— Nikunj Khetan, 23, Boston, He has a strong record of expecting powerful interests to actually obey laws. He’s run a huge organization before, and his foundation has been tremendously innovative and effective. People involved emphasize that this is not about tokenism; they are looking at the Cabinet as a whole. Warren’s potential selection for Treasury could depend in part on the balance of the Senate after the November election. By picking young, diverse cabinet members like Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar, he can show voters that while he is the “return to normalcy” candidate, his cabinet will be the future. — or, as one of you suggested, to lead a new “Department of Becoming.” It also would be fascinating to see The Times’s Paul Krugman tackle the job of treasury secretary. The Times is committed to publishing a diversity of letters to the editor. It was only after businesses balked and the relationship deteriorated that Roosevelt changed course. Other people in positions of power, both inside and outside government, are engaged in similar conversations. Bostic held a sub-Cabinet job at HUD in the Obama administration and is now president of the Atlanta Fed. His camp wants him to be UN ambassador, which they think would add heft and substance to his résumé, but Biden is at maximum earnestness about national security and will likely want those jobs to go to longtime associates. The party’s presumptive presidential nominee, Joe Biden, has said he wants to announce his running mate around Aug. 1. Ms. Cottle is a member of the editorial board. You can help by supporting Vox's explanatory journalism with a financial contribution today. These battles will attract less attention than the headline Cabinet gigs, but they speak to the real tensions inside the Democratic Party over the relationship of finance to the real economy, regulation of the technology industry, and whether fracking and natural gas exploration more generally are things that should be encouraged or discouraged. Michelle Obama would no doubt be a formidable choice for V.P. — Ben Adams, 23, Bethlehem, Pa. Let’s show that a Republican can, and does, care about the environment. We need someone with experience to repair relationships with allies and conduct sophisticated, effective management of China and Russia. Here are some tips. He tells it like it is, with the bark off. And because of both diversity considerations and the need to balance the ideological wings of the party, decisions made for one job impact the calculus for other jobs, so everything is written in pencil. He was seriously in contention to be chief of staff in a Hillary Clinton administration and seems likely to get the job for Biden. “A lot of this isn’t about ideology or anything else. Last but not least, for months everyone has thought Pete Buttigieg, a Navy veteran who clearly wants some kind of administration job, would be a strong secretary of veterans affairs. Follow live results for the race between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Blinken is often mentioned as a potential national security adviser. He served the nation in the Middle East. Michelle Lujan Grisham of New Mexico got write-in love in the V.P. You can help support our explanatory journalism, and keep it free for everyone, by making a financial contribution today. Elizabeth Warren? Joe Biden, if he wins, doesn’t have many options to force out Trump. And here’s our email: letters@nytimes.com. Raphael Bostic, who would be the first Black and first openly gay Treasury secretary, is also receiving some consideration. Anything the transition team cooks up is subject to revision when the president-elect has more time to focus on it. There was tremendous overlap in terms of big-picture economic policy jobs between the Clinton and Obama administrations, and progressives would really like to see someone from outside that circle get a top position. The quest to build the most diverse Cabinet in US history, explained, Vox live results: Joe Biden’s path to victory widens. Last, but by no means least, there is an incredible alphabet soup of regulatory agencies — EPA, SEC, CFTC, FTC, FCC, etc. New Mexico Gov. It’s much too late in the process to pretend it’s too early to be thinking about staffing, but it really is too early for much of anything to be certain. But there is a range of party stalwarts, from Tom Perez, chair of the Democratic National Committee, to Julián Castro, who made a lot of fans on the left during his presidential run, who may be plausible fits. Berwick, having worked with Medicare and Medicaid, will be in a good position to handle the complexities that are going to come forth with this pandemic and to be able to make informed decisions regarding how to best serve the people who have lost health care as well as jobs. In that case, he might tap transition co-chair Jeffrey Zients, the “Mr. He has left open the possibility of including a Republican in the Cabinet and is considering adding a climate-focused position. 2020 elections. He has significantly expanded his proposal to address climate change, proposing to spend $2 trillion over four years on a suite of programs. Ms. Harris wasn’t the only name that popped up in multiple categories. 