Tier: At least High 8-C, Unknown via Self-Destruction | At least High 8-C, Unknown via Self-Destruction . I believe Patience is a very important mutation, and I'm sure most of you will find yourselves taking it very often. Summary. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Range: At least tens of meters, possibly Low Multiversal with Space-Time Maniplation. This repeats forever, trapping the player in an endless loop of battling The Throne and only breaking it upon using the I.D.P.D's portal technology. Leaderboard Guides Resources Discord Streams Forum Statistics Sub-games. Each beam is shot in a random direction. 8 min ago, C | 28 min ago, C++ | 1 hour ago, C | VS Battles Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. ... Patience tier. 2 min ago, Lua | Burst of 3 orbs. Advertisement 1 Char 12 Char Co-Op NTT; Misc. The Elder Scrolls metaphysics & philosophy, https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/The_Nuclear_Throne?oldid=6922725. However, at this point in time it can be found in the Scrapyards and will attack whoever disturbs its sleep. Upon the Throne's complete destruction, it forces multiple timelines for merge into one, causing alternate timeline bosses to appear and multiple paradoxical copies of a single boss to fight the player in what is called "The Loop" and once completing "The Loop", leads the player to The Throne once again. Nuclear Throne 2015. PC. Tier 10; Tier 9; Tier 8; Tier 7; Tier 6; Tier 5; Tier 4; Tier 3; Tier 2; Tier 1; Information & Forums. | All previous abilities, plus Statistics Amplification via Stress (Capable of firing weapons more quickly the closer to death the mutant is), Radiation Manipulation via Gamma Guts (Gamma Guts produces radiation that can kill monsters who thrive on radiation on contact), Radiation Absorption, and Resistance, Fire and Explosion Resistance via Boiling Veins, Enhanced Senses via Eagle Eyes and Euphoria (Enhances the senses, allowing for higher accuracy and slower perception of time, respectively), Statistics Reduction via Scary Face (Reduces all enemies Durability & Resolve), Damage Transferal via Sharp Teeth (Sharp Teeth deals damage to all enemies nearby equal to damage taken), Regeneration (Low; all mutants are capable of healing wounds by consuming blood), Attack Potency: At least Large Building level (Its bullets and Missiles can hurt the cast, and is likely comparable to Big Bandit), Unknown via Self-Destruction (It’s unknown exactly how many and what kind of explosions make up the self-destructions, though it's strong enough to easily obliterate the cast) | At least Large Building level (Its bullets and Missiles can hurt the cast, and is likely comparable to Big Bandit), Unknown via Self-Destruction (It's unknown exactly how many and what kind of explosions make up the self-destructions, though it's strong enough to easily obliterate the cast), Speed: Athletic Human (Moves as fast as the rest of the cast of characters), Unknown Attack Speed (Bullets and missiles move slower than Big Bandit’s projectiles) | Athletic Human (Moves as fast as the rest of the cast of characters), higher with Extra Feet (Extra Feet increases movement speed) and Euphoria (Senses become enhanced, allowing for a slower perception of time and thus higher speed), Unknown Attack Speed (Bullets and missiles move slower than Big Bandit’s projectiles), higher with Throne Butt (Big Dog’s Throne Butt makes all their projectiles move faster), Striking Strength: Unknown, cannot directly attack people through physical interactions | Unknown, cannot directly attack people through physical interactions, but can charge through terrain, Durability: At least Large Building Level (Could tank attacks from the Mutants while other fodder enemies could not, should be comparable to Big Bandit) | At least Large Building Level, higher with Rhino Skin (Could tank attacks from the Mutants while other fodder enemies could not, should be comparable to Big Bandit. Nuclear Throne Tier lists because I'm a sucker for this game, B Tier - Old Chicken (RIP sweet child you will be missed), Plant, Blegh Tier- Melting (aka the lost but actually fun to play), S Tier - Strong Spirit, Rabbit Paw, Scarier Face, A Tier- Blood Lust, Bolt Marrow, Rhino Skin, Plutonium Hunger, Second Stomach, Recycle Gland, B Tier - Trigger Fingers, Boiling Veins, Eagle Eyes, Patience (B- basically when rerolling is recommended), C Tier - Stress (Becasue Y.V), Impact Wrist, Laser Brain, Sharp Teeth, Hammer Head, Long Arms, Gamma Guts, D Tier - Euphoria, Extra Feet, Lucky Shot, Lua | Things will try to kill you, and you need to learn Nuclear Throne is pure, unadulterated chaos on top of a set of evolving and tight controls. