Mikvah Stories. She sometimes found the act of preparing to go to the mikvah as erotic as what always came after her monthly dunk in its waters. Visiting the mikvah turned the ordinary act of being with my husband into something that felt profoundly important, as we let Divine rules for living infuse this most intimate aspect of our lives. One time, I was due to go to mikvah on Friday night and I was hosting my sisters and cousin for Shabbos. Around five months after the review class, during our Friendship Circle Walkathon, I ran into Amanda Skolnik. Before I’d ever visited a mikvah, I had a lot of misconceptions about this key Jewish commandment. So she goes, hoping to be done soon and meet me at our hosts for Seder. One need look no further than a recent excerpt of a reported conversation between Bibi and Litzman to distrust the Health Ministry’s handling of affairs: Litzman: It can’t be that one can take their dog out, but the mikveh is closed. I had to kill it before I could let you in.”. I was thrilled. Again, I was uncertain of her level of knowledge and suggested that she organize a Halacha Review of Taharas Hamishpacha in her home. Depending on who you talk to, you will hear vastly different answers. (Wives – be sure show this article to your husbands. Can a Gentile go to a Mikvah? Everyone was touched and inspired. I was buzzed in and shown to a nice bathroom, where I washed my hair, cleaned inside my bellybutton, and tried to remove every spec of the mascara I’d put on that morning. I can’t believe that there was ever a time when visiting a mikvah sounded strange or scary, or somehow seemed not relevant to modern life. I recognize that I might be a strange advocate for having this conversation. On Saturday night, one mikvah had to close down when someone who had been there previously was diagnosed with Covid-19, and to send all other women who had been there that night into quarantine. I don’t know how he first thought to do it, but it’s so incredibly sweet and wonderful and makes me love him so much. They said yes, took my name down, and told me to come tomorrow at 6. I think that is wishful thinking. Litzman: Well if it doesn’t respect [religion], we will. Mikvah Stories. On the second step, I lost my footing and, while trying to catch myself, ended up belly-flopping into the water. Since the story broke, something brand new is happening. All in all, it was a wonderful evening. Please note that the posts on The Blogs are contributed by third parties. (It works!) The closest mikvah was hours away. If there comes a point where you truly believe that there is a health imperative to close the mikvahs, please do so. I appeal to the rabbis: We are in this for the long haul. On another mikvah visit, the If you enjoyed this article, we encourage you to distribute it further, provided that you comply with Chabad.org's, The whole idea seemed like a relic from another era, Judaism never tells us to withdraw from the world, Tanya Bits: A Little Dose of Wisdom for Daily Living, Healing, Wholeness and Transformation: Meditations on Redemption, Divorce, Second Marriages & Stepparenting, 5 Things I Learned About Being a Woman by Visiting the Mikvah, Mikvah on the Mountain: One Woman's Miracle. It doesn’t always work that way! Men – start planning your wife’s mikvah gift, stat! The opinions, facts and any media content in them are presented solely by the authors, and neither The Times of Israel nor its partners assume any responsibility for them. Around a month later, Natania’s husband came to our Friendship Circle, all excited and happy. The waters of the mikvah are meant to cleanse us not physically, but spiritually; in that moment, I felt more uplifted than I ever had before. Passover is nearly upon as, serving as a reminder that miracles can occur even during the darkest moments. Not every month, not all the time, lest I expect it and no longer appreciate it. I’d heard that all mikvahs were filthy, that the women who staffed them were harsh and domineering, that visiting one was somehow a degrading experience. Amanda did a beautiful job. Netanyahu: What can you do, the virus doesn’t respect religion. She found it so inspiring! Read every source, think of every angle. Thoughts of religion seemed very far away. He had never been so turned on in his life, not even on their wedding night. I was told yes. Reply, This is a lovely article and I smiled when, after your initial apprehension of attending a mikvah, you related your experiences of attending other mikveh's.Thank you.

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