Reiner suggests helping the abnormal Titan out, but Jean is unwilling to risk his life for a Titan, and is unconvinced by Reiner's argument that it could be used as an ally. [145] Armin later calls Jean into another room where he finds Niccolo holding Falco hostage with a knife. A[6] Due to his superior fighting skills, he selected to lead Anti-Personnel Control Squad. [83] Eren finally decides to transform into a Titan and believe in himself in order to save his friends. Levi Ackerman, the elite soldier who said to be humanity’s strongest soldier, can slice through any titans. Connie is one of the best trainees of the 104th Training Squads. He also says that he has saved Mikasa. His joke annoys Eren, who criticizes the idea of improving one's Titan-killing skills in order to get a position in the military farther away from the Titans. [129], He and the other Survey Corps soldiers with him watch Eren attempt to devour the holder of the War Hammer Titan and the subsequent attack on Eren by the Jaw Titan. Onyankopon arrives and frees them from their cell, begging them to help defend Eren. Jean jokingly questions his abilities, but like the others, he waits for Eren to decide what action to take. However, if Kenny devoted his life for humanity’s sake, he would have ranked as No.1 strongest Attack on Titan character. Eren was Eldian‘s sleeper spy who works as Marleyan officer. LiveAbout uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Jean helps the infiltration by disabling the enemies with his rifle. [134], He attempts the final blow regardless, but a burst of steam emerges from the Cart Titan's neck and his shot goes wide. As with any movie adaptation, there are bound to be some changes from the original source material. Levi orders Jean to provide fire with his rifle. Jean Kirsteinジャン・キルシュタインJan Kirushutain "Attack on Avengers" has since been released digitally for free as part of Marvel’s Free Comic Book Day issue Secret Wars #0. […] READ MORE: Strongest Attack On Titan Characters […]. [146], Jean slams Niccolo against the wall and demands that he explain. Attack on Titan invades the Marvel Universe. When it comes to humans’ fight, Kenny was the best. Following the session, Jean confronts them about their dirty tricks, but they show no remorse for their actions. [142], Shortly thereafter, Jean attends a meeting that Hange conducts with a group of Survey Corps soldiers who are found to have leaked word of Eren's arrest to the public. As repairs begin on the boat, Eren's Titans arrive in Odiha. During battle, Jean kills his first person by cutting his adversary's neck. [64], Later, the group receives some mysterious instructions from Erwin that leave them in shock, and they abandon the hut to follow the plan. Jean participates in the 57th Expedition of the Survey Corps. Further, she was aware of several military combat technique. Marlowe accepts and throws away the knife. [156], After the battle, Jean discusses the current situation with Onyankopon, informing him of Eren's plan to destroy every country outside of Paradis. [32], Jean's first instinct is to always see life through cautious and doubtful eyes. To sum up, Eld was distinctly one of the strongest Attack On Titan characters. Jean is injured by the attack but remains conscious to witness Hange's return and Reiner's defeat at Mikasa's hands. Member Favorites: 3,953; Age: 16-20 (depending on the Arc) Occupation: Former member of the Military Police Brigade, Female Titan; 7. Because of Hange’s research study on Titans leads fans to know more about their history. Trost District[3] He listens to the story about Grisha Yeager and Keith without saying a word. [108], Having been informed by Armin of Bertolt's approach, Hange orders Jean and his comrades to retreat before they are caught in the blast of Bertolt's transformation. Veteran leader and one of the best Soldiers of 4th Squad, Hange Zoe always fond of studying Titan’s biology & its history. Sometime later, following Historia's coronation as queen, Jean and the rest of Squad Levi follow Historia as she talks about punching Levi. Jean is left in complete shock at the idea of Eren destroying the world beyond Paradis, trying to justify it to himself by arguing that the outer world brought it on themselves by fearing and threatening the Eldians on Paradis. However, Yelena causes even more friction by reminding Jean that Marco was killed by Annie. On another night, Jean brags to his friends about the ways he utilizes his maneuvering equipment, joking that they should refrain from telling his secrets to others so that he will not face extra competition for a place in the top 10 graduates. Created by writer and artist Hajime Isayama, it’s hard to believe that the wildly successful series started out as a one-shot manga back in 2006. However, as a Jaw Titan, she was so quick that Ymir dealt with multiple pure Titans at once. "Attack on Titan’s" commercial bumpers contain a load of informational texts and diagrams that expand on story elements barely covered in the anime episodes. [98] Jean uses Eren as an example of a useless and a suicidal soldier, who charges straight into the enemy. Mike Zacharias considered as one of humanity’s