The Army Ordnance Department ordered eight experimental Colt machine guns rechambered for the French 11 mm cartridge. These maximum rates of fire are generally not achieved in use, as sustained fire at that rate will wear out the bore within a few thousand rounds, necessitating replacement. Some famous examples being the P-40, P-47, and P-51 for the USAAF and the F4F, F6F, and F4U for the US Navy. [55] All LRDGs, and some SAS units used the aircraft (AN/M2) version of the gun, while beam/waist-mounted and turret-mounted Brownings were used later in the war in such aircraft as the Short Sunderland and Lancaster bomber. Machine guns were heavily used in World War I, and weapons of larger than rifle caliber began appearing on both sides of the conflict. ", "第四届中国(北京)国际警用装备及反恐技术装备展览会新品呈献 - 本刊专递 - QBQ-轻兵器", MA DEUCE version M2A1-Proven Performer gets an Upgrade, M2A1 Among Greatest Army Inventions of 2011, M2A1 Machine Gun Features Greater Safety, Heightened Lethality, Marines unveil plan to modernize their small arms arsenal, Improved .50-caliber machine gun hits fleet, 6–6 Cavalry aircrews field new Kiowa Warrior weapons system, Sea Stallions Implement New Ramp Mount Weapon System, Test teams aim at new machine gun for Pave Hawk, "Royal Marine Fliers Direct 'Rain of Fire' during UK's Biggest Exercise", Report of the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry, "Těžký kulomet Browning ráže 12,7 mm M2 HBQCB - Armáda", "Puolustusvoimat - Pyörremyrsky - Puolustusvoimien sotaharjoitus 2011", United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire, "Lietuvos kariuomenė :: Ginkluotė ir karinė technika » Kulkosvaidžiai » Sunkusis 12.7 mm (50) kulkosvaidis M-2 browning",, "HyperWar: Lend-Lease Shipments, World War II (Ordnance)", "Los helicópteros Cougar y Chinook incorporarán las nuevas ametralladoras MAG-58, M3M y M-240 - Noticias Infodefensa España", MCWP 3-15.1: Machine Guns and Machine Gun Gunnery, Browning M2 HB .50 Caliber Heavy Machine Gun,, World War II infantry weapons of the United States, World War II firearms of the United States, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2015, Articles needing additional references from December 2010, All articles needing additional references, Wikipedia articles needing factual verification from September 2018, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2011, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2017, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2012, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, 12.7 × 99 mm Browning M2HB. In my opinion, the M240 meets all the requirements that you would expect of a high performance, heavy weapon. The .50 AN/M2 light-barrel aircraft Browning used in planes had a rate of fire of approximately 800 rounds per minute, and was used singly or in groups of up to eight guns for aircraft ranging from the P-47 Thunderbolt to the B-25 Mitchell bomber, which in the last J-version of the Mitchell could have up to fourteen M2s firing forward for ground attack missions – eight in a solid metal-structure nose, four more mounted in a pair of conformal twin-gunned gun pods on the lower cockpit sides, and two more if the forward dorsal turret's pair of M2 guns were also aimed straight forward. It is effective against infantry, unarmored or lightly armored vehicles and boats, light fortifications, and low-flying aircraft. "Weapons". For one, it requires electrical power, which creates obvious barriers. The M85C was unpopular and this weapon was not adopted. The American military has seen heavy weapons come and go. The link difference created issues with ammunition supply, since despite the same .50 BMG cartridges being used in both machine guns, the ammunition was supplied already packed on links. The fixed types fire from a solenoid trigger and come in left or right hand feed variants for use on the Mk 56 Mod 0 dual mount and other mounts. Over 700 hours of military entertainment and video content, 12 free e-books, breaking news from the front lines and exclusive interviews with the people in charge. in Marine Engineering Technology, and is working towards a Master's in Engineering Technical Management. The GAU-18/A is a lightweight variant of the M2/M3, and is used on the USAF's MH-53 Pave Low and HH-60 Pave Hawk helicopters. The M85 had a slow (400rpm) & high (1100rpm) rate of fire. The latter ammunition along with the M903 SLAP (Saboted Light Armor Penetrator) round can perforate 1.34 inches (34 mm) of FHA (face-hardened steel plate) at 500 metres (550 yd), 0.91 inches (23 mm) at 1,200 metres (1,300 yd), and 0.75 inches (19 mm) at 1,500 metres (1,600 yd). The SLAP-T adds a tracer charge to the base of the ammunition. Ordnance and Ohio Ordnance Works Inc. are other current manufacturers. But, these benefits come with a price. [64], When the M2 was first being designed, John Browning faced two design challenges. The use of four guns adequately compensated for the fact that the individual M2HB's rate of fire (450–550 rounds per minute) was