Note that high latencies can be the fault of ratelimits and the bot itself, it's not a absolute metric. De façon facultative, il peut vous envoyer une réponse en privé pour vous dire que la commande a été exécutée, supprime la commande une fois envoyée ou retirer la réponse du bot lorsque la commande a été exécutée. MEE6 is the best Discord bot to bootstrap and grow your Discord server. Now your members can add a rank by typing in. Assigning roles for new members is often important to keeping peace in your channels. button to place the role as auto-assigned. If you have any special requests for additional features, you can reach out to the support teams for either. The limit is your creativity, coding ability, and understanding of the Discord API. by MrDropin | Jan 9, 2019 | Guides | 68 comments. Login using your credentials, and you’ll be taken to a new page for authorization. Your email address will not be published. Manage your Discord server with leveling, moderation, Twitch, Youtube and Reddit notifications. From the “Home” tab in the “General” section, you’ll need to give your Dyno Bot a nickname and set up a command prefix. My Bots. Prenons comme exemple la commande !ban. MODERATOR ROLES You can add moderator roles. If a command has this shown it means that one if the options is optional and not needed. Music Plugin Listen to music directly on Discord through MEE6; FAQ & Troubleshooting Super straight-forward problem solving articles; Not … Modifier. Gives a role to the specified member, with optional expiry, Removes the specified role from the target, Shows the log of the last triggered automod rules, optionally filtering by user, Aliases: Violations/ViolationLogs/VLogs/VLog. Click on the Authorize button to enable Dyno Bot on your server. À quoi sert Mee6 ? command. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. As new users join, you can assign roles that keep them from commenting too much alleviating any possible annoyance. Aug 13, 2018 #1 LEVELS!levels Get a nice link to your server Leaderboard!rank Get your rank or another user's rank SEARCH ANYTHING!anime Search for anime on Kitsu!imgur Search … Et donc je souhaiterais couper ses droits Admin usurpés. Though not considered automatic, it’s still a faster way to provide specific permissions, including exclusive access to your members without you having to give it to them personally. Toggle the permissions that you’d like to assign to those who are in your server. Choose the length of time necessary for new members to acquire this role in the “Delay (minutes)” box. Allows you to reassign the emoji of an option, tip: use ResetReactions afterwards. Click the “Select Role” drop-down and choose which role or roles you want to make joinable. It doesn’t necessarily provide any additional perks (without purchasing Premium) but just like in video games, it can still feel pretty good. Warns a user, warnings are saved using the bot. Par exemple sur mon serveur, j’ai ajouté les rôles suivants : La phrase en rouge indique bel et bien que les personnes ayant les rôles que j’ai ajouté à cette liste, pourront alors utiliser les commandes que propose notre cher Mee6. Développé par. The best bot to build and grow your Discord server - with moderation, leveling, free music and much more! Here is a list of variables you can use. button to the right of the role in the “Autorole List”. Le cooldown est le temps entre l’utilisation de chaque commande. Pour l’ajouter, rien de plus compliqué. Notamment comment censurer insultes, gros mots, messages agressifs en majuscules et badwords. is a feature-rich Discord bot that is used on over 1.5 million Discord servers. The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. Schedules a reminder, example: 'remindme 1h30min are you alive still?'. Custom Commands Plugin Learn how to add and advance custom commands in your server; Announcement Plugins Notify your fan base when you go live or upload new content; Moderator Plugin Power up your moderation with cool commands and automations! Permissions. Additionally, create roles for other users. Click the blue Add button to place the role as auto-assigned. < > If a command has this shown it means that one of the options in the brackets are required. You can remove any role you place here at any time you want by clicking the red Remove button to the right of the role in the “Autorole List”. Users with one of those roles are considered as your server moderators and are not affected by auto-moderator and are immune to moderator commands. The command will still do the same thing even when being called by its alias. Scroll down to the option labeled “Give a role to new users” and toggle it on. Ends a Cards Against Humanity game that is ongoing in this channel. The Mee6 bot is a really cool tool for a server that wants to branch out into a community. guides dédiés à l’utilisation de discord ici, comment protéger son serveur contre le spam, Warn Author → averti la personne en message privé, !ban !unban Pour (dé)bannir quelqu’un du serveur, !tempban pour le bannir seulement temporairement, !clear pour supprimer tous les messages d’un salon, !infractions pour afficher toutes les effractions d’une personne, !mute !Server-mutes et !tempmute pour les faire taire ou !unmute, !user-info !role-info !server-info pour obtenir des informations, !slowmode pour limiter le nombre de message à la minute dans un salon, Release your prisoners with one message, or don’t. I want Auto roles assigned to new people by timezone. il y a trop de chose a lire *. Shows the rep log for the specified user. En continuant à utiliser le site, vous acceptez l’utilisation des cookies. It’s here that you can make changes to the settings and commands associated with your Mee6 bot. This will help limit the power members can have. If interested in setting up ranks for Dyno Bot: Now your members can add a rank by typing in ?rank
where the role has to be typed out in full. Ce guide pour bien configurer son bot Mee6 a été réalisé avec amour par Dr.TableBasse. You can find it at the top-right of the screen OR directly in the center to the right of the “About Dyno” paragraph. Pour que l’automodération soit parfaitement fonctionnelle, il nous reste plus qu’à ajouter ce qu’il se passe lorsqu’un interdit est franchis. Lists reminders in channel, only users with 'manage server' permissions can use this. A more simpler version of CustomEmbed, controlled completely using switches. You’ll receive another authorization window, this time with the server already selected in the drop-down. Hum, comment accéder à l’onglet commandes personnalisées ?? Back in the Dyno Bot Dashboard for your server: From the left side menu, in the “Modules Settings” section, click on the Autoroles” option. If this sounds like you, let me present an easier alternative, Mee6. Changelog. For example with the poll command if you want the question to have multiple words: -poll "whats your favorite color" red blue green2, Shows help about all or one specific command, Shows command prefix of the current server, or the specified server. This process goes a bit quicker if you’re already logged into Discord but all that is really required is your Discord login credentials. Liste des Commandes Mee6 du serveur; Modèles. Support. Not only can you use it to auto-assign roles for members, but it also offers a Music Search option that pulls videos from YouTube for you to watch, an automated Google Search feature to surf the web on your behalf, various custom commands at your disposal, an “Announcements” feature, and much more. !mute @xbdjcbeb Hosting. Get back to the Dyno Bot dashboard of the server for which you want to add ranks. !ban Bans a user from the server!tempban Temporarily bans a user from the server!clear Delete a channel's messages!infractions Displays a user's infractions!kick Kicks a user from the server Most of these commands … Every time you send a text message in one of the server channels, you have the chance to “level up”. Donc si vous le souhaitez, autorisez-le. BANNED ROLESAnyone with one of those roles will not be able to use the command.
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