For others, he’s the charming father-figure of the animated series or the awkward romantic lead of Tim Burton’s Batman. Although she’s generally portrayed as a villain, she’s not actually evil, and she sometimes steps across the line to become one of Batman’s allies. Batman (Bruce Wayne) - 2527 points (118 first place votes) 2. The original Boy Wonder, Dick Grayson adopted the name Nightwing when he outgrew the mantle of Robin. Ben Affleck Producer | Argo American actor and filmmaker Benjamin Géza Affleck-Boldt was born on August 15, 1972 in Berkeley, … And yes, she does sometimes act as a hero, albeit a morally ambiguous one. List of DC Comics characters: 0–9; A. It’s a dark and controversial moment in Batman canon, but it led to a unique recovery arc for Barbara, as she forged a new role for herself as the information center of Batman’s team. For the purposes of this list, we’re declaring it a tie between Hal Jordan (perhaps the best-known Lantern) and John Stewart. And yes, she does sometimes act as a hero, albeit a morally ambiguous one. If you find a character in the database that is not shown here, please edit that character's page adding "Alien" as their race using "AlienRace". Category page. However, Catwoman is one of the few for whom performative sexuality is an intentional aspect of her role. Her weapon, the Mega-Rod, provides endless source material for punchlines. While recent comics portray him as a character, he started off as a member of the Authority team, which is led by his husband Apollo—a blond Superman analog. She’ll also make her live-action TV debut in December 2018, played by Ruby Rose. But you’ll never find a more loyal teammate. Taking obvious cues from Robin Hood, he’s a vigilante hero who uses a bow and arrow to fight crime, helped along by the fact that his alter-ego, Oliver Queen, is a wealthy playboy. She’s a stage magician with real magical powers, and she’s appeared in an impressively diverse range of DC material since her creation in the 1960s: Justice League team comics, Arguably the most famous gay superhero, Midnighter is an intentional parody of Batman, created for the adult-rated Wildstorm comic. Batwoman has a rather ironic origin story, given her later role in the comics. Suave detective, gothic hero, lovable dad, gritty action star, this guy has done it all. Now he aids Batman while working to build a heroic identity of his own. As the quintessential sidekick, his early years were characterized by the Boy Wonder moniker and “Holy smokes, show. She first appeared as Batman’s love interest in the 1950s, shortly after the publication of, , a book that accused Batman of homosexual propaganda. Male Characters in the DC Universe. Originating as a sincere and kid-friendly superhero called Captain Marvel (no relation to that Captain Marvel), he’s now more of a tongue-in-cheek comedy character: a colorful Superman type whose human alter-ego is a young boy named Billy Batson. She eventually redeems … This is a list of characters who are Aliens . It may actually be a better adaptation of the Superman mythos than the Justice League movie franchise, benefiting from a healthy dose of family-friendly feminist themes. In recent years she was rewritten to be gay herself, a, that led to some problems of its own. Gifted with super-speed, we’ve seen four Flashes so far, with Barry Allen and Wally West as the most well-known. And while he’s explicitly portrayed as a dangerous, bigoted figure, he still has an unironic fanbase in certain sections of superhero fandom. Each of the main characters satirizes or criticizes mainstream superheroes in a different way, but Rorschach is perhaps the most cutting and memorable. List of DC Comics characters: B; C. List of DC Comics characters: C; D. List of DC Comics characters: D; E. List of DC Comics characters: E; F. List of DC Comics characters: F; G. List of DC Comics characters: G ; H. List … Trending pages. If that sounds intriguing, we recommend starting with the 1980s Swamp Thing Vol. DC is home to the "World's Greatest Super Heroes,” including SUPERMAN, BATMAN, WONDER WOMAN, GREEN LANTERN, THE FLASH, AQUAMAN and more. His super-strength and cybernetic weapons have a tragic origin story, though: He only became a cyborg after surviving a terrible accident, forcing his scientist father to save him using prosthetic limbs and implants. Sort by: View: 19 names 1. After Warner Bros. revealed that Ava DuVernay is developing a New Gods movie, everyone suddenly remembered how much they love Big Barda. It’s a dark and controversial moment in, canon, but it led to a unique recovery arc for Barbara, as she forged a new role for herself as the information center of Batman’s team. She’s a stage magician with real magical powers, and she’s appeared in an impressively diverse range of DC material since her creation in the 1960s: Justice League team comics, Batman: The Animated Series, and Neil Gaiman‘s Books of Magic series, to name a few. Until recently, people saw Watchman as a separate entity from the main DC universe. As a cat burglar and femme fatale, Catwoman is one of Batman’s most famous antagonists—and an occasional love-interest. Laurel Lance / Black Siren / Black Canary (Earth-2) Laurel Lance (portrayed by Katie Cassidy; main: 6–8; recurring: season 5), Following the death of the Earth-1 Laurel Lance in season four, an antagonistic version of the character from Earth-2 named Black Siren (also portrayed by Cassidy) is introduced. Arguably the most famous gay superhero, Midnighter is an intentional parody of Batman, created for the adult-rated Wildstorm comic Stormwatch. Hal is a fighter pilot