You will have to find an illegal alcohol stash (Locate the Raven Rock Stash). I've stumbled across Captain Modyn Veleth fighting strange beings called "ash spawn" at the Attius Farm outside of Raven Rock. Search the Attius Farm for clues, and give the. Outside the Bulwark attacking Redoran guardsbefore completing "March of the Dead" On one particular corpse is a letter called "Declaration of War". Since you have obtained the Declaration of War, hand it over to Captain Veleth who's standing right beside you. How else could he have survived for over 200 years? Apparently a General Falx Carius is leading an attack on Raven Rock from Fort Frostmoth using the Ash Spawn as soldiers. After killing the general with one or two swift strikes, a stealth attacker can turn around and quickly destroy that ash spawn without alerting the two ash spawn outside the living room. gads.async = true; It's a shame. After this, several ash spawn will attack and shower you with firebolt spells while the voice continues: "Fort Frostmoth will never fall! Sorry, we've got no plans for mobile versions of this game guide. Skyrim Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. There are quite a few tales of General Carius's exploits, including the founding of Raven Rock. var useSSL = 'https:' == document.location.protocol; On the left you will find a room with stairs leading up and a ladder. The western door is covered in spider-web: if you swing something sharp at it, you should destroy it and be able to move on deeper into the location. It looks like as if the general summoned a minion to aid him. Bethesda Game Studios' blockbuster open-world RPG puts players on the precipice of determining the future of Skyrim as the Empire waits for the prophesized Dragonborn to come; a hero born with the power of The Voice, and the only one who can stand amongst the dragons. South of Raven Rock lies the burned-out Old Attius Farm where you will find Captain Veleth fighting several ash spawn, immediately starting the quest. Go left and there is the room with the key and Ildari's journal. Don't worry - he's immortal, so no harm will happen to him. There is also treasure room behind a barred door as well. This leads to a dungeon. Open the console, select an ash spawn, and use the code ToggleActorsAI followed by Disable. Pick it up and give it to Veleth. To get the key go down into the cave left to the locked door. 'https:' : 'http:') + I should examine his remains to determine what he was doing here. And yeah, iI admit, all those coffins kind of creeped me out. Collect the reward. Recently, Raven Rock has experienced several attacks by ash spawn and Captain Veleth is naturally trying to figure out what is going on. There are four exits - one in the west, two in the north and one in the east (the last one requires a special key - we will return here later on). var node = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; One monster can be found in the tower in the south east, while the second one by the sea, nearby the old docks. You will find yourself in a dungeon with coffins. Just keep in mind that the monsters are really powerful and might kill you if you're not careful. Kill the ash spawn attacking Captain Veleth, Since you have completed the mission, the only thing left is to collect your reward. '//'; Kill them and go into the staircase to the right. Prepare yourselves for an ambush!" Head straight ahead to the Old Attius Farm. If you lose a considerable amount of health while fighting them, take a look into the room on the right - you should find a health and stamina potion there. There's no way he could still be alive." Hi everyone, I'm currently playing through the Dragonborn DLC and I'm getting to the fight against General Carius in the March of the Dead. Despite the name of the mission, you don't necessarily have to go to Attius farm. In any case nothing happens. Other articles in this series are shown below: Skyrim Dragonborn Walkthrough Part 1: How to Start Dragonborn, Skyrim Dragonborn Walkthrough Part 2: Travel to Solstheim, Skyrim Dragonborn Walkthrough Part 3: Adril Arano, Skyrim Dragonborn Walkthrough Part 4: Investigate the Shrine, Skyrim Dragonborn Walkthrough Part 6: Old Attius Farm, Skyrim Dragonborn Walkthrough Part 7: General Falx Carius at Fort Frostmoth, Skyrim Dragonborn Walkthrough Part 8: Emberbrand Wine Stash, Skyrim Dragonborn Walkthrough Part 9: Hrodulf's House Secret Door, Skyrim Dragonborn Walkthrough Part 10: Wreck of the Strident Squall, Skyrim Dragonborn Walkthrough Part 11: Stalhrim Tutorial - Ask Deor about Baldor, Skyrim Dragonborn Walkthrough Part 12: Stalhrim Tutorial - A New Source of Stalhrim, Skyrim Dragonborn Walkthrough Part 13: Stalhrim Tutorial - Ancarion's Stalhrim Source Map, Skyrim Dragonborn Walkthrough Part 14: Stalhrim Tutorial - Crafting Stalhrim Items, Skyrim Dragonborn Walkthrough Part 15: Stalhrim Tutorial - How to get Ancient Nordic Pickaxe, Skyrim Dragonborn Walkthrough Part 16: The Temple of Miraak, Skyrim Dragonborn Walkthrough Part 17: Temple of Miraak Throne Knocked Out Stairs Puzzle Solution, Skyrim Dragonborn Walkthrough Part 18: Find the source of Miraak's power, Skyrim Dragonborn Walkthrough Part 19: Temple of Miraak Sanctum, Skyrim Dragonborn Walkthrough Part 20: First Black Book, Skyrim Dragonborn Walkthrough Part 21: Waking Dreams of a Starless Sky, Comment posting has been disabled on this article. Regardless of whether you decide to do that, eventually you should reach your destination. Remember that you can always hope for help from the Dark Elf - his attacks are quite powerful as well, plus he can sustain considerable damage. Kill the Ash Spawn and talk to Captain Veleth afterwards. When you tell him that you killed the reanimated General Falx Carius he will be pleasantly surprised: "I had my suspicions that he was undead. Veleth will find this note odd as it is from a General Falx Carius, who ruled over Fort Frostmouth some 200 years ago. All logos and images are copyrighted by their respective owners. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages. The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995, This article is part 5 of a 21 part series. googletag.cmd.push(function() { On the left you can find an East Empire Trading Company chest, the content of which is very valuable, though the lock can cause you some problems. They however aren't very fast, so you can kill them from a distance. That's why by far the best way of eliminating the enemies are stealth kills - either with a bow or a knife. Discussion in 'Dragonborn DLC' started by Saozig, Dec 4, 2012. var googletag = googletag || {}; The right of the corridors isn't so problematic - it can be found in the small niche to the right of the just opened grate. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. General Falx is a rather demanding enemy - the powerful hammer that he's using can quickly put you out. March of the dead ash pile bug - posted in Skyrim Technical Support: Hey. He appears outnumbered, and he's requested I lend him a helping hand. I need to begin by searching the Attius Farm for clues that might lead me to the ash spawn's source. })(); Sadly, none of General Carius' armor can be looted, but claiming his unique enchanted warhammer Champion's Cudgel should serve as a consolation prize, along with the large chest nearby.

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