FAQs Two post lift but low ceiling height. Directions, 1 (800) 253-2363 Toll Free GrandPrix vs. Portable Two-Post Car Lifts, Telescoping Low-Pro™ arms for sports cars, Bi-metric asymmetric & symmetric arm configuration. Quad lifting cables ensure your GP-7LCS is as reliable as any two-post lift ever made. Offering complete clear floor under car access and column widths that can be set from 105 inches to 135 inches the Maxjax is ideal for any car enthusiast who likes to do their own maintenance, repairs or detailing. These benefits make asymmetric lift ideal for trucks, vans, and commercial vehicles. 6.AA4C products warranty: We provide 12 months trouble-free warranty and online support for all of our machines. | The 2-post lift market is the fastest growing out of all car lifts. Just like any regular 2 post car lift the MaxJax has extendable telescope arms and auto locking arm restraints. Rubber support with f ir st , second and third level spiral to adjust the height. What Makes GrandPrix Different Than Other Two-Post Lifts? Some operators prefer to center their vehicles, while others prefer the asymmetric style that permits more door clearance. Mission & Vision Copyright © 2020 BendPak Inc. All rights reserved. · Parachute valve that equipped in hydraulic joint ensures safety in case of oil hose broken. MaxJax is possibly the only two post portable car lift that requires a minimum ceiling height of just 8ft (2.4m)With a low ceiling height capability and complete clear floor space this unit is perfect for the home mechanic. Follow Us The obvious downside to this is the time it takes to set-up. There are dozens of 2 post vehicle lifts for sale, new and used but 99.8% are not portable. You can submit the order list in our website ,after we get the list ,we will issue the PI to you to save your time! Adopt double cylinder,4x4 higher and stronger chain,the wire rope balance system. 5. The GrandPrix was invented to give you more versatility to work from home. The incredible, game-changing upside of the GP-7LCS is that it stands at just 8' 10". Terms of Use We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. 2 Safe and reliable The limit switch on the post and the anti-drop device offer double safety for this equipment. It can be installed in virtually every garage on the planet and still offers an impressive 58" rise. Buyer is responsible for all charges relating to any special regional structural or seismic anchoring requirements specified by any other agencies or codes such as the Uniform Building Code (UBC) or International Building Code (IBC). Alipay Free Shipping Because it fits in garages with ceilings as low as 9', it has the lowest columns ever found on a two-post lift. The GP-7LCS is a truly one-of-a-kind design. They simply won't fit anywhere but the side columns, so the columns have to be made thick enough to house the cylinders. In fact, it features twice as many steel lifting cables as other two-post lift and four-post lift models. Two-post lifts have long been standard equipment for professional service bays, but many DIY'ers have been waiting for the day a model would come along that fits in an average-size garage. Photo Gallery, A Study in Lift Design All rights reserved. Set-up only involves wheeling the posts into position and bolting them down. Dual-capability Bi-metric arms can be adjusted for symmetric or asymmetric vehicle loading at any time. You can buy most items in HAUVREX related to garage equipments to save your energy to purchase somewhere else. Intellectual Property Protection Santa Paula, CA 93060 USA 浙B2-20120091. Best Car Lift Guide Connecting the hydraulics hoses and doing a test lift to equalize the lift arms. | Suppliers Nothing sticks out the top of the posts. For a couple more options on low ceiling 2 post car lifts (not portable), read this. 2 post low ceiling for use on HD-9 series lift BENXPR9F with confidence … Its extremely low-profile columns don't sacrifice lifting capacity: the GP-7LCS offers the full 7,000-lb. | To solve this problem, GrandPrix pairs the lifting power of a single, shortened overhead cylinder with four aircraft-quality lifting cables. 1 (888) 856-5820 Support Manual safety lock bars ensure the vehicle remains elevated and secure. | Affiliate, Product Listing Policy Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > mini nige, Dec 11, 2014 #1. mini nige Member. This ensures that in virtually every single circumstance, as long as the lift is properly operated and maintained, failure in the form of uneven lifting or sudden drops is entirely eliminated. That's why GrandPrix lets you switch between both. Note: Not all BendPak lift models meet the standards as prescribed by ANSI/ALI ALCTV-2017 or ANSI/UL 201. 