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Inorganic Physiology, Danmaku, Shoots out missiles that follows the opponent, and Self-Destruction upon defeat. This artifact contained power so great the I.D.P.D deems all creatures attempting to make contact with it, and devices akin to it, as targets for termination. Nuclear Throne 2015. Moderated by: Senen Senen, Tantuz Tantuz, Wonderis_ Wonderis_, Master_Sparky Master_Sparky. Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Large Size, Danmaku, Radiation Manipulation, Energy Projection, Transformation, Inorganic Physiology, and Self-Destruction | All the previous abilities along with: Healing, Teleportation, Pocket Reality Manipulation, BFR, Portal Creation, Flight, Accelerated Development (Increases in power and amount of Danmaku every loop made), possibly Space-Time Manipulation, and Reality Warping (is able to merge timelines together and trap the player in an endless loop of fighting The Throne & various areas in the world). Nuclear Throne is an absolute blast even if you are really really bad at it. For instructions on how to load them, see Loading mods.If you have any inquiries about (or trouble loading) a certain mod, feel free to ask for help on the official Nuclear Throne Discord server #mod_discussion channel.. Leaderboard Guides Resources Discord Streams Forum Statistics Sub-games. Name: Big Dog Origin: Nuclear Throne Big Dog was a machine built by humans, it originally wasn't suited for combat and destruction. PC. The Nuclear Throne is a powerful device created by the legendary Proto-Mutant. Moderation Discussion Vs Threads Revisions Fun & Games Recommended Blogs. The more you play, the better you get. Nuclear Throne Tier lists because I'm a sucker for this game Character tier list: S Tier - Rebel, Fish A Tier- Horror, Crystal, Robot B Tier - Old Chicken (RIP sweet child you will be missed), Plant C Tier - Eyes , Steroids, Y.V D Tier - Rouge Each additional loop increases the number of orbs by 1, and the number of lines each orb splits into by 1. After traveling a short distance each orb will shoot out a beam composed of closely packed green bullets. Burst of 5 brighter colored orbs. This artifact contained power so great the I.D.P.D deems all creatures attempting to make contact with it, and devices akin to it, as targets for termination. Powers and Stats. Classification: Throne of The Proto-Mutant. The large orbs instantly spawn the small ones if they hit your character. will attack whoever disturbs its sleep. Attack Potency: At least City Block level, possibly higher (Is directly compared to in power & importance to Rogue's Portal Strikes and is able to complete engulf large area in it's pocket reality and upon it's defeat, causes multiple timelines to merge into one), Speed: Unknown Attack Speed, possibly Supersonic combat speed (simply making contact with The Throne causes damage, possibly due to striking faster than the cast can see), Durability: At least City Block level (Is compared to Rogue's Portal Strikes and is able to tank multiple strikes from said weapon), Stamina: Limitless (Is completely mechanical). 1 hour ago, JavaScript | Unlock All Char All Bosses The Elder Scrolls metaphysics & philosophy, https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Big_Dog_(Nuclear_Throne)?oldid=5726185. And the better you get, the further you can push into the wasteland, unlock more characters, see new places, and meet new challenges. Mario Cosmology; Shin Megami Tensei 1-A Justication ... Nuclear Throne. Ikki Kurogane (Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry) Ikki’s Profile (Pre-SSSAF Ikki used. Nuclear Throne - How to Obtain Good Riddance Achievement Written by En Ost (Scrubmaster Supreme) / Jul 7, 2020 In order to unlock the Good Riddance achievement, you must unlock either the Golden Nuke Launcher or the Golden Disc gun. 1 hour ago, We use cookies for various purposes including analytics. By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the. 7 min ago, C | VS Battles Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. The Nuclear Throne is a powerful device created by the legendary Proto-Mutant. All Generators broken). However, at this point in time it can be found in the Scrapyards and Tier: At least High 8-C, Unknown via Self-Destruction | At least High 8-C, Unknown via Self-Destruction. 8 min ago, Bash | Nuclear Throne is pure, unadulterated chaos on top of a set of evolving and tight controls. The most durable mutant by far), Stamina: Very High (Is never shown to tire), Range: At least tens of meters, higher via Self-Destruction, Weaknesses: Cannot attack opponents through physical attacks, must use projectiles.

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