Learn how your comment data is processed. The battle is named after the "trench", or khandaq, that was dug by Muslims in preparation for the battle.The word khandaq (خندق) is the Arabised form of the Middle Persian word kandag (کندگ; meaning "that which has been dug"). [Tafsir ibn Kathir][12], According to Safi-ur-Rahman Mubarakpuri, many verses of Surah Tawbah (chapter 9 of the Quran) are related to the Battle of Tabuk. Today, let us depart from Madinah and we'll spend a few more lessons going back and forth. Murarah ibn ar-Rabi’ and Hilal ibn Umayyah had been present at Badr and it was not their nature to not take part in the battle. Though not a battle in the typical sense, if historical the event would represent the opening conflict in the coming Byzantine-Arab wars. Leaving Ali ibn Abi Talib RA Behind. They had to endure that trial for fifty days. I would like to point out the error in the article ( But when the King’s messenger(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) delivered the invitation to Ka’b he threw it into the fire. ) The Arabs had never thought of fighting or attacking the Romans. The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ then sent Sayyidunā Khālid ibn Walīd I with a small army to Dūmat al-Jandal to bring its leader Ukaydir back with them. They said, “Go not Forth in the heat.” Say. Ibn Kathir stated that verse 9:81 was also revealed about the Battle of Tabuk, regarding those who made excuses[8][9]. The Messenger sent his intent to various Arab areas around Al-Madinah to gather forces, and he collected an army of thirty thousand. THE COMPANIONS’ RESPONSE TO JIHAD: Allah will turn the hearts of some people away (from the truth), so they (that group) will fight against them, and Allah will bestow on them (war spoils) from them (the enemies) No conqueror had ever achieved such success with so little loss of life. A further test came when the influential King of Ghassan heard what was happening in Madinah. Saed Abdul-Rahman, Muhammad (29 October 2009). According to Ar-Rahīq al-Makhtum, a modern Islamic hagiography of Muhammad written by the Indian Muslim author Safi-ur-Rahman Mubarakpuri, the reason for war against the Byzantine Empire, was that one of Muhammad's ambassadors was killed by Sharhabeel bin ‘Amr Al-Ghassani (the governor of Al-Balqa). It was a long journey through arid deserts towards a vast enemy army. Due to the battle occurring in a time of several difficulties, it is also known as Ghazwat al-ʿUsrah (the Battle of Hardship). The other non-muslim tribes were also thinking the same. The expedition to Tabuk, in Rajab 9 A.H., was the last in the Messenger(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) of Allah’s campaign. THE MESSENGER(SALLALLAHU ALAIYHI WASSALLAM) OF ALLAH RETURNS TO MADINAH: It seems as if he derived this opinion from the Prophet's saying, There will always be a group of my Ummah victorious upon the truth, until the last of them fight against Ad-Dajjal.) He prayed to Allah and a dark cloud brought rain so that everyone could quench their thirst and store sufficient water for their needs. ‘If you enter the houses of those who did wrong, enter tearfully, fearing that what befell them might also befall you.’ He added that they must not drink any of al-Hijr’s water nor use it for ablutions. The strategic long term consequence of the battle was that many Arab tribes now abandoned the Byzantines and joined with Muhammad, enlarging the Muslim state.[2]. He had made the position clear to the Muslims in advance so that they could make preparations for the journey. Then, God revealed a new verse of the Quran. on: June 12, 2017. Muhammad led a force of as many as 30,000 north to Tabouk in present-day northwestern Saudi Arabia, with the intention of engaging the Byzantine army. R.L. Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, Expedition of Ukasha bin Al-Mihsan against the Banu Udrah, http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=-ppPqzawIrIC&pg=PA272, http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=QyIPouT4DqcC&pg=PA454, http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=VhturGtQIyAC&pg=PA95, http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=O4LMAGogMjkC&pg=PA107, http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=O4LMAGogMjkC&pg=PA137, http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=QyIPouT4DqcC&pg=PA463, https://military.wikia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Tabouk?oldid=3254675. This immediately led to the Battle of Mutah. The battle provided many benefits to the Muslims, such as Arabia now being completely free, and many tribes from all across Arabia accepting Islām. The Muslims were victorious in this battle without having to fight at all. Allah Almighty said of them: ‘Those who were left behind rejoiced in tarrying behind the Messenger(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) of Allah and were averse to struggling with their possessions and their selves in the way of Allah. Among them is (many) a man who says: "Grant me exemption and draw me not into trial." There is no contemporary Byzantine account of the events, and much of the details come from later Muslim sources. The situation was only part of the Divine wisdom, so they would really examine themselves and be a lesson for all Muslims in the future. Imam Ahmad recorded from Jubayr bin Nufayr who reported from Salamah bin Nufayl that he went to the Messenger of Allah and said, "I have let my horse go, and thrown down my weapon, for the war has ended. This is why the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ ordered his companions l to prepare for war. The people of Jarbā’ and Adhruḥ also agreed to pay the jizyah. We will continue discussing the stories that occurred during this time. We would greatly appreciate your donations to help facilitate our current and future educational projects. We have discussed things that happened in Madinah. The hypocrites made various excuses not to accompany the Messenger(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) of Allah. They had decided not to encroach on Muslim land. Such failings are usually because of procrastination, weak will and over-reliance on means. The Tabuk