But I will warn you: this gift will not make you happy.”. His young daughter came running into the room. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> He couldn’t drink any water! These lovely story sheets are great for increasing and assessing familiarity with the main events in this story as well as for starting discussions about the different key points and story structure. In his sadness, he cried out to the wizard who had given him the gift of the golden touch. The wizard said to the King, “I will give you one wish. “Please take away this horrible gift! Then he ran back inside, and he sprinkled water on the head of his daughter. He crouched down. He ran around the room, touching everything he could see. The King loved his daughter very much, and he gave her a big hug. The King was very, very rich. “Wizard!” he called. x��ٮ�Fr���)��t���..�ʹ7I�ƾ1Ѐ/ܾ���x������d��:Ҹ(�{.$�������ñ��x�x���[�^�������������ӟ�����?���=}������t��m��v:���u��?��L�cw�������xJ=������?��n���������^��q���uڿ�ݟ�/_��/��o���/�V_^�ٿ|y}�����w��������>��$v��Пη����}/"�/?��?���;p��o^wT}��9���B!����k@E��U���Ð���؟�i${3{��]a�8����3�����t�����egi
�l�|���:5��ΡQ��va��l�d����:PV�bܽ|�ڢ�����ZLwD��;*\�B�/�\�� The King felt extremely happy. Soon, the King felt hungry, so he went to the kitchen to eat his breakfast. He touched a chair and a table. Everything was gold! He was eager to see if his wish came true, and if everything he touched turned to gold. I don’t think gold is the greatest thing in the world.”, “All right,” said the wizard, “take this pitcher outside to the river and fill it with water. And King Midas turned to walk home, and, as he turned, he felt a stiffening about himself. I don’t want any more of it!”. But now he is truly happy because he has his dear daughter. The King was overjoyed, and he gave his daughter a big hug and kiss. And the King loved his gold. What do you want?”. He couldn’t eat anything. Instantly, she could move again. The King was very, very rich. Take all my gold. He was a fair King, and he ruled his kingdom wisely. He wanted to eat some bread, but when he touched the bread, it turned to gold. Then, he and his daughter sat down to eat breakfast together. No!” cried the King. The bed turned to gold. But gold is the best thing in the world! She was a normal girl again! King Midas And The Golden Touch - Moral Short Story for Kids Long, long ago, in the ancient land of Greece, there lived a king called Midas. He had everything that money could buy, but he wasn’t happy. I wish that everything I touched would turn to gold.”, The wizard said, “All right, starting tomorrow morning when you wake up, everything you touch will become gold. He touched the tip of a blade of grass. He had a splendid garden with a river running through it, but he would have liked one the size of a forest. 4 0 obj All commercial use prohibited. She couldn’t move! %PDF-1.3 All copyright waived for non-commercial use only. He hated the golden touch so much that he even sprinkled the chairs and tables and everything else that he had turned to gold. And he looked down, and his clothes and his robes had hardened into gold. The King ate his food and drank his water very eagerly. “I hate gold! And there it was like a little golden dagger, jutting out of the ground. You have more gold than any other king! The King touched his bed lightly with his hand. He was the richest king in the world, and he had more gold than any other king in the world. The people were prosperous and content. “Are you sure that you no longer want the golden touch?” asked the wizard. Everything turned to shining, yellow gold. The King took the pitcher and rushed outside to the river. The King had a feeling of great fear in his heart, and he felt as if all his joy had been taken away. A free teacher-to-teacher shared story wiki. But when he picked up a glass of water and tried to drink it, the water turned to gold. The next day, the King woke up very early. %��������� Just give me back my daughter!”. Many years ago, there was a king named King Midas. “I’ve learned my lesson. ��d,�5���û��E���LȘ. The wizard appeared and stood in front of the King. “Yes, I’m sure,” said the King. As soon as he touched them, they both turned to solid gold. Take all my money. Many years ago, there was a king named King Midas. She was no longer gold. He had a lot of gold, but he always wanted more gold. Take everything. Long ago, so the old stories tell us, King Midas ruled the land of Greece. I want more! The King said, “I know I have a lot of gold. Then sprinkle water on the things that you have touched and turned to gold.”. He loved his gold more than anything else in all the world. Next, the King sprinkled his golden food with water, and it all turned back into real food. One day, the King was in his room counting his money when a wizard appeared in the room. © The Stories First Foundation 2017. stream The wizard said, “But you already have so much gold! C��$�}��%�F���s�
He wanted to eat some meat, but when he touched it to his mouth, it turned to gold. And the King loved his gold. He was the richest king in the world, and he had more gold than any other king in the world. But as soon as he touched his daughter, she turned into a golden statue. “Do you still think that gold is the greatest thing in the world?” asked the wizard. Featuring lovely hand drawn images of the different scenes with the full story in text, your children have the opportunity to practise putting the story in order before telling it themselves! He lived in a huge palace made of fi ne white marble, but he wanted a bigger and better one. “No! Now, the King hates gold.
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