1 (805) 933-9970 Local Also, the standard-height GP-7 offers a whopping 78" rise and requires 13' ceilings. Financing Privacy Policy Alibaba.com Site: International - Español - Português - Deutsch - Français - Italiano - हिंदी - Pусский - 한국어 - 日本語 - اللغة العربية - ภาษาไทย - Türk - Nederlands - tiếng Việt - Indonesian - עברית, AliExpress It is portable in the sense that you can move the posts (columns), they have wheels, to another location, generally for storage.However, in order to use the lift the posts need to be secured to the concrete floor using anchor bolts. The GrandPrix GP-7LCS low-ceiling two-post lift is truly one-of-a-kind. Not only is it portable but using an adapter it also lifts motorcycles and ATVs. Starting at $3260 Its stunning and simple design features an overhead crossbar with a built-in auto-shutoff bar, eliminating any risk of vehicles slamming into the overhead steel beam. - User Information Legal Enquiry Guide, © 1999-2020 Alibaba.com. A wide variety of low ceiling 2 post lift options are available to you, such as two post, four post. 6. Well, not just the home mechanic, any auto enthusiast, hobbyist, service shop that has space restrictions would benefit from a portable two poster. No plate or cables or pipes across the top Variable width to suit different width of vehicles and narrow buildings. “Capacities range from 10,000 to 18,000 lbs.” Rotary Lift two-post lifts have been third-party tested by ETL and ALI certified to meet ANSI safety and performance standards. | Country Search How safe are your 2 post car lift9 Our 2&4 post lifts have been tested and CE certified for safety . SEMA Show 2020 Cancelled. No chains or carriage balance cables are used. What Makes GrandPrix Different Than Other Two-Post Lifts? The backup cables are redundant; they're simply there to guarantee peace-of-mind at all times. So, if you're between a scissor lift and a GrandPrix, both of which are ideal for garages with tight space and/or low ceilings, the GP-7LCS ultimately offers more lifting height. Most hydraulic two-post lifts use dual hydraulic cylinders in the side columns. Our crucial placement of the cylinder frees up a lot of space along the sides, allowing the GP-7LCS to use a lot less steel. The dual telescoping arms can extend to those hard to reach lift points and auto lock in to position when the carriage lifts. Even if it doesn't offer as much rise as high as other two-posts, its impressive 58" is still more than what you get with low-profile, mid-rise scissor lifts. Reviews Not to mention, the GrandPrix comes with the same great industry-best warranty as other BendPak two-posts. · 2 -stage Screw-up pads suitable for low chassis vehicle as well as . Consult www.autolift.org for a complete list or contact BendPak via contact@bendpak.com. Sponsorships · Door opening protection rubber as standard. 2. lift of the other GrandPrix models and boasts a full 58" rise. Oftentimes, user preference comes second to the actual space available and layout of the garage. Warranty Claims The Challenger CLFP9 two-post car lift is low enough to fit inside spaces with lower ceilings, yet durable enough to lift a variety of heavy vehicles for service or storage purposes. For more lifting height, we recommend the 68" rise GP-7LC, which fits in garages with ceilings as low as 10'. How many products will give us the lowest price9 40' container quotation will be lowest price. BendPak lifts are supplied with concrete fasteners that meet the criteria of the American National Standard ANSI/ALI ALCTV-(Current). Manuals & Downloads With a 10-foot column heights and 9,000 pound lift capacity, this long-lasting two post car lift … Safety is always paramount when lifting a vehicle, so, like the others this car lift has safety locking bars. A premium membership for higher-level suppliers. Garage Spotlights Are AA4C car lift designed for commercial use9 All of our lifts can be used in commercial applications without any problems. For taller vehicles, like SUV’s and light trucks, adapters can be used giving an extra lift height of 3 inches. », The Best Two-Post Lift for Low Ceilings », GrandPrix vs. Portable Two-Post Car Lifts ». Careers at BendPak
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