expedition took place in Rajab, 9 A.H. As we said the Battle of Tabuk has so many lessons but there was no battle. Tabūk is a place on the way from al-Madīnah al-Munawwarah to Shām and the battle is eponymous with where it took place. [2], The non Muslim scholar William Muir claims that one of the reasons Heraclius decided to go to War was that he wanted to prevent the recurrence of the Expedition of Ukasha bin Al-Mihsan against the Banu Udrah and military campaigns similar to it. When the Muslim army reached Tabūk, the Christians became terrified and did not leave their homes in sheer fear. Jazakallah for pointing out the error, I have made the correction you suggested. “The Fire of Jahannam is hotter did they but understand!” ‘(9: 81). Study the biography of the single greatest human being that ever walked the surface of this earth, whom Allah sent as a Mercy to Mankind. Muslims had never marched with such a great number before. THE FIRST HAJJ: Bidwell (editor), R. (February 1996). Noting this, as well as the fact that the armies never met, some Western scholars have questioned the authenticity of the details surrounding the event;[1] though in the Arab world it is widely held as historical. In this case Al-Jadd bin Qays made an excuse not participate in the Battle of Tabuk, and Ibn Kathir says that 9:49 verse was revealed because of his excuse. TABUK: THE LAST EXPEDITION And this is the account of my staying behind from the battle of Tabuk. Three hundred men from Madinah went to Makkah with him. The Messenger(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) of Allah sent for Ali ibn Abi Talib and said to him, ‘Go out and announce to the people on the Day of Sacrifice that “no kafir will enter Paradise and after this year no idol-worshipper will perform hail nor do tawaf if he is in a state of nudity.’ The situation was only part of the Divine wisdom, so they would really examine themselves and be a lesson for all Muslims in the future. Realize we haven't actually left Madinah yet. The Muslim scholar Ibn Kathir mentions in his tafsir that the Quran verse 9:49 was revealed about the people who make excuses not to participate in the Jihad. All the Muslims obeyed him and people avoided them. They said they feared the enemy or the intense heat. Because the soldiers had no water they complained to the Messenger(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) of Allah. There will always be a group of my Ummah dominant over others. The Messenger(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) of Allah forbade anyone to speak to them. He invited Ka’b ibn Malik to his court in order to honour him and lure him from Islam. [4] The tribe converted to Islam after Khalid ibn Walid carried out a military campaign in the area, however there were some who were still disaffected, so another campaign was carried out in the area.[5]. They were reluctant to perform jihad and had doubts about the truth. [2] The Muslim scholar Ibn Kathir mentions that verses 9:42-48, 9:49,[6][7] 9:81,[8][9] and 9:29 are all related to the Battle of Tabuk or were revealed during the Battle of Tabuk. Sayyidunā Khālid I and the small Muslim army reached Dūmat al-Jandal in a moonlit night and saw Ukaydir; just as the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ had described him. Name. Allah’s examination was over and none of the three had failed the test. It was a difficult time because the Muslims were experiencing a severe drought. In all, the Muslims had fought in twenty-seven battles and taken part in sixty forays and expeditions. The Messenger(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) of Allah led the expedition in intense heat, when the dates were ripe and the shade of the trees was pleasant. and indeed Hell surrounds the Unbelievers (on all sides). But his suffering only increased his faith in Islam. The Battle of Tabouk (also called the Battle of Tabuk) was a military expedition, which, according to Muslim biographies, was initiated by the Prophet Muhammad in October 630. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Some people from Al-Madinah and some hypocrites, in and around it, lagged behind, for that year was a year of drought and intense heat. Eventually it was so safe that a woman pilgrim could travel all the way from Hirah to Makkah without fearing anyone except Allah. In Rajab 9 AH, the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ received news that the people from the Battle of Mu’tah and the Emperor of Rome were gathering troops in Tabūk for an attack upon the Muslims. After gathering supplies and provisions, the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ set off with 30,000 men towards Tabūk. . Ibn Kathir also mentions that verse 9:29 which called for fighting against the people of the book until they pay Jizyah was "revealed" while Muhammad was preparing for the Battle of Tabuk, he wrote: (Fight against those who believe not in Allah, nor in the Last Day, nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth among the People of the Scripture,) This honorable Ayah was revealed with the order to fight the People of the Book, after the pagans were defeated, the people entered Allah's religion in large numbers, and the Arabian Peninsula was secured under the Muslims' control. THE TABUK EXPEDITION: It was very difficult for the Muslims to fight in this month; the heat was intense and unbearable; it was the time for harvesting crops (the main source of income for the people); the journey was long and they faced an enemy that, having already defeated great kingdoms and empires, controlled about half of the world. After returning from Medina, some companions of Muhammad believed that there was no need to fight any longer, after looking around and seeing that there were no enemies remaining to threaten the Muslims, and after the Romans had left the Muslims alone. When the Messenger(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) of Allah reached Tabuk, the Arab amirs on the herders called on him and made treaties of peace. Letters to this effect were delivered to all parties. We hope you have found the content and resources on the Learn Islam websites useful.
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