantastic array of cameras, alarm clocks, temperature gauges, and even a giant swinging blade designed to finally destroy it. Past and present continue to merge as this pair of unreliable narrators wander through memories and attempt to act faster than the mirror can anticipate. Related: Oculus: The Lasser Glass' Strange Origin Explained Nowadays, Triple H rarely wrestles, instead working as a WWE executive, and running the NXT brand that he created in 2012. And so Tim hesitantly leaves the hospital to reenter society. In recent years, few American genre films have managed the extreme spookiness found in many of their overseas brethren. It uses subjectivity like a weapon. His kids’ convictions about the nature of these events, the thinking goes, suggest a history of mental illness in the family. It’s not the scenes that matter so much as the way they do (and don’t) fit together. Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! If there are no rules or relatable subtext within the world of a horror film, the images have no power. (One grisly bit, in which Kaylee bites into an apple and temporarily believes she’s chewing on a lightbulb by mistake, harkens back to the infamous “face peeling” hallucination in “Poltergeist.”) The very act of watching movies calls into question the way we process reality; “Oculus,” for all its familiar scares, expertly capitalizes on this fundamental power. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. The initial cube is a 6-sided room that offers small doors on all sides (leading to other cubes) with lethal booby traps awaiting in some of them. The small ensemble meshes nicely with the sophisticated narrative approach: Thwaits, as the grown brother, maintains a credibly frightened demeanor as he worries that he might be going crazy all over again; Gillian, playing the Mulder to Thwaits’ Scully, continually strikes the calculated pose of a true believer even as her own insecurities slowly take over. When not writing, Michael enjoys going to concerts, taking in live professional wrestling, and debating pop culture. The mirror is messing with them at every turn — and, by extension, it’s messing with us. Solid performances and a few memorable images save it from disaster but Flanagan's film left me longing for the movie it could have been instead of what it actually is. Still, he's a person familiar to anyone who enjoys pro wrestling, and those who like both wrestling and horror had reason to get a quick kick out of an early Oculus scene. As far as Triple H goes, the Lasser Glass certainly did enjoy playing games, so that they have in common. Maybe having lunch with his sister wasn't the best idea. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Copyright © 2020 Penske Business Media, LLC. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Director Mike Flanagan's Oculus was co-produced by WWE Studios, leading to the inclusion of a clever Triple H Easter egg only wrestling fans will get. Mike Flanagan’s horror movie Oculus (2013) about the Lasser Glass which is a mirror simulating evil incarnate and brings great misfortune to whoever is around this cursed item.

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