turned superhero, imbued with superpowers thanks to the quasi-magical Green Lantern ring. Look, do you. With his carefree personality and ability to transform into any animal, Garfield Logan’s superheroics can run a bit wild. Here are the rankings for the Top 100 DC and Marvel Characters, with their point totals and a link to the entry where you can read more about them. All rights reserved. This sometimes leads to insultingly exploitative depictions (shout out to the Halle Berry movie), but plenty of creators get the balance right. Appearing as a sentient creature made from swamp-matter, he exists in the middle of a Venn diagram between classic monster movies, environmental commentary, and the fantasy side of the DC universe. As a dude who can talk to fish and hangs out in the lost city of Atlantis, Aquaman is one of the goofier members of the Justice League. think we’d publish a list of DC superheroes and not put Superman up top? 0–9. most popular behind Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman. In recent years, he’s even teamed up with Batman’s #1 sidekick Nightwing. For others, he’s the charming father-figure of the animated series or the awkward romantic lead of Tim Burton’s. As for her role in the comics, Supergirl’s vintage back-catalog includes some delightfully wacky storylines, like that one storyline where her horse turns into a dude and they fall in love. Robin/Nightwing (Dick Grayson) - 665 points (11 first place votes) 7. This Wikipedia page will go over every major DC Comics character that has become popular over the years. While he isn’t exactly a spandex-and-superpowers kind of character, Swamp Thing definitely qualifies as a hero. Elsewhere, she co-hosts the pop culture podcast Overinvested. are not included.Marvel-Electronic Arts video game characters are also included … In recent years his comics have taken a more serious tone, setting the scene Jason Momoa’s role in the Justice League movie franchise. Not to mention all the supporting members of the intergalactic police force known as the Green Lantern Corps. These are a list of male characters that appear in the DC Super Hero Girls franchise. , one of the longest-running superhero series on TV. Batman gets revamped every few years, meaning that (much like Captain America) he means different things to different people. She was the original Batgirl, changing her callsign to Oracle after the Joker infamously broke her spine in, . As a cat burglar and femme fatale, Catwoman is one of Batman’s most famous antagonists—and an occasional love-interest. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? List of Fables characters (Inmates at the Golden Boughs Retirement Village), List of Fables characters (Literals and Part-Literals), List of Fables characters (New York Fables), List of Fables characters (other characters), List of Fables characters (The Homelands), List of Fables characters (Thirteenth Floor Fables), List of Green Arrow supporting characters, List of Green Lantern supporting characters, List of Justice Society of America enemies, List of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen characters, List of Wonder Woman supporting characters,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 25 June 2020, at 22:59. OK, so it’s a little sneaky to put Harley on a list of heroes rather than villains, but isn’t that just her style? Originally written in as the Joker’s long-suffering girlfriend in, , Harley Quinn has since become one of DC’s most popular characters—perhaps. She’s a key character in the New Gods space fantasy comics and is married to Mister Miracle. Do you prefer their Marvel or DC performance? DC Database is a FANDOM Movies Community. This flexibility is the key to his longevity, coupled with his unforgettable Bat-inspired style, that is. He has the dubious honor of appearing in the terrible Green Lantern movie starring, Suave detective, gothic hero, lovable dad, gritty action star, this guy has done it all. Wikis. She first appeared as Batman’s love interest in the 1950s, shortly after the publication of Seduction of the Innocent, a book that accused Batman of homosexual propaganda. There are definite arguments to be made for the other two members of DC’s Big Three, but Superman remains the quintessential superhero, inspiring countless later additions to the genre. We’re excited for the upcoming Shazam movie to bring this character to a wider audience, because oh boy, Shazam is fun. And thanks to the TV show on the CW, Barry Allen is now a familiar face outside his original audience of comics fans. As the daughter of Commissioner Jim Gordon and protégé of Bruce Wayne, Barbara Gordon is one of the most influential members of the Bat-family. After the influential Crisis on Infinite Earths storyline of the mid-1980s, Dick Grayson struck out alone as the superhero Nightwing, a charming vigilante who evolved into a senior member of the Bat-family. Tuxedo-wearing magician Zatanna has the capacity to be funny, weird, and deeply charming, and while she mostly exists as a team player, she definitely deserves more solo comics. Armed with the ability to predict combat moves in advance, Midnighter is a hyper-violent action hero with no compunctions about killing his enemies. Since she’s one of the only superheroes to use a wheelchair, fans weren’t universally happy when DC rebooted her to her pre-, Dick Grayson began his life as the original Robin, a young orphan who grew up in a family of circus acrobats. . A true hero for the modern age, Victor Stone is the ultimate marriage of man and machine.

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