Type: Bug Status: Resolved. Cannot enchant fishing rod on server. I am not sure if this can be fixed in this method, however what can be done is having the method net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerEnchantment.onCraftMatrixChanged(IInventory) set 0 as enchantment level if no enchantments are available. Fishing rods give rip offs when enchanting. First slot in Enchantment Table while enchanting a fishing rod is invalid, MC-141574 The rod physically appears like I have not casted with it yet, however I have. Go for it. Enchant table - two enchant choices (sometimes one), bugged gui? Enchantment lv2 doesn't show up. Fishing rods only enchantable with Unbreaking on enchantment table, Cant Enchant Fishing Poll With 1.7 Enchants, Fishing Rod fails to enchant at low levels, cannot enchant fishing rod with lure/luck of the sea, Enchanting a fishing rod at a low level will not do anything, No Low-Level Enchantments for Fishing Rod, Enchanting fishing rods displays old style enchanting, no tier 1 enchantment on used fishing rod, Enchanting Table sometimes has just 2 enchantments. cannot enchant fishing rod, MC-200641 Credit: vortex50002: Tags: Minecraft. Fishing Rod fails to enchant at low levels. Fishing Rod Doesn't Change Texture While Cast, MC-85130 They should be greyed out. MC-85714 You can use these enchantment values in the Each enchantment has a name and ID value assigned to it. It won't enchant it when I click on it. MC-86799 JavaScript is disabled. showing enchantments in 1.15 but you cant see them sometimes. Fishing. See attached image: The first slot, which the mouse is hovering over, does not display any promised enchant in the tooltip and clicking it does nothing, yet it's not greyed out like the middle slot. But players can still right-click to pull the armor stand or animal. Fishing Rods Don't Enchant, MC-132666 All method and class names are the names used in the decompiled version. Now I can't enchant any other ones for my fish farm. Anyone know a solution? MC-166634 MC-98960 MC-96540 The Fishing rod when enchanting with 1 xp and 1 lapiz doesnt enchant or show the enchantment. MC-41335 Tech. Export. MC-134345 This method always returns at least 1 for the first enchantment (0 meaning no enchantment available). fishing rod doesn't change texture when fishing. Enchanting uses levels but does not apply them to item placed on the enchantment table. No Low-Level Enchantments for Fishing Rod, MC-87986 The 1st and 2nd slots of the Enchantment Table cannot be used, MC-153378 Blank fishing rod enchantments, MC-146178 A fishing rod is a tool used primarily for fishing. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Enchanting fishing rod with levels < 4 eats up level and lapis, MC-98704 Fishing rod not using "casted" texture while fishing while riding a boat, MC-96844 I'm currently cancelling the EntityDamageByEntity event, and then calling Projectile.remove() to delete the fishing hook projectile. Fishing Rod doesnt enchant with Level 1/2, MC-36436 The reason why this happens is because the enchantment level returned by the method net.minecraft.enchantment.EnchantmentHelper.calcItemStackEnchantability(Random, int, int, ItemStack) is used. Help. MC-160251 Missing Enchantments In Table, MC-77903 It won't enchant it when I click on it. ). Enchantment on enchanting table doesn't have a name, MC-196369 Basicly, fishing rod doesn't look cast at all. Enchant impossible fishing rod, MC-150216 Fishing rod enchantments are buggy. MC-84953 Fishing rods no enchant, MC-201149 Enchantement table wont show enchant and wont enchant item, MCL-10868 This one is though: Can you show a screenshot of what it looks like when you are trying to enchant it? Blank Enchantments with Fishing Rods, MC-173548 Unavailable enchants are not greyed out when enchanting fishing rods, cost XP & Lapis when used. I tried to enchant a fishing rod and i could not click on the enchantment. Atm I am reading it line by line trying to find out too Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class net.minecraft.server.v1_10_R1.EntityFishingHook at net.minecraft… MC-86841 Export. That they look clickable is https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-36937. MC-187066 Tested in survival and creative, MC-30354 Physics . Now I can't enchant any other ones for my fish farm. I was able to enchant one fishing rod with a level one enchantment of unbreaking once. The bug is just a 1.14 thing, if you want to fix it you can use Minecraft 1.8.9 and wait until a fix. This report only describes that an enchantment is shown which is not available. Level 1 enchantments sometimes have no effect and can't be chosen. Fishing rod icon doesn't change, MC-97153 Hope this helped your Minecraft knowledge, CatTech. MC-187975 They should be greyed out. Resolved; MC-85150 No Low-Level Enchantments for Fishing Rod. Details. Cant use lowest enchantment on fishing rod, MC-200571 Fishing rod not using "casted" texture while fishing while riding a boat, Shields, crossbows, bows, and fishing rods don't show their proper animations in first person mode after certain actions. Fishing rod isn't changing texture in The End. MC-94124 New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. The following is based on decompiled version of Minecraft 1.9 using MCP 9.24 beta.

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