You can also choose to be emailed when someone replies to your comment. Trump won’t let any of the people who were actually involved in the actions related to the charges or the policy making discussions. To some extent, he must be a front man for other powerful interests that want to stay out of the limelight. September 27 ... (Speaker Nancy Pelosi reportedly favors “narrowing the focus” of the impeachment inquiry exclusively to the Ukraine issue.) Biden didn’t even try to maintain a separation between his government work and the payments to his son for influence peddling. To this day, Burisma’s connection to Hunter Biden has made it much harder for Ukrainian authorities to investigate the company for corruption, current and former officials in Ukraine tell TIME. Secured record $700 billion in military funding; $716 billion next year. So Biden IS doing exactly what President Trump said he was doing, protecting Burisma from investigation. Now they're accusing Ukraine. But Mr Trump passed on an opportunity to field reporters’ questions as he departed the White House for a Republican Party event in Florida, only waving to the White House press corps as he headed for Marine One. Discredited and debunked are terms applied to Biden’s political career and Hunter’s innocence…and Democrats, and the news media and….. Insert from the Chicken Man series the cry of the Yellow Leg Horns. Did you even see the interview?? The Democrats had no case from the start, but just a desire to finally act on their smear machine of impeachment that they’ve been nurturing for 3 years. Even if they did that, it would have no bearing on the question of whether Trump committed a “high crime” or “misdemeanor” by attempting to extort Zelensky/Ukraine to force Ukraine to publicly announce that Ukraine will investigate them by withholding Congress’s approved military aid for Ukraine. During November 2019 hearings for the impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump, Fiona Hill — until August 2019 the top Russia expert on the National Security Council — criticized Republicans for promulgating a "fictional narrative": As Trump and other Republicans used the hearings to promote the Ukraine interference conspiracy theory, Russian president Vladimir Putin remarked, "We see what is going on there in the U.S. now. Hunter Biden’s daughters with his first wife are legal adults. If Senile Joe is the “chief obstacle” to Trump’s reelection you guys are in a bad place. Only Uncle Creepy Sleepy Joe committed Quid Pro Quo… His son admitted he had no business being on the board of Burisma. We have created more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since my election. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Michael, Zelensky was scheduled to appear on CNNs Fareed Zachariah Sunday show for this announcement when the lid blew and he withdrew. After all, this entire matter started with that person. [62], On October 2, 2019, Senator Lindsey Graham, a staunch Trump supporter and chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, wrote a letter to the leaders of Britain, Australia and Italy, asserting as fact that both Mifsud and Downer had been directed to contact Papadopoulos. (However, Lindsay Graham has indicated that there will be a Senate investigation after the removal trial has concluded.) Bullying a child? “And this is bad.” ”. “Huonnter Biden is irrelevant to the charges against the President and even my cousin Vinny would know that. This is a fictional narrative that has been perpetrated and propagated by the Russian security services themselves. Net exports are on track to increase by $59 billion this year. Causing a suspect and corrupt country to be on the record about its intentions to remedy corruption is the means by which you hold them to those commitments. Increased our coal exports by 60 percent; U.S. oil production recently reached all-time high. “I want to make sure that America and the American people are focused on the things that really matter to delivering good outcomes – more prosperous opportunities, jobs, all the things that our administration has been working on.”. Protecting Biden from testifying is ALSO protecting Obama. But that’s it, and that’s why we held up the money." Every time Nadler or Schiff says a witness is off limits, add more witnesses to the defense list. Nadler, Schiff, Pelosi and the rest of their crowd are conspiracists. He may, in fact, be a nasty philander but he’s irrelevant. She is likely to be a prominent public-facing figure during the trial. Like most of the posters here you spend most of your time denouncing other posters. The Pledge to America’s Workers has resulted in employers committing to train more than 4 million Americans. [8], According to FBI witness interview notes released in October 2019, upon hearing news of a hack of a Democratic National Committee server in June 2016, Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort speculated that Ukraine rather than Russia was culpable,[9] a narrative that was also promoted by Konstantin Kilimnik, thought to be a Russian intelligence asset for whom Manafort was working along with Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman. [21], Trump also asserted without evidence that Ukraine was in possession of the DNC server,[1] as well as Hillary Clinton's deleted emails. The WSJ, Bloomberg News, the WaPo, and NYts have all done investigative reporting on it and found he was implementing SD policy – SD witnesses, including GOP appointees testified to the same under oath recently – as well as that of our allies the EU and IMF. Ms Lofgren was the third House Democratic manager to speak on Thursday, following an hour-long speech from House Judiciary Committee chair Jerrold Nadler about the history of impeachments and how abuses of power have been used throughout US history. "[72] Politico reported in July 2019 that after becoming CIA director in 2017, Trump loyalist Mike Pompeo intensely challenged CIA analysts on their findings that Russian interference was designed to help Trump, but he found no evidence to dispute it. When they disallowed ALL Republican witnesses it was proof of their feeble case as well as their feeble minds. Not only was Anon’s inuendo untrue but now he is using an interview that never occurred to prove his pint. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. "[30][31] His staff had repeatedly attempted to persuade Trump that the conspiracy theory had no merit, including his former homeland security advisor Tom Bossert, who later remarked, "the DNC server and that conspiracy theory has got to go...If he continues to focus on that white whale, it's going to bring him down."[1][32][14][33][34]. Those people are relevant but their testimony is being obstructed. Impeachment is one of the ways Democrats have tantrums.. [3] Contrary to Trump's allegations, it is the consensus judgment of the American intelligence community and the Senate Intelligence Committee that it was Russia, not Ukraine, that interfered in the 2016 elections. Since taking office in May, the government has sought to explore past claims of corruption against Burisma and its owners. Because of the events in the US the Ukrainian PG has limited the investigation to a period prior to 2014 (when Biden joined the board) and after April 2019 (when Biden left the board). The Socialist Regressives cannot hide facts and truth by blaming thier own right hand for what their own left hand did while they were looking in a third direction while wearing gloves.
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