:j, interesting, thanks a lot for your input man! Yes, having same problems. If you sign up to live stream your events with BoxCast, our support team is available seven days-a-week to answer your questions and make sure your live broadcast is flawless. Manufacturer Support & Warranty Resources, Roku wont play funimation channel on any Roku Device/ TV. A live broadcast that has no audio can be painful to watch. unbalanced and balanced audio signals. Jump to solution. Roku does have a Facebook page so I posed the question regarding DAZN and their OS version. Maybe somewhere in the ".cfg" file there's a setting I have to change? There can be something physically wrong with the machine’s hardware, or there can be an issue with the software on the Fire. If you are getting audio from a soundboard, try turning the levels up or down a little bit from the soundboard. But the NFL games were very bad. If you are getting audio from a soundboard, try turning the levels up or down a little bit from the soundboard. Help & troubleshooting for channels on your Roku device, including adding/removing channels, logging in to, authenticating, or activating a channel, channel-specific playback issues, assistance contacting channel publishers to report issues, and adjusting channel-specific settings. In windows you need to go into your sound settings and make sure that the exact output (for audio) is selected. I have checked and I have Roku OS software version 9.2.0 build 4806-50. As a general rule, you should try to use cables that are the length you actually need (with a little slack). This post goes into more detail on what might be causing the buzz and how to troubleshoot those kinds of issues: It could be an issue with mixing unbalanced and balanced audio signals. I am not completely sold on it being a OS issue though. this may sound kinda dum but try unpluging what you want the audio to come from wait like 30 seconds and plug it back in when not in game then … Virtually impossible to speak to a Roku rep. If you must stream without audio, you might try using our BoxCast Graphic Overlays feature to add an overlay saying something like: “Unfortunately, this live stream does not have audio.”. Have you ever watched a video with no audio or really bad audio? its really annoying, I think it has to do with running 32 bit dayz on a 64 bit OS, not 100% sure though, hopefully someone can help out, I have Win 8.1 64 bit and haven't had any sound issues at all. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. There seems to be an issue with the DAZN Roku app. There seems to be an issue with the DAZN Roku app. I have tried contacting DAZN directly but their support is no help. Here's more on what that means and how to combat it: Balanced vs. Unbalance Audio: What's the Difference. Here's more on what that means and how to combat it: The most common cables used for audio in the video production space are RCA, ¼ inch and XLR. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Unbalanced connections like RCA and ¼ cables should be run as short as possible to avoid noise issues - 25 feet is the maximum length that you should ever run. For example, if you are using a direct box (“DI box”), check to see if there is a “pad” switch that you can toggle.
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