Because goodness gracious do their medium get retconned constantly. It just feels a bit weird to know that the game you've played 2 years ago is not the "real" storyline anymore. Which Persona do you think is the most powerful? © 2020 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. "[Gravity Rush] is like losing your virginity; sometimes you won't know what you're doing, it's over way too quick and it's totally amazing!" ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Seeing as how he is almost unmistakably referring to the events of Persona 4 Arena which we know for a fact is canon, yeah. PSN: TheLimit32 (Add Me!) The developers haven't quoted anything, and the Amala concepts and fan theories are dumb. Just be happy you're not a comic book fan (I'm thankful for that myself). Having to explain your joke doesn't make it clever, but having to have a joke explained to you doesn't make it unfunny. ViewtifulGene 7 years ago #6 Yosuke and Chie is canon. Yu Narukami, Persona 4 Golden. Everything in this game is canon except for those bad endings. Pretty safe to say Golden's events are canon. Yes the Aiya girl exist etc but you never meet her in the places they meet her in the anime. 4ever Playing: P4G/P4A. (HEAVY SPOILERS! Your twisted logic is that of an immature, egotistic brat! I was under the impression the only changes are additions anyway? © 2020 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. DISCLAIMER: Don't take my posts seriously! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (spoilers), Some thoughts after playing P4G *Spoilers*, Is the events in this game considered canon now? Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. Persona 4 Golden - Episode 6 :: F'steak is Canon! And the reason people keep using it is because...well...we're all nerds and some of us care about being able to differentiate between what the series considers real and what it doesn't. - Naoto Shirogane. Don't forget to check out my MegaTen themed webcomics at, Check this thread:, To use an example from Persona 3 In Persona 3 FES, during The Journey, there is a sidequest you can do where you bring Chidori back to life. I suspected as much. For Persona 4 Golden on the PlayStation Vita, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Is Marie canon?" Nothing is considered cannon anymore. What people don't understand is that there isn't a real "canon" storyline and the game is merely a conveyance to a personal "canon". - YouTube Which tells us that the scene where Chidori comes back to life is non-canon. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. -CBrate. Last Opportunity to do Margaret Soical Link. - Page 2. ). However, in The Answer, Junpei makes a remark that implies Chidori is still dead. Retcons. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest.
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