low for an effective anti-aircraft weapon. The M2 has varying cyclic rates of fire, depending on the model. [77][verification needed]. The M240 machine gun is one of those weapons that have stood the test of time. Hathcock set the record for the longest confirmed kill at 2,250 metres (2,460 yd), a record which stood until 2002, when it was broken in Afghanistan by Canadian Army sniper Arron Perry. The M2 machine gun has also been used as a long-range sniper rifle when equipped with a telescopic sight. [70] The U.S. Marine Corps plans to upgrade all of their ground-mounted M2s to M2A1 standard from 2016 to 2018. A feed chute adapter is attached to the left- or right-hand feed pawl bracket allowing the weapon to receive ammunition through a feed chute system connected to externally mounted ammunition containers holding 600 rounds each. The charging assembly may be changed from left to right hand charge. The Browning M2 is an air-cooled, belt-fed machine gun. A right hand charging handle spring, lock wire, and a little "know-how" are all that are required to accomplish this. The later A-26 bested this with up to a maximum of 16/18 machine guns, 8 in the nose, four more per wing in flush-mount pods, plus 2 guns in the dorsal turret. See a page that needs some love? The FN® M240B is the “go to/can do” medium machine gun for all branches of the U.S. military, offering absolute reliability, extended range, and an exceptional service life. The M250 light machine gun is a squad automatic weapon employed by the UNSC Marine Corps and Army. The weapon was developed with selectable high and low rates of fire for engagement of both ground and air targets, a feature lacking in the older M2. With support from the Navy, Colt started manufacturing the M2 in 1933. Primary or secondary weapon on a naval patrol boat. With rising reports of injuries from improperly headspaced weapons, the U.S. military held a competition for a quick change barrel conversion kit with fixed timing and headspace in 1997. The AN/M2 was used as primary armament in almost all World War II U.S. Variants of the AN/M3 are used as flexible door guns or as flexible remotely-controlled armament subsystems on many US Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard helicopters, such as the. The M85 is significantly lighter than the M2 by 20lbs, and significantly smaller, a prime consideration for its intended role inside the cramped interiors of armored vehicles. The M2HB (heavy barrel) air-cooled ground gun has a cyclical rate of 450–575 rounds per minute. The design has had many specific designations; the official US military designation for the current infantry type is Browning Machine Gun, Cal. The M85 used the M15 push-through link to feed ammunition as opposed to the M2 or M9 pull-out links used on the M2 and M3 Browning machine guns. [84] The M3M is also the primary machine gun used by the Royal Navy's Fleet Air Arm for helicopter armament on Wildcat and Merlin aircraft.[85]. [1] The soldier will experience less weight burden with the M205 Lightweight Tripod than with the standard M3 Tripod (50.3 lb (22.8 kg), including the pintle and T&E), and will be able to take advantage of the enhanced tripod's integrated traverse and elevation mechanism for quicker, more accurate target engagement. In foreign use the AN/M2 is often just referred to as the M2 Browning. [76] Sweden was able to buy the majority of the weapons along with the blueprints to produce the weapon on their own without paying for a license. Snipers firing from trees were engaged by the quad gunner at trunk level; the weapon would cut down and destroy the entire tree, and the sniper with it.[43][49]. Each weapon has its role and purpose and excels in certain environments. An attempt was also made to make a version of the M85 that would replace the M2 in the infantry role was designated the M85C, and features standard spade grips and can be fitted to the M3 heavy tripod. With 200 rounds per gun in a powered tracking mount, the guns proved very effective against low-flying aircraft. By the late 20th century, the M2 was the only adjustable headspace weapon in the U.S. inventory. [19], John M. Browning died in 1926. [63] The original M2HB tripod and parts can be used on the CS/LM6. The result was a single receiver design that could be turned into seven types of .50 caliber machine guns by using different jackets, barrels, and other components. [76] Cooled by the aircraft's slip-stream, the air-cooled 12.7 mm AN/M2 was fitted with a substantially lighter 36-inch (91 cm) length barrel, reducing the weight of the complete unit to 61 pounds (28 kg),[76][78] which also had the effect of increasing the rate of fire. Its design is similar to Browning's earlier M1919 Browning machine gun, which was chambered for the.30-06 cartridge. The M240B is a punishing brute when deployed; firing 650–950 7.62mmx51 rounds per minute with unsurpassed reliability when compared to others of its kind.
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