Having successfully hidden that for almost a dozen of years now, his self-control is admirable but he is not without fault. Your email address will not be published. Playing a Vampire most often offers at least an additional layer of complexity and fun to our characters. Port Charles", "28 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer' Villains That Could Have Been Way More Terrifying", "Carmilla, the internet's favorite lesbian vampire, returns this fall with movie adaptation", "Cash from "Kindred the Embraced" - 9 Sexiest TV and Movie Vampires…", "Bonding on Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Who Fell in Love, Who Feuded and Who Became BFFs", "TV Review: Being Human – "Eve of the War, "Juliet 'Dru' Landau finds that the power of 'Buffy' never dies", "Holly-Wood Stakes: 15 Buffy Actors That Disappeared After The Show Ended", "TV shows cancelled before their use-by dates", "Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 20 Characters They Want You To Forget", "It's New To Me – BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER ("Life Serial" / "All The Way")", "Телеканал ТЕТ начал съемки сериала "Сплит" Больше читайте здесь", "Звезда сериала "Сплит" Кристина БРОДСКАЯ: "Наш проект сравнивают с "поттерианой" - KP.UA", "Electric Sheep begins online broadcast of Split's second season in South America", "¿Qué fue de... los protagonistas de 'Jóvenes ocultos'? Lately some servants seemed to have disappeared, presumably left his service, though those who knew them would tell you otherwise. See our hand-picked name suggestions & short stories ! Alaric: Alaric is a character from the television show Vampire Diaries. Your email address will not be published. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter. Also known as Vlad Tepes, and the character behind the story of Dracula, he was the cruel and vicious ruler of Wallachia in the 15th century. As he died, soon after, nine more people perished out of which those that were on death-bed claimed they were attacked by him at night. It does not include vampires originating in folklore or mythology, or the concept of dhampirs. Hey fellas!! A Serbian villager who started one of the first documented mass vampire hysterias in the 18th century. Formerly human, he became the 4th Primogenitor 3 months prior to the events in Volume 1. As a member of the Silver Sword, a somewhat secret syndicate. Required fields are marked *. There are many stories around her vampire-like tendencies, such as bathing in blood, though none are verified completely. Never wanting more than a simple life, one day during his lumber working days, he suddenly felt dizzy, only to fall unconscious. To make sure that happens, here are some of the coolest vampire names to sink your teeth into: Male Vampire Names. This is a list of vampires found in literary fiction, film and television, comics and manga, video games and board games, and in musicals, opera and theatre.It does not include vampires originating in folklore or mythology, or the concept of dhampirs We can act like them, smile like them and also name ourselves like them. Here are some of the best vampire names for you ladies. “Welcome to my castle.” – a sound of footsteps echoed throughout the hall as the man walked down the stairs, his arms widely open.

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