1 priority. Then and now, Reich sad, “America was ready and willing and eager to try almost anything.”, “The country will get behind Joe Biden, I think, in very powerful and important ways,” Reich said, adding that Biden has the opportunity to be “a transformative president … It’s almost entirely a function of the times.”, The election results we're still waiting on. False claims, retweeted by the president, about the Michigan vote tabulation exploited a counting error that’s been resolved. The summer is heating up and, with it, the Democratic Veepstakes. Ricchetti, Biden’s former chief of staff, is a former lobbyist. Some of you went above and beyond, suggesting the creation of new high-level positions: a czar to oversee “tech and cyber attacks”; a “cabinet-level post for National Infrastructure”; someone to lead a “National Truth and Reconciliation Commission” to investigate “the corruption of the Trump administration.”. New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, another VP candidate, could also find herself in the cabinet. This means that somewhere out there, the campaign’s aides and advisers are in the final stages of agonizing over who’d make the perfect No. — Chris Lansford, 49, Boise, Idaho. It’s totally about what do you do with the incredible hollowing out that Trump has done ... so many of the agencies just are empty, the career people have left. They want to make sure women and people of color are represented in top roles at the departments of State, Defense, Treasury, and Justice, which are traditionally seen as the most important Cabinet positions. A Cabinet job is as big as its occupant and the president want it to be. Preet Bharara, former U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York. She made Democrats happy during her past six years as a member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors by supporting pro-labor monetary policy while opposing Jay Powell’s moves toward bank deregulation. But we do know what Biden wants his team to look like — very different from the current crop of white men running the government — and Democrats now have a talent bench in place that can deliver genuinely new diversity without compromise. — Ann Heiser, 62, Afton, Minn. Joe will most likely inherit a devastated economy. — Elliot Broze, 30, Walla Walla, Wash. By contrast, Ron Klain was well-regarded in his work for Biden and then went on to have a very successful tenure as Obama’s Ebola czar. The State choice is important on its own terms, and it will shape the rest of the Cabinet. “I think those [ideological] distinctions are going to be a little hard to draw in this administration,” said Matt Bennett, whose center-left group Third Way, like others, is developing lists of candidates to propose to Biden’s advisers for sub-Cabinet and other roles. Biden’s advisers are preparing for the opening months of his administration almost as a rescue mission, with contingencies to address the coronavirus based on how severe it remains and on whether a vaccine is available. We are monitoring vote counts around the clock, talking to sources, and channeling the firehose of news into comprehensible information. Biden’s White House and his Cabinet would likely lean on his connections from the Obama administration, including institutionalists who are palatable to centrist Democrats. Michelle Lujan Grisham. Joe Biden deserves a secretary of defense to tell him what’s what, just like George C. Marshall did with F.D.R. Almost everyone I spoke to thinks Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, who is Latino, will be secretary of transportation if he wants it — Obama tried and failed to convince Garcetti’s predecessor in LA to take the gig, but Garcetti’s interest level seems higher. He has strong qualifications but is a bit more of an outsider to Washington. Other categories were more evenly split. Here's what his Cabinet could look like. The activist wish list on immigration enforcement involves a fair number of things Biden may be pretty reluctant to do. Attorney general: There’s considerable enthusiasm on Capitol Hill for the idea of Sen. Doug Jones, who is white, as attorney general. Or maybe not!”. What we know about who will govern if Joe Biden wins. Nobody I’ve spoken to has any other names on their list, though Axios’s Hans Nichols floated Illinois Sen. Tammy Duckworth. I hear she won’t take it, but a girl can dream. spot, as well as to head Homeland Security and Health and Human Services. Susan Rice, former national security adviser. Advisers say Biden wants to build “the most diverse Cabinet in history” as part of his goal of serving as a “transitional figure” in an increasingly diverse Democratic Party and country. Progressives would like that to stop, both because they think people who lack industry ties are likely to make better decisions and more fundamentally because they want to reshape the Democratic Party as a whole into a more ideological institution that operates more like a mirror image of the GOP. So he’s going to come in as … the most experienced and qualified person in terms of federal experience of anybody in the history of the country.”. Former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris greet each other during a campaign stop in Detroit on March 9. Jake Sullivan, a former top State Department official and a senior adviser to Biden, said that as he formulates his legislative agenda, Biden is “being attentive to how you construct a bold, integrated agenda that can also attract a big tent coalition of support.”, And Stef Feldman, the Biden campaign’s policy director, said that in addition to Biden's legislative experience, he "also knows how to move the levers of government in the executive branch.”, Brown, who would likely become chairman of the Senate banking committee if Democrats win the Senate, said it is not Biden "moving to the left," but "Biden, and all of us around him, recognizing this is going to be a very consequential presidency.".

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