Voodoo Ranger Atomic Pumpkin is a Pumpkin Beer style beer brewed by New Belgium Brewing Company in Fort Collins, CO. Voodoo Ranger Tacker New Belgium Tacker Fat Tire Tacker Barware. Mural Agua Fresca Cerveza We blended watermelon, lime, hibiscus and agave for this brewed work of art. Last update: 11-02-2020. [{"event":"dataLayer-initialized","page":{"category":"Craft Beer","breadcrumb":"Craft Beer|Voodoo Ranger"},"user":{"id":null,"type":"visitor","birthday":null,"joinDate":null,"subscribeList":null,"favoriteBeer1":null,"favoriteBeer2":null,"favoriteBeer3":null,"favoriteBeerStyle1":null,"favoriteBeerStyle2":null,"favoriteBeerStyle3":null}}], Oakspire Old Fashioned Bourbon Barrel Ale, Men’s New Belgium Cans in the Sun T-Shirt. Go. Cellar Club memberships Cellar Club beer Cellar Club pickup events Cellar Club member-only shop. One point in its favour is that it's priced quite competitively - no doubt in thanks to the fact that it was brewed under licence in Canada vs. imported from the States. Cellar Club. Our site is best experienced in one of the following browsers: Enjoy New Belgium Responsibly © 2020 New Belgium Brewing Company, Contact Us | Jobs | Contest Rules | Privacy Policy. It's flawlessly brewed, so I can't find any real reasons to complain about it, but at the same time I wouldn't call it a particularly novel or interesting example of the style. Nonconstructive reviews may be removed without notice and action may be taken on your account. It’s like the Hunger Games except the contestants start-off dead. Tropical fruit with lesser grassy and floral geraniol. Subscribe. CTA: VR IPA choose. Medium body. Light gold, some particulate and a substantial white foam. Voodoo Ranger Tacker; New Belgium Tacker; Fat Tire Tacker; Barware; Click here for account access. Strong pine followed by citrus (grapefruit and orange) and grass, herbal hop notes and light stone fruit, graham cracker and bread dough. Sorry, we no longer support IE. Profile. This might … We wish you could hang out with us at the brewery all the time,but if you can’t, sign up for our emails so you never miss exclusiveupdates about new and limited releases, events, and more. Pine and citrus in the fore, the citrus comprised of orange and grapefruit. CTA: VR JH choose. All beer Year-round beers IPA Sours. Score: 86 with 372 ratings and reviews. Choose Voodoo Ranger Juicy Haze. Contact Us Fort Collins Asheville Denver Pilot. All rights reserved. Flavor. Explain why you're giving this rating. Coating and warming with a clean finish. Aroma. By Style. Voodoo Ranger Tacker New Belgium Tacker Fat Tire Tacker Barware. Profile. Vote for my next IPA here. Go. Lightly sweet at first with a stronger, building and perfect bitterness. Your Go-To Resource for Beer. Beer. Turn your rating into one with ≥ 150 characters. Find Beer. Our site is best experienced in one of the following browsers: Enjoy New Belgium Responsibly © 2020 New Belgium Brewing Company, Contact Us | Jobs | Contest Rules | Privacy Policy. click to toggle mobile menu. Some of our site features may not work properly. Legitimize your man cave, femme den, garage or home bar with this Voodoo Ranger metal tacker. In 2019, New Belgium was … Copyright © 1996-2020 BeerAdvocate®. Choose Voodoo Ranger Imperial. New Belgium Brewing Company is a nationally distributed brewery in the United States that is owned by an international beverage conglomerate. Last update: 11-03-2020. [{"event":"dataLayer-initialized","page":{"category":"Craft Beer","breadcrumb":"Craft Beer|All Beer|Voodoo Ranger Imperial IPA"},"user":{"id":null,"type":"visitor","birthday":null,"joinDate":null,"subscribeList":null,"favoriteBeer1":null,"favoriteBeer2":null,"favoriteBeer3":null,"favoriteBeerStyle1":null,"favoriteBeerStyle2":null,"favoriteBeerStyle3":null}}], Oakspire Old Fashioned Bourbon Barrel Ale, Men’s New Belgium Cans in the Sun T-Shirt. Choose Voodoo Ranger Liquid Paradise. Initial sweetness moving quickly to bitterness that lingers alongside a pleasing sweetness. Your review must discuss the beer's attributes (look, smell, taste, feel) and your overall impression in order to indicate that you have legitimately tried the beer. Founded by Kim Jordan and Jeff Lebesch in 1991 in Fort Collins, Colorado, the company expanded to Asheville, North Carolina, in 2016 and Denver, Colorado, in 2018. IPA Home of the Voodoo Ranger series. Everyone's favorite character, Voodoo Ranger!
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