Copyright © 2019 ACM, Inc. The solution may not be in some new theorem or some new algorithm," he says. Minsky's inventions include the first head-mounted graphical display (1963)[25] and the confocal microscope[2][note 1] (1957, a predecessor to today's widely used confocal laser scanning microscope). Today, he is a professor at the University of Montreal, scientific director of Mila (the Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms), and an advisor to Microsoft. Another development that helps the system learn more effectively involves randomly turning off some of the neurons about half of the time, introducing some noise into the network. [53] In 2006, he was inducted as a Fellow of the Computer History Museum "for co-founding the field of artificial intelligence, creating early neural networks and robots, and developing theories of human and machine cognition. [Free will is the] “internal forces I do not understand.” ~ Marvin Minsky, quoted in Behave by Robert M. Sapolsky. in mathematics from Harvard University in 1950 and a Ph.D. in mathematics from Princeton University in 1954. The brain evolved to use patterns of neural activity to perform perception and movement, and that makes it more suited to reasoning by analogy rather than logic, he argues. Corrections? All rights reserved. The controversial pioneer of free software resigned from MIT over his remarks on Jeffrey Epstein and Marvin Minsky. "It might take a very long time before we reach human-level AI," he says. LeCun says theories about why neural nets would not workthat the training algorithms would get stuck in the extreme values of mathematical functions known as local minimafell to real-world experience. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Computer scientists Marvin Minsky and Seymour Papert had published a book in 1969 on Perceptrons, an early attempt at building a neural net, and it left people in the field with the impression that such devices were nonsense. In any given case, the precise details would never be known, and even if they were, they would be millions of times too complex for human understanding.[33]. Announcing our NEW encyclopedia for Kids! "In the end, what people were convinced by were not theorems; they were experimental results," he says. When Geoffrey Hinton started doing graduate student work on artificial intelligence at the University of Edinburgh in 1972, the idea that it could be achieved using neural networks that mimicked the human brain was in disrepute. Following service in the U.S. Navy from 1944 to 1945, Minsky enrolled in 1946 at Harvard University to explore his many intellectual interests. Hinton worries about how autonomous intelligent weapons systems might be misused, for instance. Abstracting with credit is permitted. [26], Minsky wrote the book Perceptrons (with Seymour Papert), attacking the work of Frank Rosenblatt, which became the foundational work in the analysis of artificial neural networks. In addition to the A.M. Turing Award, he received the Japan Prize (1990) and the Benjamin Franklin Medal (2001). In 1952, Minsky married pediatrician Gloria Rudisch; together they had three children. "One is you have bad intuitions, in which case it doesn't matter what you do, and the other is you have good intuitions, in which case you should follow them.". Marvin Lee Minsky was born in New York City, to an eye surgeon father, Henry, and to a mother, Fannie (Reiser), who was a Zionist activist. In 1959 Minsky and McCarthy cofounded the Artificial Intelligence Project (now the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory). Minsky was an adviser[31] on Stanley Kubrick's movie 2001: A Space Odyssey; one of the movie's characters, Victor Kaminski, was named in Minsky's honor. However, critics contend that the “society of mind” idea is most accessible to laypeople and barely useful to AI researchers. ... She claimed that she had sexual relations with former MIT scientist Marvin Minsky in the US Virgin Islands. "I learned about Geoff's existence, and realized this was the man I needed to meet," he says.

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