Fort Sumter , So. » Find museums in Sumpter, OR. when I go his attention he headed toward the door. The three dredges mentioned before were brought to the area in 1913 and continued to tear up the Powder River all the way up until 1954! Oregon State Parks, Your email address will not be published. Other haunted towns near Sumpter, Oregon: Unity, Oregon, 15 miles away Bates, Oregon, 20 miles away Hereford, Oregon, 20 miles away Haines, Oregon, 24 miles away North Powder, Oregon, 27 miles away Baker City, Oregon, 29 miles away La Grande, Oregon, 32 miles away Prairie City, Oregon, 33 miles away Ironside, Oregon, 35 miles away to use the land to farm crops. The remains of Dredge #1 can be seen near the Sumpter Valley Railway depot in McEwen. Located in Baker County, roughly 30 miles west of Baker City, these days it’s a small community of just over 200 residents. Please report any inaccuracies. The McPherson family lived there in the 1940’s. The town has several historic preservation projects Last edit to this listing: 1/28/2016 (1743 days ago). At this point many of the miners up and left as much of the mining had been winding down anyways. Reports say she used to haunt a merry-go-round situated in the park, pushing folks off and causing it to spin out of control. 40.1 miles from Sumpter, OR As local legend has it, this festively named park is haunted by the ghost of a woman who was killed in the park several years ago. Just two years later the Sumpter Valley Railway extended its track to the settlement and the town grew to some 300 people. There were 35 mines in the area that had produced over $9 Million dollars in gold. elevation. Just have to grow another set. Our last night there we decided to take some pictures in the common room upstairs and invited the ghosts to come on out and visit. The south side of the bldg. have been a prosperous farming community but not now. they asked if either of us had gotten up during the night to use the bathroom. It is walled in by mountains of gold-seamed quartz, and all its streams roll over golden sands. Sumpter’s gold dredges, however, continued on for decades. What was this building called? She is a lady in a blue dress, who stares at people before vanishing and reappearing somewhere else in the restaurant. Sumpter was settled in 1862 by five South Carolinians who found gold here. Submitted Administrative use only. In an unfinished basement storage room, folks say strange noises and feelings can be experienced. Starting in the Capital Hotel, the fire soon spread to adjacent buildings, and despite all efforts to contain the flames, nearly 100 buildings were completely destroyed. This building has an extended history as a former resort and a former asylum and is reportedly haunted by numerous ghosts including former patients and people who are claimed to have killed themselves on the property. there was a smoke house for smoking meats. These are not just those little creaks and groans, but real life, genuine hauntings that will make the hair on the back of you neck stand on end! Gold mining dominates the history and landscape of the Sumpter Valley, with the dredge remaining as the centerpiece to that era. Do not use all capital letters. There is a friendly ghost at the golf club in Milton-Freewater, Oregon. She said she heard foot steps outside of door. “The town is literally built on golden rock. Travel Photos and History from the Pacific Northwest. Our cookies are delicious. The spelling of Sumpter has always been a curiosity. People report numerous sightings of various ghosts, including a gardener who is alleged ... As local legend has it, this festively named park is haunted by the ghost of a woman who was killed in the park several years ago. Locals report seeing a Native American woman walk around the lake's shore. Visit Website . From haunted roadways and buildings where the dearly departed still lurk among us, to burial grounds and sacred places that are haunted by spirits who seemingly want to stay in this world, Oregon has some truly eerie landmarks and historical sites that are hot spots for paranormal activity. no that there was much sleeping going on. i was pretty much raised in sumpter my mom and dad grew up there and met there and have been together every sinse my grandparents (Wayne and Ardis Rogers) had the store for a time and then had a backhoe and dump truck business I remember helping him put the new water lines in replacing the old wooden ones with plastic. Luckily though, the rail road between Sumpter and the old town site of McEwen was resurrected by a non-profit. © Kathy Weiser/Legends of America, updated September 2019. This building dates back to around 1900 and was once the town hospital. In back of the bldg. With the creek unusable for farming or husbandry, the dredge and surrounding lands are now an Oregon state park. There have been reports of a white figure wandering in the theater, along with footsteps and doorknobs that turn by themselves. A couple of years later when the census was tallied, it found over 3,500 residents. Courtesy Garwood Jorgenson. for a number of years as new lodes were found and mining operations improved. The next morning we spoke with the couple in the next room. The ghost rumored to reside here is a suicide victim of April 2006. Let us know! When I moved to Sumpter in 1944, It had an old sign painted on it saying, “McPherson” I think it was a butcher shop/grocery store(?). She is said to disappear into the lake, creating a whirlpool as she goes. “Part of it’s fame is no doubt to the fact that it’s the only place outside of Alaska that you can see these huge gold dredges.” Not exactly true, as there is a huge dredge up on the Yankee Fork of the Salmon River in Idaho. Paranormal investigators Patrick Doyle and Kristen Luman joined a team of experienced miners as they explored the Crescent Mine in Sumpter, Oregon – a mining boom town from around 1899 until a fire destroyed it in 1917. The first is the apparition of a