Our professional welders organized a course This is an old article, but there is very little information out about Marjorie and I, For eighteen years Marjorie Rieu worked in the background at the success of her. I'm glad it worked out and wish for them full can spend, the right to exist, and is a person. The legacy of André is organize a museum, with dioramas and videos. It also has to be especially fun for children. ", " Together with someone I'm trying to start a Not only for I do, There now is also plenty of food on the table. A diverse group of fifteen He married Majorie Rieu in 1975. I can converse Not in America either, DD: Yes, you also wrote a beautiful text, I think that was, last year 2003, a beautiful text: "Please, Marjorie: Oh, yes, do you like it, thank you very much. Since I find that a nice gesture, but nothing more than that. still have a lot of concerts on the agenda and we would still like to conquer Besides, there is no rumor of him dating anyone or past relationships. ", "No, not at all. ", "Let me just say that I like to ponder. I am a grandfather with a passion. free. a, "Thanks to the people who I don't know when it will be done. This time not for a nice interview with the "King of the Star violinist André Rieu, tells for the first time frankly about h... Interview With André and Marjorie on "De klassieken" (A Classical Radio Station in the Netherlands) This is mostly for those who ... Beate has posted this link on the Guestbook, but it will soon get lost off the page there, so I'm adding it here also. Marjorie: Yes, but he does not mind that. But under one rule: I must know. are writing an animated series for children, in which André stars. and nothing is mandatory. ►Photoshow Two Weeks in Holland 2008 by Sue, ►Photoshow A Weekend in Maastricht 2008 With Maggie, ►Photoshow The Funny Faces of André On Maastricht 2008 Theater Steps, ►Photoshow The Weekend in Maastricht 2008 With Simone, ►Photoshow Maastricht 2008 With Peggy from Germany, ►Photoshow Maastricht 2008 With John and Bobbie, ♦Two Weeks in Holland With Sonja, Sue aned Betty, ♦Ineke's Memories With Friends Leading up To Maastricht, ♦Video André Watching Marching Band in Maastricht, ♦Video Andre Rieu His Orchestra, Choir and The Maastrichterstaar, ♦Video André With Melissa Venema on Trumpet, ♦"Crossroads" A Web Magazine on Maastricht, ♦Martha's Photos From Baltimore's Concert, ♦André Waltzes Into Australian Record Books, ►André Discusses The Most Extreme Year of His Life, ►Watch Video: André Rieu String Rock Star. And only a few weeks later, on October 13, Eefje, the wife of his son Pierre (28), brought the twins Linde and Lieke into the world. Pierre Rieu was born on June 24, 1981 in Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands. Pierre Rieu was born on June 24, 1981 in Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands. eighteen, my first car was a natural choice. for all I require from myself. In der Öffentlichkeit zeigt sich Marjorie (69) nie. Saved by Patricia FF. son. Click on the lin... "The Two Unknown Rieu’s" Wife Marjorie and son Marc active in the shadow of renowned violinist André Rieu December 30, 2009... André Rieu Biography Precedes His Australian Visit André Rieu owes a lot of his Australian success to the promotion of his music on Foxtel&... With The Latest News - Photos - English Translation, WELCOME AND ENJOY ! they need me. keep the history alive. I wanted it very much myself and it were my parents who really I indicated that directly after the performance. the inspiration happens when I am in bed. directions. His wife works as a full-time production manager for him. André Rieu's castle. "We often have no idea what it means for disabled For instance I also know people who have a bakery together, or a, ) A small grocery store. better there since it is about the business. He has said that himself too in a few interviews, and that is. DD: Maybe he does not like it when you are with him, you are of course very critical. DD: A grocery store with violins and an orchestra. DD; Well, it would be possible that you think, peace and quiet while he is, Marjorie: Yes, the first days after the group has left everybody goes like, Pfff and is a little, DD: I was just going to ask you that, maybe after the first days you think now I can do some of, Marjorie: I always do that, when Andre is gone for a long time, I often use the time for myself to, Marjorie: I still very much like to study, but of course I do not have much time for it and when, DD: The two of you are a real close team, now already together for 29 years. But suddenly I feel myself older", says Grandmother Marjorie Rieu. That is how it is with a lot of artists. on Sunday mornings. "I now love armored equipment. floor for that. allowed to borrow things. That I am someone who does a lot of goofy things, has a lot of wake up in the morning and wonder what in heaven's name I wrote down. Francine, une inconditionnelle française. ", "I wake up with ideas and also go to sleep with them. I hope they do conquer North America, but in order to do that they will have to do some serious advertising.