And Rusty Brown would be the brother of Myra Gale Brown, the minor-cousin-once-removed whom Lewis married in 1957. To Jerry Lee, the uproar was hard to understand: "I plumb married the girl, didn't I?" Lewis and Judith Brown became romantically involved. The 76-year-old singer-songwriter married his seventh wife Judith Brown earlier this month. Lewis-Loftin is the daughter of Jerry Lee Lewis and a woman now named Myra Williams. Brown, who played in his band. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. Jerry Lee Lewis has married for a seventh time, and we encourage you to get a pencil and paper and keep notes before reading the rest of this post. Jerry Lee Lewis married his caregiver Judith Brown in Mississippi earlier this month. The couple stayed married till June 8, 192 when they decided to file for divorce. Lewis and Judith Brown became romantically involved. He tied the knot with his seventh wife, Judith Brown, on March 9, 2012. community Johnny Ace: Rock's First Star, Rock's First Tragedy, Biography of Frank Sinatra, Legendary Singer, Entertainer. Phoebe Lewis-Loftin hired a woman then named Judith Brown to be Jerry Lee Lewis’ caretaker in 2010. Trump sends in Rudy Giuliani and son Eric to Pennsylvania who claim there are... CNN commentator Van Jones admits that Republican outreach to black and Latino voters was 'effective' after... Nearly 60 percent of Americans believe Kamala Harris is The 'Trojan horse of the hard-Left' and that Joe... Arizona officials debunk #SharpieGate conspiracy theory claiming the special pens were given to Trump... Trump files new lawsuits in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia after Biden wins in Wisconsin and Michigan to... Trump's tactics to cling on: How the president plans to use numerous court cases and recounts in key... Trump won over voters with his 'very clever' position on the COVID pandemic because people rejected Biden's... MAGA mobs the count: Trump supporters chanting 'Stop the Vote' storm Detroit counting hall as President sues... JUSTIN WEBB: What if two 'Presidents' demand to be sworn in? Lewis-Loftin had been managing her father’s career since 2002, depositing all of his earnings into her bank accounts. A federal judge in Mississippi has dismissed most of a lawsuit in which rock ‘n’ roll pioneer Jerry Lee Lewis alleged a daughter had stolen money from him. (9 March 2012 - present) He left alive only claims by Lewis’ son and current wife that they were defamed by online comments from the daughter’s husband. Jerry Lee Lewis has married for a seventh time, and we encourage you to get a pencil and paper and keep notes before reading the rest of this post. By the next day, Lewis had told his daughter that he no longer wanted her to manage his career and revoked her power of attorney. Social media users blast 'insane' Oregon voters for... Anti-Trump protesters clash with NYPD in Manhattan's Greenwich Village as National Guard is activated in... 'This is an extremely flammable situation and he just threw a match into it': Chris Wallace, Jake Tapper and... Biden's support among black male voters dropped a record 15% compared to Obama in 2008 after a series of... Nancy on the brink? The British press began labeling Lewis, a "cradle robber" and a "baby snatcher," criticizing his performances (which had always been hit-or-miss, depending on the singer's mood, and calling for a boycott of his concerts. The Great Balls of Fire singer said I do with his caregiver in Mississippi on March 9. On December 12, 1957, Jerry married his third cousin, Myra Gale Brown. Trump is ahead by less than 1% in Georgia after 98% of the votes are counted and the result is expected to be called later this morning, NORTH CAROLINA: Trump leads Biden by 1.4% with 94% of votes counted - but state election officials say results won't be known for a WEEK, How Democratic failure to take the Senate could leave Biden a lame duck president and scuppers any chance of packing SCOTUS to undermine appointment of ACB, Maine's Susan Collins WINS another Senate term giving Republicans a 48-47 lead as Democrats' hope of flipping control turn into fiasco costing hundreds of millions, 'Hoping for second miracle': Kate Garraway on Derek's ICU battle, London: Men wield knives at confrontation on Edgware Road, Whitty: I never showed ministers projections further than six weeks, Moment gunshots are fired near synagogue in Vienna, Piers Morgan says Trump is feeling 'bullish' about election, Dramatic ram raid sees masked thieves steal jewellery in Leeds, Florida man protesting Trump gets punched by cops, Loyal Golden Retriever reunites with her owners after losing them, Piers Morgan: 'Frankenstein has lost control of the monster', Johnson scuttles out of House as May leads assault on lockdown plans, Experts capture 'murder hornet' queens after returning to clear nest, Joe Biden has series of awkward gaffes at rally with Barack Obama. Nach den Jahren des Leidens und der Krankheit, sagte Jerry Lee Lewis, ginge es ihm endlich wieder besser und er käme (fast) ohne Schmerzmittel aus. Lewis, 76, married Judith Brown, who was previously married to his cousin, Rusty, on March 9 in Natchez, Mississippi, according to his representative Maureen O’Connor. After several tour dates were canceled, Jerry and his new bride left the country. Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media Group, Arizona election center CLOSES after Trump supporter's chanting 'count the vote' protest the state being called for Biden too SOON as president closes the gap with more than 400K ballots still to go, 'Do you think we are fools?' Lori Lee Lewis. About. More than one paper went so far as to suggest his deportation. The marriage created a worldwide uproar that seriously damaged Lewis’ career. Help keep Jerry Lee Lewis and Judith Brown profile up to date. Trump sends in Rudy Giuliani and son Eric to dispute Supreme Court ballot deadline in Pennsylvania claiming the mail-in vote could be from 'Mars, Canada, or dead people', CNN commentator Van Jones admits that Republican outreach to black and Latino voters was 'effective' after Trump won more votes than 2016 with both, GUY ADAMS: The 'Trojan horse of the hard-Left' poised to take the reins, Arizona officials debunk #SharpieGate conspiracy theory claiming the special pens were given to Trump supporters to invalidate their ballots, Trump files new lawsuits in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia after Biden wins in Wisconsin and Michigan to move to 264 electoral votes and says he's 'confident he will take the White House', Trump's tactics to cling on: How President plans to use the courts in key battleground states to fight to stay in office as Biden takes the lead, Trump won over voters with his 'very clever' no more lockdown message says veteran newsman Tom Brokaw, Republican pollster Frank Luntz calls his profession 'done' after Trump well outperforms polls for a second election, JUSTIN WEBB: What if two 'Presidents' demand to be sworn in? Brown, 62, is no stranger to the family as she was previously married to the star’s cousin Rusty. She is famous for Marriage to Jerry Lee Lewis. In 1957 he married 13-year-old Myra Gale Brown, the daughter of his cousin J.W. The Million Dollar Quartet: Jerry Lee Lewis, far left with Carl Perkins, Elvis Presley, Johnnie Cash in a Memphis studio, 1956. The couple had two of Lewis' six children: son Steve Allen Lewis (named after former late-night TV host Steve Allen), who tragically drowned when he was only 3 years old, and a daughter, Phoebe, who now manages the singer's career and lives at his ranch in Nesbit, Mississippi.

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