Unlike any other being seen on the show, Jack's eyes glow gold. When Jack's Grace was taken he was rendered completely mortal. Lucifer however returned and offered to take Jack to the stars where they could go on a father-son journey across the known universe. He was only stopped when Dean unexpectedly arrived to fight Lucifer. This view of himself seemed to have faded away after he managed to save Lora, a girl who had her life taken by a witch who had been stealing her life force and he seemed to feel better about himself. At one point, Jack literally beats himself up after he lost his temper over the murder of Maggie and nearly strangles Nate (who he initially believed had killed her) to death as a result. John, on the other hand, means. Jack Kline is the son of Lucifer and a human woman named Kelly Kline. Once God is gone, Billie resurrects Jack and provides him with a plan to eventually become strong enough to kill God, though he must hide and not use his powers until he's ready so as not to draw God's attention to him again. In Last Holiday, Mrs. Butters states that Jack has grown incredibly powerful to the point that she thinks the Winchesters should fear him. Though Jack tried to correct his mistake by bringing Mary back, his hallucinations of Lucifer said that his guilt was merely a reflex left over from when he did possess a soul. As more time passes, Jack is shown to regain his old personality from before losing his soul, though he is somewhat more reserved due to the heavy burden left upon him. Eating angel hearts and regaining his soul strengthened Jack's body. Species He later acted upon this promise with no hesitation when he used the power of his soul to kill Michael and use the archangel's grace to restore his own powers, despite the risks of burning off more of his soul. It was discovered because his grace kept his body intact, Jack's body couldn't sustain without it and he was dying. After he encounters Sheriff Christine Barker, Jack obtains an outfit though he changes after reaching the bunker. It is eventually revealed that Jack's soul really is gone since killing Michael and he has lost much of his morals as a result. He is not an infant. When Jack killed Mary Winchester, he sought to redeem himself by creating new angels but it didn't help and he was locked away by the Winchesters. When he met his grandfather, he was shocked to see him but surprised at his desire for the Winchesters to kill him before he carried out the deed himself. Jack later reveals that he is being turned into a bomb that will cause God and the Darkness to cease to exist, but which will also be fatal to Jack himself. During Castiel and Kelly's talk, Kelly explain to Castiel of this and he is skeptical since Jack could of done so to prolong his life. HunterMember of Team Free WillCo-leader of a resistance movement (while in the Apocalypse World) Coincidentally, both of them have a 4 letter name that starts with J. Jack appears to be something of a creature of habit with his clothes as Jack is often seen wearing the same outfit or same kind of outfit for extended periods of time such as Jack's time in Apocalypse World. By the time he was about six months old, Jack had developed into a kind-hearted person who cared greatly for others. Due to Jack being one of the strongest beings in existence very few things can kill him. During his sickness, he bonded with Dean as if he was his father and enjoyed his time. After getting locked in the Ma'lak Box, Jack was distressed to be betrayed, but still couldn't bring himself to seriously harm or kill the Winchesters and Castiel. Despite Jack being one of the strongest beings in existence he has some, albeit, very few weaknesses. In retaliation, Lucifer stole Jack's grace, leaving him powerless. He later showed some sympathy towards Castiel for his awkwardness in being around Nick, Lucifer's vessel, as it reminds him of Lucifer, claiming that being around Nick is hard for him too, possibly hinting that he does in fact hold some amount of disdain towards Lucifer. Now that he has absorbed Michael's grace to replenish his grace, he is no longer plagued by this weakness. While enamored by Lucifer's words and the idea of a father-son relationship with him, Jack came to see the truth about Lucifer upon discovering he killed Jack's friend Maggie, he rejected his father completely in favor of the Winchesters who Jack saw as his true family, not showing anything towards Lucifer except anger and contempt in the process. He once used them to shield Mary from the explosion Kevin caused, and he showed them after absorbing Alternate Michael's grace to show the others his powers are back. Immediately after being born, Jack began searching for Castiel, who he saw as his father, and showed great confusion at the world around him. However, he will call the beings who kill for pleasure a monster, as seen when he called the angels "killers" or the Gorgon Noah Ophis a monster. While still in his mother's womb, Jack was shown to be aware of his surroundings. However, when he accidentally stabs a girl, his sense of guilt returned and he didn't want to have cause another fatality and immediately heals her. They often glow when Jack uses his powers. He is a Nephilim in the CW's hit-tv series Supernatural. After accidentally killing someone, Jack showed