The bead chain may not exceed a distance of three and one half inches between the body of the floating lure and the hook point. The New York State Fishing Regulations are available as a printable PDF (fishing regulations guide). Use of less than 20 feet of floating, sinking, or combination floating/sinking fly line or shooting head immediately behind the leader and in front of any running line or other backing is prohibited. Lower Fly Section: Open September 15 through May 15, from County Route 52 Bridge in Altmar upstream 0.25 mile to the marked boundary at Beaverdam Brook. Questions should be directed to 518-402-8843. The distance between the hook, artificial fly or lure and any weight attached to the line or leader, whether fixed or sliding, shall not exceed 4 feet. The combined weight of any supplemental weight and fly may not exceed one-eighth of an ounce. before sunrise except as, Only one hook with a single hook point and a gap not exceeding ½ inch is permitted. The bead chain may not exceed a distance of three and one half inches between the body of the floating lure and the hook point. This is a large document and may be slow to download. The maximum distance between the artificial fly and any added weight to the line, leader or tippet shall not exceed four feet. Weight added to the line, leader, swivels, or artificial fly in any manner such that the weight hangs lower than the attached fly is prohibited. Bullheads, Carp, Catfish, Cisco, Crappies, Rock Bass, Sauger, Suckers, White Bass, White Perch, and any fish not otherwise specified. Fishing at night is permitted from Lake Ontario to Rt. Hooks attached to any lure, except an artificial fly, must be free swinging and unweighted. The following tributary sections are subject to seasonal fishing regulations described below during the period September 1 to March 31: The following regulations apply except those listed in the table below: From the upstream most navigation buoy located between the breakwalls at the mouth of the river upstream to the County Rt. License & permit information, season dates, sizes & limits for striped bass, trout, crabbing & more. All fish must be immediately released without unnecessary injury. The distance between the hook, artificial fly or lure and any weight attached to the line or, Weight shall not be added to the line, leader, swivels, artificial fly or lure in any manner. Weight added to the line, leader, swivels, or artificial fly in any manner such that the weight hangs lower than the attached fly is prohibited. The use of added baits or attractors such as, but not limited to, fish eggs, insects, beads, spoons, spinners, plugs, or similar devices on the line above the artificial fly is prohibited. One hook with a single hook point and a gap of no more than. Upper Fly Fishing Only Section – From New York State Fish Hatchery boundary to the Lighthouse Hill Reservoir Tailrace boundary – From April 1 to November 30. Fishing in Beaverdam Brook and its tributaries, Oswego County, is prohibited from their mouths to the upstream boundary of the Salmon River Hatchery property. Hooks attached to any lure must be freeswinging, except on an artificial fly. Review Fish Health Regulations to better understand the regulations designed to protect healthy fish populations. The distance between the hook, artificial fly or lure and any weight attached to the line or leader, whether fixed or sliding, shall not exceed four feet. 3 Bridge. before sunrise except as permitted below. 52 bridge in Altmar. for Rainbow Trout or Steelhead), 3 in any combination, but not to include more than one Rainbow Trout or Steelhead in the tributaries only. Fishing from one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise is prohibited except in the Black River (Jefferson County) from Lake Ontario upstream to the Route 180 bridge in Dexter, where fishing is permitted at all times. Any hooks on a floating lure must be attached to the lure by a ring or swivel except for artificial flies. The total length of the leader including the tippet shall not exceed 15 feet. The distance between the body of a floating lure and the points of any attached hooks shall not exceed one and one-half inches. From the upstream most navigation buoy located between the breakwalls at the mouth of the river upstream to the County Rt. A bead chain may be attached to the floating lure with a ring. In order to reduce printing costs, the guide was printed in a magazine format with advertising. There are many other additional restrictions for Upper and Lower Fly Fishing Only sections of the Salmon River. after sunset to ½ hr. Review Fishing Responsibly in New York State for tips on reducing your impact on the environment and reporting fishing violations. Review any appropriate special waters regulations: If the water you intend to fish is not among the waters named above or in the Special Regulations by County, then Statewide Angling Regulations apply. Fishing is prohibited at night from ½ hr. Your complete source for information on fishing the Salmon River, NY and Eastern Lake Ontario regions, Lake Ontario Tributaries Except the Lower Niagara River and