It’s not mandatory though. But the problem is I don't know what I can apply it to and how I am supposed to write it. Much appreciation from Pearson College UWC!-Keegen Payne (Victoria, British Columbia) "I actually just wanted to let you know that you have been a very big help for me in TOK and Economics. help you ace your Maths IA. Really good and inspirational information on your site! However, using the strategies outlined in this book, he was able to receive a solid 7 on his Math IA. They are both written by an IB teacher with an MSc. The majority of these will come from your 3 to 5 documents, but you should cite all of your sources using standard MLA formatting, even though you’ve put a copies of all of your documents the Appendix. Of course, you’ll want to be thinking about the types of analysis you’re wanting to do (to answer your question), so keep that in mind as well. Who answered it? "-Alyson @ EF Academy (New York), "I just wanted to say that I got a 6 on my SL economics exam last year, and I strongly believe that was because of all the help I got from this website on commentaries. My students in Barcelona love it too and it makes my job easier. You saved my life. How to structure an economics essay - get full marked in the time allowed; 99 Great Economics resources Podcasts, Research Sources, Advice pages, etc. "-Hachi @ Anglo-Chinese School (International) School (Singapore), "Just wanted to send you a note of appreciation for the great and selfless contribution you have made. 1st - Statement of Intent. If I was at OFS it would be a pleasure to have you as my Econs teacher!" 2. Data taken from another source must be cited and must be raw, unanalyzed data; do not use percentages for Chi Squared, 1. If you are watching this video now, you seem serious about boosting your IB grade. General IA Structure This task is given to both SL and HL candidates for their subjects. Analyze for extrapolating and interpolating data, 1. "-Cynthia @ Universitas Kristen Petra (Surabaya, Indonesia), "I'm an IB student who has been lost until I found this website! Explain how valid and reliable your data collection was. Your site gave my extended essay a plan on how to go about it and made the journey simpler. IA 2007 3.60% 3.60% 3.60% 3.70% 3.70% 3.80% 3.80% 3.80% 3.90% 3.90% 3.80% 3.90% To find the average unemployment rate in Iowa for 2007, I used my calculator to do: 3.60+3.60+3.60+3.70+3.70+3.80+3.80+3.80+3.90+3.90+3.80+3.90 12 Average=3.758 I repeated these steps for all 51 rows to find an annual average for each state. If you do use a video or audio file, you’ll need to include a document in the appendix that is either a full transcript of the video or at least a clear summary of the main points you used in your IA. A introductory guide to the IA. Make sure that you’ve used data from all of your sources in your tools. "-"Procrastinator", "I am an IB student from India and I am very very thankful to you for these sites. This is tremendously helpful. As much as possible, try to use key words from the course in the main body. "-Carlos (Argentina), "Thank you for this piece of gold! This will help to keep you from accidentally doing things you don’t need to do. "-Tashi, "Dear Mr. Woods, thank you so much for your structure for TOK essays. All (or almost all) of your data for the SL IA should come from just a few supporting documents that you choose. In general we like to see qualitative tools (such as SWOT and PEST) come before the quantitative ones (like ratio analysis and decision trees). More word count tips to come). Keep up the great work!" Note that you (SL students) are allowed to use additional sources to fill in small details (to get an additional few facts, or to define a word), but mostly you’ll be using your 3-5 main documents (so choose them carefully). It looks like you're using Internet Explorer 11 or older. The article how to score full marks in the business IA was really helpful as it gave me a plan and coming into TOK I was able to build my ideas in structured pattern. Absolutely great. what data they provided). Could this project lead you into more research or analysis? Label them clearly, with labels like “Supporting document 1”, “Supporting document 2” and so on. SL IA information comes entirely (or almost entirely) from secondary sources. I just wanted to thank you for being a lifesaver. 5. Math SL IA - Structure and many other things I need help with So I already have my topic, which is the Mean value theorem. (Actually, avoid everyone who likes Supreme. but i went through this website, and all of a sudden there's been a change of heart. Mention at least one change made to your IA approach (i.e. If creating a graph, make sure everything is labeled, 3. Ideally there would be several. thanx tim woods i sure will apply all these tips" -Julie H. The SL word count is less and you don’t need a Research Proposal section. ,WKRXJKW,¶GSXWDVHOHFWLRQRIWKHSRVWV,¶YHPDGHRYHUWKHSDVW\HDULQWRD word document ± these are all related to maths investigations or enrichment ideas. There needs to be at least one, probably two. Include a clear justification of the use of the theory (how it will help answer the RQ). (Here are some tips for that). I took Math SL, and got a 7. If you do, it should go after your qualitative tools. (Watch, if you aren't sure about how to choose your tools, because using the right tools is essential to scoring well in your IA. Use 3 or 4 techniques for analyzing. How? A big thank you from Dallas, TX. (Note that if you include an Acknowledgments section, that part isn’t included in your word count. (You can join. Thank you, all the way from UWCSA"-Nicolette Sauramba @ Waterford Kamhlaba United World College of Southern Africa (Swaziland), "@adnamaweit Every self-motivated IB student knows  @timwoods..."-Amanda Tiew @ Campaka Schools (Malaysia), "Just want to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation for this website and all the effort you've channelled into helping others with your knowledge and skills. It is marked according to five assessment criteria.

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