great devastation and remorse for his actions and left the Winchesters and Castiel because he was afraid that if he stayed, he would eventually hurt them. At the bunker, he withholds the event from the Winchesters since he knew they would be disappointed in him and understood their secret wariness of him. Following the restoration of his soul, Jack immediately burst into tears. He got along with his great aunt The Darkness, despite knowing that he would inevitably kill her. [1][2] The angel Miriam stated Jack could do "almost anything". Although he never met them, Jack is aware of his. In the time after his loss of power, Jack spent time adjusting to being human as he waited for his grace to return. While still in his mother's womb, Jack was shown to be aware of his surroundings. Following in Sam and Dean's example, Jack chose not to run and hide when ordered to by Mary but to help defend the colony because it was the right thing to do as he'd learned from the Winchesters. He also considers Sam and Dean to be his father figures as well. Though Nick later tried to bring Lucifer back, Jack intervened and personally sent Lucifer back to the Empty rather than allow his father to be brought back. Jack was taken in by Sam Winchester and Dean Winchester who would teach him how to master his powers. He was distraught that his actions caused the teens to become scared of him and his powers. Jack was sent to The Empty where he awoke. Jack Kline (b. Jack was shown to see Castiel as his father instead of Lucifer, due to what Kelly had told him about Castiel. However, his close status with Lucifer raised concern from the Winchesters and they soon put a stop to it in the evacuation of Apocalypse world by leaving Lucifer trapped. With Lucifer poised to destroy everything, Dean became the vessel for the Apocalypse World Michael and killed Lucifer in the battle to Jack's great relief before Michael took control of Dean and departed, loose upon the Main Universe. Kelly then became convinced that Jack could be good, and that the world needed him. When he was about to leave, he felt reluctant since he knew that he wouldn't see her again but gained closure after she told him to live a full life and confirmed her love for him by promising to wait for their next meeting. Even before he left the womb, Jack was able to grant Seraph Castiel the power to effortlessly overpower and incinerate the Prince of Hell Dagon and force another Prince of Hell Asmodeus to flee when he became enraged. Jack uses his wings to shield Mary Winchester. Following his second resurrection, Jack displays much of his original personality, though he still remains soulless. He is the second character to telekinetically force someone to kill themselves with an Angel Blade, the first being The Darkness, his paternal great aunt. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He is the first and only known Nephilim to be sired by an Archangel. However, Castiel smites Belphegor with considerable power after learning that the demon intends to use the Winchesters to gain power for himself. This, if true, probably implied that while he had disowned and no longer saw Lucifer as his father, he still took at least no genuine pleasure over Lucifer's death, likely as unlike the Winchesters and Castiel, he held no actual personal grudge against Lucifer, or at least not one as significant as they did. Jack was kind to the Witch Rowena MacLeod, despite having heard about her from Castiel, Sam, and Dean but this was because he wanted to thank her from her part in saving him and the refugees. In Ouroboros, Jack absorbed the Alternate Michael's grace returning him to full power. Naomi remarked that his perception to tell the difference most likely came from his angel side. As a result, the demon Belphegor wears a pair of sunglasses while using Jack as his vessel. May 18, 2017) is the son of Lucifer and Kelly Kline. However, Jack's soul had burned out and his actions caused the others to worry on his condition. He is the first Nephilim to be sired by an Archangel and is one of only two surviving Nephilim in Existence. In the months that followed, Jack would see many victories over the angels before he was reunited with Sam, Dean, and Castiel. While in Bobby Singer's colony, Jack admired the people there for their bravery and even admitted to liking the place and wanting to stay. During this time, Jack played a role in the resurrection of Castiel who he had chosen as his father. Due to the energy coming from Jack, Donatello was able to track him, revealing that unlike his father, the energy coming off of Jack is not "dark" or "toxic." Jack's protective instincts are in fact, so strong that he will retaliate or turn against anyone if they have hurt someone he cares about, as shown when he brutally attacked Michael when he attempted to kill Sam, Dean and Castiel, and later effectively disowned his own father for killing Maggie. When alerted of the danger by Sam, Jack returned to the bunker and attacked Alternate Michael for his assault on his family and showed him no mercy as he prepared to act on his promise to kill him. Jack died twice in the same season, while other members of Team Free Will died in separate seasons. ", Jack's name is a medieval diminutive of John.

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