strongest Attack on Titan characters who died by the hand of Beast Titan. When Hange reveals that they intend to join forces with Marley to stop Eren, Jean tries to convince Hange to agree to Eren's plan. Petra has jack on armins colossal titan. However, Connie Springer argues that Jean's reasoning would be why he would be more valuable as a future leader in the Corps and they could not afford to lose him after thirteen years. Over the course of training, Jean and many other trainees begin slacking off in all areas except for those which will be absolutely necessary to graduate in the top 10, including hand-to-hand combat lessons. In a crossover comic titled "Attack on Avengers," the eight-page adventure plays out the scenario of what happens when Titans invade the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Even without manoeuvre, Jean can slay pure Titans efficiently. Later, he and the rest of the 104th Training Corps burn the corpses of their fallen comrades in a bonfire. Rank He brings up the topic of the Anti-Marleyan Volunteers' arrest, surprised that Dot Pixis would resort to the use of strong-arm tactics, but he supposes that it was inevitable while they are unaware of Zeke's true plans and his influence on Eren. Preparations are interrupted by Floch, who arrives in the hangar and shoots holes in the boat's fuel tank before being mortally wounded by Mikasa. [46], Jean gets furious when Reiner suggests protecting the rampaging Titan, After resupplying, Jean prepares to leave with his fellow trainees, but is distracted when Mikasa and Armin go to observe the rampaging Titan. "Written by Isayama and illustrated by Gerardo Sandoval, the epic crossover was originally published in the Japanese magazine Brutus. Undoubtedly, if nothing for the enemy, Bertold was one of the Strongest Attack On Titan Characters. When Hange orders a second attack to destroy Reiner's nape, Jean notices Connie and Sasha hesitating, and pushes them to fight. In her career, Petra killed off total 58 pure Titans. He does not care who stands against him. 175 cm[3] (850)190 cm[4] (854) Jean and his squad mates target chunks of the destroyed Titan's body, hoping to destroy Rod's human body within. It’s the movement that very few people can do. [71] Levi regroups with his squad and tells them to stop chasing Eren and Historia because the Military Police is using them as feed so that they can kill them. As Wall Maria begins to crumble, Jean and Connie retrieve Falco Grice from his Titan and retreat to meet up with Armin and Mikasa. Hange asks Jean if he believes that their fallen comrades would have been happy with sacrificing all of humanity to save one island and Jean, convicted by his memories of Marco, agrees to join her in opposing Eren. His squad attempts to finish off Pieck when her body emerges from the Cart Titan, but Magath and some Marleyan soldiers put up a vigorous defense and Jean calls for his soldiers to fall back. Annie possesses tremendous knowledge of controlling vertical maneuvering gears that she could use its blades to kill Titans. As a sad Hitch leaves, Jean is appalled by Floch's insensibility. This group later informs that the Survey Corps have been cleared of treason, which makes Levi's squad to rejoice.[78]. He states he expected to be killed by a Titan, not forced to become a hated fugitive from the law. [133], He fires a Thunder Spear that strikes the Cart Titan's helmet and it ricochets through the eye slit, blowing off part of the Titan's head. This was a conscious decision by Isayama, who asked Kodansha USA (the English translation publishers of Attack on Titan) not to use gendered pronouns when referring to Zoe. Jean angrily reminds him that Marley has been the aggressor against Paradis for 100 years, and Magath retorts that Eren has proven that the world was right for the way it treated Paradis. [90] When Historia sees them, Jean tries to convince her to give them a break. Petra Ral was the first female character of Attack On Titan who demonstrated the potential to surpassed all the strongest women. [47], Jean, Annie, Reiner and Bertolt are put on standby with their fellow trainees, and are ordered not to tell anyone else about what they witnessed. Despite acknowledging that humanity is on the verge of defeat, he announces that they should not go down without trying to defeat the Colossus Titan. He is also appreciated by Connie who deems him capable of becoming a future leader of the Survey Corps. [18] Jean was also very cynical about defeating the Titans, believing that humanity has no chance against them. She then goes on to deny the previous allegation before explaining Zeke's euthanization plan. He overhears Marco admitting that he allowed others to kill the Titans he found, wanting to act as "bait" for the Titans the way he would in an actual combat scenario, and joins his fellow trainees in proclaiming that he would like to be in a squad led by Marco. [161] Once Pieck lets them go, Jean explains to Onyankopon that he chose to help Marley because he felt that his fallen comrades would never forgive him if he had sat by and let the world be destroyed.[162].

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