Appx 20 years old. ... Mad River Canoe Explorer Series - Duration: 7:04. Overall I would consider Old Town to produce a slightly more durable product while Mad River produces a slightly classier looking product. She reacts to just the slightest adjustment and takes you where you want to go. Mad river Explorer 16 foot length. With assurance in its long history of proven performance, canoeists have chosen the Explorer as a family cruiser, fisherman's canoe, compact tripper, and for many other types of on-water activities. It also performs quite nicely on quiet water. A 17-foot boat might be easier with gear and two kids, but you could do it in this one as well. The boat features a shallow V hull which acts to give the boat greater secondary stability. Aluminum is also great for those applications. capacity. 1 review. Being about 40 years old, you might think the Explorer design is out-of-date. Unfortunately the Explorer is not quite as nice as they used to be. Read and submit reviews for the Explorer 16 Kevlar. The Mad River Explorer 16 canoe is an icon when it comes to versatile canoes. I have not had a chance to use this as much as I have the Old Town Tripper and the Old Town Pathfinder (Camper). Gear Review: Mad River Explorer 16 Canoe - Duration: 2:35. Have you used this? Royalex with repairs to vinyl and cold cracks. The Explorer had no bad habits. For access to exclusive gear videos, celebrity interviews, and more, subscribe on YouTube! Life After Royalex: Mad River Explorer 16 (FGX), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Why Avalanche Safety Education Is More Important Than Ever, Beans by Bike: Delivering Roasted Goods the Hard Way, Behind the Front Lines With a Wildland Firefighting Hotshot Crew, Why Minnesota’s Boundary Waters Are on the Ballot This Year, How to Safely Camp and Recreate During Wildfire Season, Drew Smith on Chasing 'Cheap Thrills' and Becoming a Professional Adventure Photographer, The Hill Workout OCR Athlete Ryan Kempson Uses to Build Total-Body Strength, We may use your e-mail address to send you the newsletter and offers that may interest you, on behalf of Men's Journal and its partners. I believe this happened sometime in the '80s however I will have to double check. It is noticeably more stable in whitewater than my flat bottomed Pathfinder. It will not break any speed records, but it’s not supposed to. Bottom line: If you can only own one tandem canoe, this is an excellent candidate. L: 16’3; W: 34.5″; 64 lbs. At 16’3″ and 14.5″ deep at the center, its capacity is over 1,100 pounds, a weight you can’t come close to exceeding unless you’re carrying sacks of gold dust or lead shot. Trailspace's community of gear reviewers has field-tested and rated the top recreational canoes. The classic canoe made of Triple-Tough three-layer polyethylene plastic. I bought this boat to tackle class III rapids with or without a load with two people. Check out a few other canoe recommendations below or explore all canoes to find the perfect one for you! Add your own review » The bottom edge of the shallow V is known to wear out first since all contact with river bottoms and the like is concentrated there. The FGX construction easily stands in for Royalex. Heavy, but similar to boats of its materials. The construction of the Explorer, as expected, is solid. Explorer 14 TT £900.00. capacity. As I get to use the boat more I will refine this review. This durable series is equally at home on the river as it is on open water. The Mad River Explorer TT 14 and 16 range of open canoes is well respected and widely paddled on a variety of waters. with wood trim, 61 lbs with aluminum; 1,100-lb. The Explorer I tested had wood gunwales, which was the only way Mad River Explorers were available for much of its history. View All Outerwear, Clothing, and Accessories », #4 in So far I would say that you can't go wrong with this boat. Sound and seaworthy. Friends have reported having to replace the wooden gunwales a few times over a lifetime of use since you can really tear them up or crack them on rocks in rapids. A canoe like the Penobscot may track slightly better and feel like it cuts through the water with more ease, but I don't think it is too incredibly great of a difference. USCG Helicopter Rescues Kayakers From Anacapa Island, CA, Folding Kayaks - Everything You Need to Know. Price Historic Range: $899.95-$2,789.00: More Product Details from Mad River » Reviews. Rivers like the the Haw, the Cape Fear, and other rivers of greater rapids that have rapids followed by stretches of flat water are perfect for this boat. Unless you store your boat outside 24/7, consider wood gunwales. Depends on what level of luxury you are looking for. One of the great all around boats, especially for those who lean towards rivers over lakes. Rounded and flat bottom boats tend to take the scratches and gouges in a more dispersed manner and possibly last longer (the shallow V will still last you a long time). Optional Extra: Can be fitted with a third centre w Recreational Canoes. Unless the wind is blowing hard, The Explorer is a competent solo paddling canoe. Not at all true. All of the reviews are created and written by paddlers like you, so be sure to submit your own review and be part of the community! I'd love to see some pics of your boats in your reviews too. Thanks for the review and tips, Albert. Is a Double Blade Paddle Good in a Canoe. ($2,255 wood trim, $1,905 aluminum, © 2001-2020 MacLeay Interactive Design, Inc. All Rights Reserved. I hesitate buying used aluminum boats though if there is a chance they were used in salt water. The Explorer 16 Kevlar is a canoe brought to you by Mad River.Read Explorer 16 Kevlar reviews or submit your own review to share with the paddling community. The flare, depth, shallow V, and rocker allow you to tackle the rapids without feeling like you are driving a bathtub on the flat water in-between. So go find one on craigslist that is old and stiff. Find the best canoe for your next outdoor adventure using our independent reviews and ratings. The Mad River Explorer 14 & 16 triple tough (TT) are great choices for those looking for a predictable, touring, or whitewater canoe. Next Adventure PDX 16,009 views. Mad River is now building the Legend series that Dagger had. October 8, 2015. This canoe glides through waters like a knife through butter. I won’t apologize for that. Mad River Canoe 18,025 views. Check out a few other canoe recommendations below or explore all canoes to find the perfect one for you! Perhaps it's much like the mountain bike world where half the guys feel they need what looks to be a motorcycle minus the engine when the old folks bombed it without shocks. The family friends who have spent their lives paddling used this as a whitewater boat and were quite happy with its performance in class IV and even some IV+. Wood gunwales and end caps are stained and oiled. The Explorer tracks well, cruises on flat water and is seaworthy enough to handle chop, wind and waves with confidence. A rundown of five post-Royalex canoe materials, The article was originally published on Canoe & Kayak. 16' Canoe-Mad River Explorer - $450 (Tatum and Dynamite) Canoe. Although friends have been very happy with it paddling most years of their lives across Canada with or without their child. +199 It has mainly been used in the rivers of North Carolina. Mad River Explorer 16 #4 in Recreational Canoes Specs. However these require maintenance of oiling and backing out the screws every winter. or review a different product, Albert Jaynes As I have said in other reviews, if you are just going to be paddling flat water and not running it up on shore or coming in contact with rocks then buy a lighter kevlar or a cheaper fiber glass. with wood trim, 61 lbs with aluminum; 1,100-lb. If you want to go more towards heavy duty tripping and white water then I’d go with the Mad River Freedom 16 or the Explorer 16. There are structural advantages to wood. It will ex before kinking as aluminum does, and once aluminum has a weak spot, it is a weak spot forever. It was purchased for river camping and as a boat that could handle larger rapids than my other boat the Old town Pathfinder. Read reviews for the Explorer 16 Kevlar by Mad River as submitted by your fellow paddlers. Many folks consider them to be sluggish, but I don't notice that much of a difference between them and the other canoes I mentioned at the beginning of this review. It’s surprisingly close to the dimensions of the Prospector, except it is a few inches narrower at the waterline.
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