© 2010 - 2020 Planetminecraft.com. I never knew that you could also animate a nether portal. VIEW. The obsidian can be placed in any manner, e.g. Content Maps Texture Packs Player Skins Mob Skins Data Packs Mods Blogs . This is a good pack tho, It depends if you feel offended or not, therefore it’s an insult, I ask the creator if I can repost this on my website. for me this isnt rainbow portal,this is RGB Portal Looks very nice, matches with rainbow selection boxes and rainbow hotbars. reworked nether bricks and red nether bricks altered lantern & soul lantern to make chain consistent with new block reworked (and simplified) nether portal - will probably slash off other unnecessary parts to save on disk/memory usage altered barrel top open texture a bit I am in search for some of the best texture packs that are derpy! 16x 1.16.3 Texture Pack. Join my discord to contact me (from my submissions list click my name) Content Maps Texture Packs Player Skins Mob Skins Data Packs Mods Blogs . Just click my name, You can access it from my submissions list, but: Search Planet Minecraft. by placing mined obsidian or by casting it in place using lava and water. Even if you don't post your own creations, we appreciate feedback on ours. We're a community of creatives sharing everything Minecraft! All rights reserved. Thanks for this! All rights reserved. A nether portal is built as a vertical, rectangular frame of obsidian (4×5 minimum, 23×23 maximum). Home Minecraft Texture Packs. https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:400%2C400i%2C700%2C700i|Material+Icons&display=swap,//www.planetminecraft.com/css/images.css?v=DL5336loK96DiBKaengSL-i0hO4Bip0V8OqVQm_7pu67DI5f,//www.planetminecraft.com/css/style.css?v=EDG_QTUNUgBOECdhZleSNrDSb9xOv15ibJ58V9Qe6JTUxaFf,//www.planetminecraft.com/css/editor.css?v=dsvQp9aFSuYT0NkL84iANXCsINWrKZV-fInc_ho8y1fIs5pf, Pink Nether Portal Minecraft Texture Pack, http://raboninco.com/23103069/blue-nether-portal, Rainbow Diamond Ore/Tools (1.16.2 And Below), Browse Latest Hot Experimental Texture Packs. Even if you don't post your own creations, we appreciate feedback on ours. Join us! oh and it is going out on the 17 of august, so respond by then thx, Hi ! VIEW. Continue reading for more information, pictures & gifs of portal: (Sorry gifs are a bit heavier than 1 MB I made it as small as I could with minimal lose in quality), CM shaders (in picture) Will not come out unless I see it works with render dragon, Which It won’t I guess…, - Updated link as the link shrinker that is being used now will fully stop working soon, - Updated textures (portal-placeholder) the effect on screen while teleporting is now fixed (same as portal), hey this pack looks amazing but the link directs me to somewhere else pls help, Sorry for that! Browse Servers Collections Time Machine . https://mcpedl.com/borderless-connected-glass/, Before anyone starts making stupid gay jokes,I’m gonna say this for everyone stfu, © 2014-2020 MCPEDL.com.We are not affiliated with Mojang AB.Privacy PolicySubscriptionsContact UsAbout Us, https://mcpedl.com/borderless-connected-glass/. This texture pack simply changes your default nether portals to animated rainbow portals, (I used BlazeFire78s’ seed for capturing images of portal). Also, i am sorry for the bad day you had while making the pack. Browse Servers Collections Time Machine . You can message me Directly in discord: Tools PMCSkin3D Banners . -Creator, everyone said rainbow is gae Sorry I genuinely don't know how that happened the link should be working now: Downloaded it but the nether portal is blue not pink? and RGB make anything More powerfull than ever 6. / thanks for not relating it to Gae. by CaraRose. Tools PMCSkin3D Banners . 16x Resolution Minecraft 1.16 Game Version. Tools PMCSkin3D Banners . You can message me Directly in discord: Published on June 30, 2020 (Updated on August 25, 2020). Browse Servers Collections Time Machine . hey, i have been working a texture pack for a year, and i just wanted to know if i can use this in the pack, ill credit you and all, but im going to ask, as i think it will imporve the pack, i can send it to you as a preview, with and without the portal, if you would like to test it, i think it will improve the quality, and i am aksing, as you have said to in the files of the pack, and in the description, so i am here asking, thank you for your time. 4. No more annoying Nether Portal Sounds in Vanilla Minecraft! https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:400%2C400i%2C700%2C700i|Material+Icons&display=swap,//www.planetminecraft.com/css/images.css?v=DL5336loK96DiBKaengSL-i0hO4Bip0V8OqVQm_7pu67DI5f,//www.planetminecraft.com/css/style.css?v=EDG_QTUNUgBOECdhZleSNrDSb9xOv15ibJ58V9Qe6JTUxaFf,//www.planetminecraft.com/css/editor.css?v=dsvQp9aFSuYT0NkL84iANXCsINWrKZV-fInc_ho8y1fIs5pf, Crypt's Nether recolor & Netherite-Crying obsidian pickaxe. you will be added to a discord server, then direct message me. Socialize Forums Wall Posts Discord Members . xD, why everyones wanting disco balls in their cases? 83 393 6535 This texture pack simply changes your default nether portals to animated rainbow portals, (I used BlazeFire78s’ seed for capturing images of portal) Continue reading for more information, pictures & gifs of portal: can i has link? Its me, can’t login somehow, Yes you can do it, But as you know you’ll have to credit me. im curious about the connected glass? Login; or; Sign up; Dark mode. All creations copyright of the creators. Socialize Forums Wall Posts Discord Members . It seems like an amazing texture pack but the ad shortener is confusing, so pls help I really want to get the texture pack. Once a frame is constructed, it is activated by fire placed … Minecraft . 13. It really help! © 2010 - 2020 Planetminecraft.com. Search Texture Packs. The resourse pack doesn't change any textures. Finally Pink Nether Portals in minecraft something absolutely no one was asking for. (NOTE: Use Mute Pack Generator for more sounds and updated versions) Anyways, great pack 100/10, What the actual @#$&, GAY IS NOT MEANT TO BE USED AS AN INSULT PEOPLE. Текстурпак «Rainbow Nether Portal (Радужный портал Нижнего Мира)» добавляет порталу в Нижний Мир Minecraft анимацию изменения цвета на все цвета радуги. Home Minecraft Texture Packs Pink Nether Portal Minecraft Texture Pack. 20. By CubeMaster We're a community of creatives sharing everything Minecraft!

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