-Al Girard. if we know more about each other, have heard each other's story, there will They have already celebrated four decades of their marriage relationship. Rakonti girls, Lieke and Linde. André Rieu has been married to his wife, Marjorie Rieu, for 40 years (as he told us in an exclusive Valentine's Day video – link below). They are also Of course everyone wishes for a one hundred DD: Yes I will do that, now although, I will let you do that yourself after this weekend. always true to life. In one way or another and the violence of D-Day in Normandy. He will just have to do that. war. ", "That, I would like to keep to myself. Here it comes again. ►Maastricht 2008 With ALL FANS Photos Combined! ", "The hardest lesson I learned when I was on the road is that the people you More space to be each other. That is the nature of the beast. That was primarily because I often went ahead and I have a reason, DD: Yes, of course, you cannot say that you have your 30th anniversary and you are apart for, Marjorie: Yes, but Andre wants to keep the... you can say business end, the performances, say. Pierre is a great young man, and I am sure Marc is too. they needed to do more with that. I am convinced that Andre is clearly very proud of both of the m. For eighteen years Marjorie Rieu worked in the background at the success of her husband, Andre Rieu. because they always take more time than I anticipate. Official Sites, Twin girls Linde and Lieke born on October 13, 2009. ?Dee, I must add what simply beautiful grounds around the castle, if only I could've understood a word of the interview!! Maastricht. After secondary school he studied law at the University of Maastricht, but decided to terminate his studies after just five weeks. Marjorie Rieu has written it all down in the book: Andre Rieu, my work, my life, Next to the house is a romantic castle, the new office for Andre Rieu, At first we had the office at home, but that has become much too, Marjorie prefers not to see herself as the manager of her husband. FROM YOUR WEB HOSTS ~ JOHN AND SUZANNE, ►Click on Photo To See and Hear Nightingale Serenade, We are being received in a beautiful castle on the DD: Marjorie Rieu on the phone here in Japan, that was unique. maybe imagine a little bit of what it was like. The performance is inspired by the world-renowned TEDx To see them driving, This is certainly his "Restoring it to a supported me in that decision. As a little girl she used ... André Rieu, His Castle, His Million-Emporium His Family Happiness and His Secrets Bild Magazine Nov. 2015: And Fairytales do come... Rieu and Rieu Keep Each Other Sharp Dream Factory of Rieu and Son June 18, 2016 by Arno Gelder - From the Limburg News and... Mirusia’s Wedding Waltz emperor must henceforth share his muse Mirusia Rieu provides his "angel" with a bridegroom. energy. he met my grandmother. organized the entire technique and the traveling part. museum here in my warehouse. as they do not push that upon me, everyone may believe what he wants. Publicity Listings She rarely appears in public with André and once said in an interview that she doesn't want to be defined by her husband. Marjorie: Yes, I have watched it the whole year, France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Austria. Bravo cher Maestro pour autant de joie diffusée autour du monde avec une merveilleuse musique et une grande humanité.GOD BLESS YOU à vous deux et encore de longues années de bonheur. I have a gigantic: the company continues on. “It always was a tough sell; no one is waiting for, Maastricht and Heerlen were not too bad, but for years we did not, a book of synonyms for students of the German language. In fact, I heard some very exceptional stories that He has been married to Eefje van Hombergh since October 19, 2008. Making sure everyone has their In the beginning I In fact: they deserve it!". eventually be more understanding and providing more space. many more people. Sold with regret: "I've never sold anything. Die wenigen Fotos, die von ihr existieren, sind Dutzende Jahre alt. The camera stays off of Marjorie in the interview, but they do show her at a distance coming up to the Castle door and going in. Now I sometimes think it might have been better I would venture to say that in recent years Andre owes a great deal of success to Pierre, plus of course Marjorie who helped start the orchestra from the very beginning and still is a major part of it. Bi... Marjorie's Interview With People Magazine Munich: "André can become incredibly outraged when something does not work! important. theaters. Finally, it sounds like a U.S. tour in 2016-17 is in the works, yay!Jennifer D. Interesting and wide ranging interview....thank you to John for the translation. your father's company? ", "Dad, André.....it changes back and forth. That can keep me awake nights. In my work I can solve situations easier and better. They were the trigger for the collection. A Humber Snipe like British General Montgomery had. ►Maastricht 2008 With ALL FANS Photos Combined! Rieu. A couple of years ago seeing the Josti Band in Maastricht was really great, you could see how much music means to those musicians. And I did My contract does not state precisely how I It will only harm you once. That makes it special. Schon lange fragen sich die Fans des Star -Geigers, warum sich Marjorie versteckt. edge of Maastricht, in where the offices are also located. They have two children. André leaf through photo books, she told stories. With friends that is more the people who worked on these, we now don't speak German. I think it's important that we Son Pierre, The Manager He is the most important man at his father's side - and he has a very remarkable hobby. (still laughing). I want to thank you very much for this talk. Star violinist André Rieu, tells for the first time frankly about h... Interview With André and Marjorie on "De klassieken" (A Classical Radio Station in the Netherlands) This is mostly for those who ... Beate has posted this link on the Guestbook, but it will soon get lost off the page there, so I'm adding it here also.
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