FOR SALE: Miniature yearling heifer Lowline X Zebu. She has splashy paint markings on her under belly), We were blessed to get a bull calf from her sired by Sir William, We will be retaining him to keep William's lines in the herd, - Lancelot will be bred to our AMZA girls late 2016 & early 2017, ~ Libby delivered a bull calf on 01/18/17, CJF Twinkle Little Star (Twinkie) ~ SOLD to Cindy & Bill, CJF Morning Glory (Gloria) ~ Sold (to James in FL), CJF Gingersnap Cookie ~ SOLD to Rick in FL. Miniature Zebu bull calf born on 10-15-20. Tiny will have Foundation Pure calves when bred to a Foundation Pure Bull. $600 obo. Lily was our first calf here and is a lot like her mom. contact us. Baxter was one of our bottle raised calves in 2010, and in return he is just Jazmine has a very feminine face and great body capacity not to mention she is getting a gorgeous hump which is no surprise considering her parents. MATURE ZEBU BULLS FOR SALE. Now she is all grown up and has had three calves of her own. Miniature zebu bull for sale. (pictured below). Sunnyfield's Black Pearl He is 3 years old. He is Email: Zebus offer a great opportunity for $500 eachPlease Text, 5 month old Zebu heifer. Shes tame will come when called and is easy to deal with, she enjoys being pet. ​my IMZA# is 1306 ​ ​IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO LOOK ME UP IN THE HERD BOOK ON IMZA SITE. I just love her little white socks on her back legs! Increase the search radius for more results. They seem to love laying out in the sun. Call Kay at 647-206-9755. Number of bids and bid amounts may be slightly out of date. Will come up to food. OR showWOMAN! generation Sunnyfield Farm baby. ​                                                 LOCATED IN MARSHFIELD, MISSOURI. Thank you Anything that pertains to Miniature Zebu Cattle or cattle husbandry that can be applied to Miniature Zebu. were not bred down but are naturally small. Selling as pair. Libby is sired by our red bull, Cosmo & out of our oldest cow, Chloe. Stormy Acre Ranch is one of the largest breeders of miniature livestock in Canada. Esta Hermoso y tiene 5 aos. Born April 8 2019. Sorrento, Florida, 32776. Purebred Irish Dexter yearlings for sale. Two AMZA registered zebu bulls and one AMZA registered cow available.The red one is 2 yrs old. He was sired by our previous black Bull intact and almost 2 years old. This girl has excellent conformation & should mature very small. Very exotic looking and a great producer; Produced five calves for us so far! means "hump". Ready to go to a new home. They are branded, healthy and ready for a new home.

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