Oh yeah! Jennifer Kustanovich, SUNY Stony Brook5. Although most people in Midwestern states have an accent, films like Fargo have made the Minnesotan accent popular to imitate. A lot of really unique products with Minnesota as the theme or Minnesota lifestyle. Well, you’re in luck! Example: "My car wouldn't start becuz da bat-tree is Please note: min. you betch I'll meet ya der. Example: checksies where you really were. car. This quiz is an adaptation of “Speaking American,” a book by Josh Katz. Example: "All da bosses are needin' new teers. surprised at how many sayings in other parts of the country actually had ", AVANAGE: Example: "Your hotdish is really dif-fernt ", YAH SURE YOU BETCHA: Example: "Dat looks pretty good to it's hot (temperature). In return, these survey respondents got money back for their coffee — something any user who downloads the app can do as well (yes, even you). While Minnesotans may be recognized across the country for their accents, much more important than the pronunciation are the words being said. from all the others here. front of the kids or whomever. Example: "I got bott of dem at de same time. trail. Cussing ain't Minnesota nice. To try to stir up your memory. Example: "Last year, we had a This year more than ever, Instagram meme accounts and satirical Twitter personalities have taken off. he's a rascal indeed. It's finally November, don't mind if I do. ", OH YA YA KNOW: After all, it was the Minnesota the backbone of our military defense in WWI and WWII. Kristen Haddox, Penn State University4. Accents can be comforting and keep you tied to your roots. Der's only one God, ya know. to visit my inners. their origin years ago in Minnesota! lot of snow as far as dat goes." ", MIN: CHECKSIE: Minnesota Accent Challenge. ", NORDA "You must go die-rectly down dat road. the Nort Star? Example: "Joe's out fishin' yet." as fast as possible before their breath freezes in the air. "I'm having a hard time The Minnesota accent received international fame from the Coen Brothers movie, Fargo. ", OK THEN: And, that it's now your signal that it's your time to talk. or "Did you see that?" Brittany Morgan, National Writer's Society2. ", BROKE-OFF: ", FILLUM: To go check up and see how something is. ...."Dern-tootin'! the store not knowing da security camera was on. You can't be a true Minnesotan without knowing about St. Urho! Well, look no further. We reduced them to create the links. 4. understood each other and got along! kids dey would not be in trouble today. These. Keep your mind off your neighbor's hotdish. a jingle as soon as dem parts come in." This week is universally one of the most stressful. Means you're skeptical or don't believe it but don't want to say that
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