Salmon River regulations, Salmon and Oswego Rivers and other tributaries regulations, Salmon River Fly Fishing Catch-and-Release Sections regulations, From the Route 18 bridge upstream to Burt Dam, From the power lines that are 1.9 miles upstream (south) of Route 18 bridge upstream to Waterport Dam. and 30 in. Only one hook with a single hook point is permitted, except as outlined below for floating lures and artificial flies. Angling Permitted: From one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset. Weight shall not be added to the line, leader, swivels, artificial fly or lure in any manner that the weight hangs lower than the attached hook when the line is suspended vertically from the rod. may be attached to the bead chain or directly to the lure. All fish must be immediately released without unnecessary injury. 1 hook with a single hook point and a gap of no more than 5/8 in. Official 2020 New York Fishing rules & regulations. Any weight added to the line, leader, swivels, artificial fly or lure shall not hang lower than the hook when the line or leader is held vertically. New York state fishing regulations prohibit any angler to have a brook trout, walleye, lake trout, Atlantic salmon or black bass that has been dismembered, skinned, cut, filleted or altered in any other way that prevents the length of the fish from being accurately measured. Tackle is restricted to a traditional fly rod, fly reel, fly line, and artificial fly. Artificial flies with no more than. The following regulations are for Eastern Lake Ontario, the Salmon River and other regional Lake Ontario tributaries. New York Fishing. Lake Champlain and Lake George Regulations. The use of added baits or attractors such as, but not limited to, fish eggs, insects, beads, spoons, spinners, plugs, or similar devices on the line above the artificial fly is prohibited. Review Fishing Responsibly in New York State for tips on reducing your impact on the environment and reporting fishing violations. Only one hook with a single hook point and a gap not exceeding ½ inch is permitted except on floating lures as noted below. Lower Fly Section: This section will remain closed until DEC collects sufficient numbers of salmon eggs at the hatchery, from County Route 52 Bridge in Altmar upstream 0.25 mile to the marked boundary at … 52 bridge in Altmar, Additional Regulations for Floating Lures Apply. Portions of this page may require JavaScript to be enabled for your browser. Multiple single, double and treble hooks are permitted on floating lures, Fishing at night is permitted from Lake Ontario to Rt. The total length of the leader including the tippet shall not exceed 15 feet. Regulations for All Great Lakes & Tributaries apply to all sections of the Salmon River listed below. The maximum distance between the artificial fly and any added weight to the line, leader or tippet shall not exceed four feet. This information is believed to be accurate, but please review the list of official regulations with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. From Old State Road to impassable barrier upstream of Route 104A, From McIntyre Road upstream to impassable barrier upstream of Route 104A, From the Utica Street bridge upstream to the Varick Dam, From the mouth upstream to dam at County Route 1, From the upstream tip of the lowermost island to Mill Street dam in Watertown, From the bridge closest to the mouth upstream to first barrier impassable by fish, Upper Niagara River or Lower Niagara River regulations apply, Round Pond, Buck Pond, Long Pond, Cranberry Pond, and Irondequoit Bay, Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout (including Steelhead), Coho Salmon, Chinook Salmon and Pink Salmon, 15 in. These regulations apply to New York waters of Lake Erie, the Upper and Lower Niagara River, Lake Ontario, the St. Lawrence River, and designated sections of the tributaries to these waters. As Upstate New York teeters on drought conditions in many areas, the annual fall salmon spawning run on Lake Ontario tributaries continues – despite … The gap between a hook’s shaft and point cannot exceed one-half inch. From the State Route 104 Bridge upstream to the Lower Falls. For further information, see the Complete Summary of Regulations provided online by the DEC. Little Sandy Creek (Oswego County): Fishing is prohibited from March 16 through the first Saturday in May from the State Route 3 bridge downstream 850 feet to the intersection of the channelized area and upstream 1.0 miles from the bridge to the Public Fishing Rights section. Restrictions on fly lines, flies, attractors, leaders and supplemental weight are as follows: Fishing in Beaverdam Brook and its tributaries, Oswego County, is prohibited from their mouths to the upstream boundary of the Salmon River Hatchery property. Subsequent purchases of the other 2 privileges are free within the calendar year. Upper Fly Section: Open April 1 through November 30 from a marked boundary upstream of the New York State Fish Hatchery property to a marked boundary 0.6 mile upstream at the Lighthouse Hill Reservoir tailrace.

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