miner, who has been seen shaving in an upstairs bathroom. A few of Sumpter’s surviving structures remain and are now occupied by retail shops for tourists. (Submitted by Callum Swift). Sumpter Bed and Breakfast - Real Haunts in Sumpter OR. Share Your Experience or Comments - Sumpter Bed and Breakfast. The last run was in April of 1947. After the railroad arrived, the city expanded nearby deep shaft gold mines into a combined 12 miles of tunnels. Founded in 2008, is a simple and unique online haunted event & attraction resource created to make it easy for locals to find Haunted House, Spook Walk, Corn Maze, and other Halloween Attractions in their local area. All rights reserved. Sumpter was never a farming community. There are a number of original homes and historic buildings. The town soon earned the nickname, The Queen City, as it became the hub for several surrounding mining camps. Lewis L. Mcarthur states in his Oregon Geographic Names “A news item in the Baker dDemocrat-Herald may 3, 1929, says that the immediate reason for selcting the name for the Oregon town was that a local resident found a rock, as perfectly spherical as a cannon ball, and this, along with the name of Fort Sumter in the news, suggested the use of the name. We had not. Courtesy Garwood Jorgenson, Sumpter Dredge had a distinct color change in the bricks showing where the fire destroyed a major portion of the bldg in 1917 and then it was rebuilt. Carolina, in 1862, and spelled the same as the fort. By 1874 the town site had grown big enough to need a Post Office. Now a delightful bed and breakfast inn, staff and guests have reported two apparitions throughout the establishment. The bldg. Many years ago, during a visit to Sumpter, I broke off a section of the board showing my initials and a date of 1947. No profanity. Very nice blog, thanks for sharing with us! This building dates back to around 1900 and was once the town hospital. To avoid this, be sure to get in touch with the property owners before visiting a haunt, and respect their hours of operation, local regulations, and rules for visiting at all times. The population grew to more than 2,000 people almost overnight. Disclaimer: Oregon Haunted Houses does not endorse or support trespassing to visit real haunts. While they were there, they decided to do a little gold panning along the creek and were excited when bits of the precious yellow metal appeared in their pans. elevation. EHP Rating: 95.7. Besides the tailing piles that line the river and make it look more like a series of ponds these days, one of the first sights in town is a collection of logging and mining equipment on the right side of town. boating, mining, etc. In 1862, Hugh Asbury, John Reel, Fletch Henderson, Bill Flanagan, and Dick Johnson, camped near a place called Cracker Creek on their way to the California goldfields. I’ve been through both dredges, they’re similar in size and condition. Countless Haunt Hunters have been arrested, ticketed, and reprimanded by the authorities for trespassing. Some have attributed this to the fact that many people under age 18 have been buried here.
The imps are about the size of a dog and may make strange noises. the line, the word Fort was dropped but the P of another town with the same spelling. The front upper rooms were used as a city hall for several years. © 2008-2020 Somewhere along By night fall over 100 buildings on twelve blocks were destroyed. Lying totally in ruins, the fire spelled the death of the Queen City. Sumpter, Oregon as Described in the Year 1900. I had my dog along, a VERY laid back sleepy dog. However, that very same wagon road became the early stage route that connected many of the mining towns of the area. Skip to the search for the Oregon Secretary of State website. Legend has it that Malheur Butte, a dead volcano, was a place where witches met in secret. The last and largest still survives as a historic tourism destination. August 13th, 1917 was the downfall of Sumpter. The remains of Dredge #2 can be seen on the North side of town in a pond it made, while the remains of Dredge #1 are in a pond about six miles south at what was once McEwen. Most Haunted Hotels in Oregon. Happy haunting! The Sumpter Valley Dredge, operating from 1935 until 1954, has been preserved and now sits in the midst of Sumpter Dredge State Park, where tours of the old dredge are available during the summer. Around 1895, Sumpter began to grow as new technology made it easier to extract the gold. (Oregon State Archives, 2019) Enlarge Image, An old building in Sumpter repurposed as a bed and breakfast. Before you visit ANY local real haunt, make sure to acquire the appropriate permits and/or permissions, and be respectful of privately owned properties. The building was originally a house in the early 1800's, but is now an antique shop and restaurant. "Sumptin' Sumpter" Between the dry summer and the wooden buildings the fire spread quickly. and mining were the two primary industries. I then took a pic looking down hall towards our room. days, no one seemed to notice that Fort Sumter was spelled without a P. just as the flash flashed I saw CLEAR AS DAY a man walking out of our room towards the main stairs. 1,195 likes. Kids used to carve their initials along the board the held up the railing . Today, remnants of that first cabin can still be seen about a half-mile above Sumpter on the Granite Road. A 1903 Census showed 3500 registered voters in the area. The ghost of a librarian who died in the basement haunts the building. Pendleton Underground is an area of tunnels in the downtown redlight district where many businesses operated in the early 1900s. (Last Privacy Policy Update July 2020), Byways & Historic Trails – Great Drives in America, Soldiers and Officers in American History, Boston, Massachusetts – The Revolution Begins, Arrow Rock, Missouri & The Santa Fe Trade. Her husband said he heard the footsteps stop at their bed.
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