Just watched the episode again, and Yue says she was named "for the moon.". Nation du Feu “Avatar: The Last Airbender” What it is: “Avatar: The Last Airbender” is a fantastic anime. Avatar Clients. There is only one language now; the rest would have fallen out of use. Elle a été surprise par cela et il a dit qu'ils avaient besoin de l'aide de l'Avatar. Mai outwardly resembled an impassive and apathetic teenager. Girlfriend to the Fire Lord (formerly)Governor's daughter (formerly)High class Fire Nation citizenImprisoned Fire Nation traitor (amnestied) Mai's relationships Les deux amies furent immédiatement appréhendées par les gardes et Azula leur ordonna de les enfermer. Elle a quitté Ukano au milieu de la salle de réunion détruite. Each language pronounces these characters differently. Chronological information Votre accent est différent ? Tout en s'attardant dans la salle du trône du Roi de la Terre, Mai et le groupe ont été surpris par Katara qui a eu des nouvelles de Zuko et Iroh. En considérant ses paroles, Mai a théorisé que Ty Lee avait besoin de "dix petits amis" car elle voulait compenser l'attention qui lui manquait dans son enfance. Cela a eu un effet profond sur sa personnalité, car elle était profondément enracinée en elle pour garder ses sentiments et ses émotions très cachés. I. "Hotmen"? 237 380 28. Mai détestait la couleur et le dit à Zuko, mais cela ne fit que le faire rire et affirmer à quel point elle était belle quand elle détestait le monde. Il a été également montré qu’elle pouvait glisser sur des surfaces de son côté. Non l'ho mai visto.. Prononciation de Non l'ho mai visto. Furthermore, Kyoshi Island is very Japanese, and the Fire Nation has some Japanese elements as well. Mai and Ty Lee defeated the siblings rather easily, much in part thanks to the siblings' lack of sleep, though they were caught off-guard by an air blast from Appa and sent flying into a nearby river. They ought to all have different accents. After this, a completely pristine Mai leaned out of a hatch and dryly announced to the sludge-drenched Ty Lee and Azula: "We lost."[14]. Après la bataille, Mai et Ty Lee ont été libérées après que l'oncle de Mai ait "tiré quelques ficelles", et que son petit ami était le nouveau Seigneur du feu. The sequel series disproves that the culture of the Avatar world is stagnant. La force de ses sentiments à l'égard de Zuko fut révélée quand elle le sauva d'Azula au Rocher Bouillant. Quand il poussa Ruon-Jian à travers une pièce, brisant un vase, Mai le réprimanda pour "son impatience, sa tête chaude et sa colère". When Toph did it by accident, it only caused him to misfire, but when Sokka hit him with his boomerang, it outright caused him to blow himself up. Due to Mai's meticulous upbringing, she was consistently unamused. Hey, in the modern day, we use Roman letters and Arabic numerals to represent languages that derive from both and neither. Azula took note of Mai's "strangely good mood" since Zuko's return to the Fire Nation. By all accounts, the existence of the Avatar has helped to stagnate the world, because one ever-present force has been keeping the world in check. Lorsque Zuko a crié à Ty Lee, Mai lui a dit de la laisser tranquille; Il a persisté, cependant, et Ty Lee leur a finalement raconté l'histoire de son enfance. When Zuko reaches out to try and save Zhao from being dragged to his death by the Ocean Spirit, Zhao refuses to take it, choosing death over accepting help from his sworn enemy. And then there are names that fit into more than one language, or would fit better into one language but are written in another; "Katara" is written in Mandarin but would be easier to pronounce in Japanese. 123 129 22. [21] Mai was devastated by Zuko's sudden departure from the Fire Nation and consequently harbored some resentment toward him, as evidenced by her bitter confrontation with Zuko in his prison cell at the Boiling Rock. Quand un groupe de maîtres de la terre d'élite a tenté d'arrêter la foreuse, Azula a envoyé Mai et Ty Lee pour leur faire face, ce qui a suscité l'approbation de Mai car c'était quelque chose à faire. Mai and Zuko were on much better terms in the weeks that followed. Votre accent est différent ? Despite Kei Lo's protest, Mai believed her father's words though disagreed with his idea to implement a curfew and create a task force. Mai was legitimately shocked that Ty Lee had it in her, Azula went down in aghast that her more loyal friend went against her, and even Ty Lee herself stood there as if to say: "Oh wow, I just did that. On Azula's orders, Mai and Ty Lee deliberately talked about their Fire Nation origins in the open, banking on the Dai Li to be spying on them and relaying the message to Long Feng. Fan Art. Mai dismissed the idea of auras and sarcastically apologized to Zuko for not being as "high-strung and crazy" as the others. She later saw her brother Tom-Tom being kidnapped by the Kemurikage, to her great concern. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Disgraceful. Though still, it seems unlikely that that same language wouldn't have evolved at all in 100 years. The next day, the two of them arrived at the ship to leave for the Fire Nation together. To be fair, there's no set pronunciation for Mai's name. [23] When the two met unexpectedly, Mai was in her characteristically irritated demeanor, but she had clearly been deeply hurt, and argued with Zuko about his motives for leaving. S'appuyant sur le prince trempé, Mai déclara avec ironie qu'ils étaient maintenant "quitte". Sa coiffure ne doit pas être confondue avec la coiffure odango, qui a été popularisée et fait référence à des styles dans certains anime. To her surprise, her father was the leader of the society, having propositioned Kei Lo to bring his daughter there. It's made even worse by the fact that you don't age in the Spirit World, and thus, you cannot die of aging. Kya expresses pity for Zhao when encountering him in the Fog of Lost Souls. Prononcez Avatar en Français, Vous pouvez l'améliorer ? Katara has to approximate her name because there aren't really characters for the exact sounds. but he doesn't and this leads to him blowing himself up. Angered that she was being kept out of the loop of everything, Mai broke up with Zuko, saying "You love your secrets more [than you love me]".[10]. Uncle Iroh’s elderly insight is anything but old news! http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/AvatarTheLastAirbenderTheFireNation. [19] Later, Zuko and Mai were having a romantic picnic on an oceanside cliff and enjoying an orange sunset together. Chi or qi1 refers to the metaphysical energy that flows throughout the human body. I think its fair to say that's how it's actually pronounced. Zuko a profité de ce moment et a verrouillé les deux à l'intérieur de la pièce. Médias Sociaux. La seule fois où elle a jamais été heureuse était en présence de Zuko, qu'elle aimait profondément. Sorry, I can't come up with a source atm, but I definitely remember hearing that they show went with the. Her name is phonetically similar to the Japanese, She and Ty Lee are also a platonic example; Mai is a sullen. Avatar Femmes Filles. Moving to comfort him, she said he is the one thing she cares about. 99 75 13. Instead, she backed the Avatar's suggestion to investigate the events that actually took place regarding the kidnappings. Ty Lee paralyzed her with a chi strike before she could escape and the trio proceeded to capture the waterbender. However, she did show marked interest in Zuko, turning away shyly and blushing when he walked by with his mother. It's a vengeful Ocean Spirit, the soul-mate of the spirit of the moon, that comes to end him. The power-hungry and glory-seeking Commander and later Admiral of the Fire Nation. Each release is of the highest quality and most user friendly. Her fight with Suki on the gondola is one of the few times Ty Lee looks outright angry, glowering as Suki deflects her every blow. It's that he thought doing it by a letter was a good idea. Elle s'est confronté à Azula, déclarant que son amour pour Zuko l'emportait sur sa peur des représailles. It's probably just a mistake, but "Mei" (sounds like "May") does mean "beautiful" and "younger sister" in Mandarin (depending on the tone used), so it could be retconned in as a complimentary nickname from Zuko, and a tease from Azula. Zhao is doomed to wander the Fog of Lost Souls forever, killed the Moon Spirit. How to say avatar in English? Hindi While working on a flower arrangement, a young man named Kei Lo entered the shop and started flirting with her. Après leur séparation, Mai quitta le Palais Royal de la Nation du Feu et accepta l'invitation de sa tante Mura à travailler comme assistante dans son magasin de fleurs. When a riot started, a guard arrived with orders from the warden to protect her- although, as both she and Zuko stated, she did not need any protection. Le lendemain, elle les a signalés à la police, qui était déconcertée par sa demande, mais Zuko l'a également confirmé. Mai complied, but glared briefly at Azula as she passed.[20]. The pronunciation of 'Avatar' is particularly annoying; the character's names were made up, if based on real-world languages, so saying it differently isn't that bad. AND Momo means "dumpling" in Tibetan, the language that most of the Air Nomads are named in. Wiki Avatar est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Télévision. Mai telling Zuko that "not everything's changed". Stung by this, Mai softly and yet harshly said that their relationship was over and wordlessly watched him storm outside. Hommes Femmes Icône. Mai and Zuko were later set up on a dinner date by Azula in a plan to persuade the reluctant prince to return home, playing off their childhood crushes on each other. Elle était enfant unique depuis treize ans et a reçu tout ce qu'elle voulait, tant qu'elle était sage, ne disait rien et obéissait à ses parents. À l'aide de petits couteaux semblables aux shuriken ninja et des étuis à ressort pour les stilettos dissimulés dans les manches de sa robe, elle était capable de battre de nombreux maîtres en même temps, bien que ce ne soit pas une maître elle-même. When she was asked why she did what she had done as she knew what the consequences would be, Mai scornfully replied that her love for Zuko was stronger than her fear of Azula, adding that the princess had thus miscalculated. No one remembers him, and Aang's kids even remark on him with pity when they see him. Mai a ensuite aidé Azula à attaquer Suki et les autres Guerrières Kyoshi, déclarant que leur maquillage coloré et leurs uniformes la rendaient nauséabonde. When he admitted that he was angry at himself and confused about what was right and what was wrong, Mai saw him once again as the Zuko she loved. It's my best guess that non-hybrids. Aang has a pronounced lisp, but my theory was that he didn't have a firm grasp of the Fire Nation language at the time, as it is gone when he is an adult. Thinking quickly, Zuko sheepishly claimed that Mai was a friend from the circus, the knife thrower. Just looking for a bit of clarification here: What language do these people speak? Comme une abrutie finie, je t'ai laissé. Mai fighting Sokka and Katara by the Nan Shan River. Le manque d'émotion de Mai et son calme constant contrastaient fortement avec la passion et le tempérament de Zuko. Ensuite, elle est retournée avec Tom-Tom dans le magasin de fleurs de sa tante et a regardé fixement une photo d'elle et de Zuko.

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