Nancy Pelosi's son in Ukraine to talk about "soccer"? If you are having difficulty unsubscribing from our mail subscription please send an email here [email protected], © COPYRIGHT NATIONALFILE.COM. After a Bumpy Ride, Vegas Oddsmakers Settle on Likely 2020 Winner, Yahoo Mail reads all outgoing mail, blocks messages that contain “misleading” info.

According to Patrick Howley at National File Speaker Pelosi’s son Paul Jr. was an executive at Viscoil. Soon after, they first moved to New York and then to San Francisco in 1969, where Paul's brother Ronald Pelosi was a member of the City and County of San Francisco's Board of Supervisors. Help us fight back and subscribe to our newsletter so that you can stay up-to-date with everything Facebook doesn't want you to see! That guy was crying, he said “the stove it’s crushing my head it’s gonna split my head!” Paul went “so what?” I then ran over there… and I said “Paul, stop!

We previously fact-checked a similar claim and found it to be incorrect. Washington, DC House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul Pelosi Jr. visited Ukraine in 2017 to meet with government officials in connection to a business initiative. In recently unearthed records, we now know that Paul Pelosi Jr. was an executive of a gas industry company that did a lot of business in Ukraine – a lot – and his mother Nancy Pelosi was even featured in one of the company’s promotional videos. Her husband Paul is a businessman. stated on October 23, 2020 an image on Facebook: stated on October 20, 2020 a Facebook post: stated on October 13, 2020 a videos, articles and screenshots: stated on October 2, 2020 a series of images: stated on October 3, 2020 a series of images: stated on November 2, 2020 in a Facebook post: stated on September 1, 2020 in a video posted on TikTok: stated on October 25, 2020 in a TV interview: stated on November 1, 2020 in a Facebook post: stated on October 29, 2020 in a Facebook post: stated on October 30, 2020 in a Facebook post: stated on October 16, 2020 in a post on Facebook: stated on November 1, 2020 in a campaign rally: ©All Rights Reserved Poynter Institute 2020, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, PolitiFact's Trump-Ukraine-Biden coverage in one place, “HOUSE PASSES BILL TO PAY U.N. TO RUN LOCAL POLICE BOARDS IN 46 U.S. CITIES.”, executive director of the Corporate Governance Initiative, Report: Whoops, Nancy Pelosi's Son Paul Jr. Was Exec at 'Ukraine-Based Gas Company,' Similar to Hunter Biden, Pelosi, Romney and Kerry don’t have sons working for companies linked to Ukraine, CEO of the VO2 Group Asa St. Clair officially endorses the Corporate Governance Initiative calling for collaboration from the World Sports IGO and its 33 member nation, The Corporate Governance Initiative Picks Paul Pelosi Jr As Its New Executive Director, President Of Purported Intergovernmental Organization Indicted For Cryptocurrency Scheme, “CAN I CHANGE MY VOTE? Jack Hadfield is a conservative and free-speech advocate from the UK. If you are having difficulty unsubscribing from our mail subscription please send an email here, National File’s Patrick Howley to discuss her relationship with Pelosi Jr, TOTAL WAR: Don Jr. Calls Out Weak GOP, Says Trump Should Declare ‘Total War’ Over Voter Fraud, VIDEO: Jake Tapper Calls Trump Voters ‘His Spawn,’ Says They Are Dying Fish ‘Breathing Their Last Breaths’, RIOTS: Post-Election Violence in Portland, Denver, New York, and L.A. Sees Arrests, National Guard Activation, SUSPICIOUS: Minnesota, Wisconsin Both Had Unrealistic 89%-90% Voter Turnout, GEORGIA: Number Of Uncounted Ballots Rises By 35,000 Overnight, Sparking More Fraud Concerns, VIDEO: Detroit GOP Observers Locked Out Over ‘COVID Rules’ Now Demand Transparency, VIDEO: Unmarked Containers Rolled Into Secure Detroit Voting Center At 4 AM, BOMBSHELL: Arizona State Rep Confirms SharpieGate Is Being Investigated, VIDEO: Rep. Gosar Joins Arizona Pro-Trump Protest, ‘Biden And His Thugs’ Will Not ‘Steal This Election’, Protesters Mobilize To Pressure Trump To Concede Election, UK: Illegal Immigrant Tried to Rape Down's Woman, Can't Be Deported as he Won't Sign Papers, DATA: California is Home to Half of US Homeless Population, EXCLUSIVE SOURCE: Biden Daughter’s Diary Details ‘Not Appropriate’ Showers With Joe As Child, FULL RELEASE: Ashley Biden Diary Reveals Child Sex Trauma, Drug Abuse, Resentment For Joe – Whistleblower, Meet Arnon Mishkin: Democrat Political Consultant Who Will Determine Next President for Fox News, TEXAS VOTER FRAUD: Harris County Launches 24-Hour Voting As FBI Investigates, VIDEO: Nevada Official Says Voters Who Didn’t Sign Mail-In Ballots Have Until November 12 To Sign Them. They married at a grand wedding in Baltimore at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen on September 7, 1963. We can't fight back misinformation about the election and COVID-19 without you. You may opt out at anytime. Read the full report by Howley by clicking this link, and watch the clip from the interview below. Says President Trump’s Oct. 31 rally in Butler, Pa., drew over 57,000 people. Nancy and Paul have five children together and eight grandchildren.
Paul Francis Pelosi Sr. (born April 15, 1940) is an American businessman who owns and operates Financial Leasing Services, Inc., a San Francisco-based real estate and venture capital investment and consulting firm.In addition, he was the owner of the now-defunct Sacramento Mountain Lions of the United Football League.

• Pelosi Jr. had no part in the new entity, which is not is not based in Ukraine. We’re going to need bigger shovels to dig through this never-ending mess. Get that stove off that poor man’s head he’s gonna die! Hope you see what is happening.

The timeline Hammill offered fits the evidence we’ve seen.


Please enter your username or email address to reset your password. Copyright 2020 Right Wing Tribune. On March 5, 2013, NRGLab New Technology posted two videos on Youtube. Paul Pelosi Jr. appears on Ukrainian television in 2017.

Toney Anaya, and suspended trading in the company’s stock. Have any questions or suggestions?


… They're not even checking IDs at the polling stations. The SEC said Wednesday the company was “secretly controlled” by James E. Cohen and Joseph Corazzi, both of whom had previous fraud convictions.
0. ", “People are less likely to just vote for party now. Suite 1300B The SEC suspended trading in Natural Blue stock. The New Mexico Office of the Secretary of State Business Service Division had designated Natural Blue as a company “not in good standing.”. Forces, Nancy Pelosi Lies To George Stephanopoulos’s Face Live On National Television- LOOK At His Response, Speaker Nancy Pelosi Tells Jimmy Kimmel the Dems Will Be “Ready to Impeach Trump Before 2020”, MSNBC Hack Joy Reid Promoting Conspiracy Suggesting That Trump Is Faking COVID Diagnosis- Says He’s Trying To “Get Out Of The Debates”, BREAKING: New York Mayor Indicted And Charged With Multiple Felonies And The Democrat Party Is Scrambling, We Just Uncovered The Past Of The Host Of The 2nd Debate & He’s A ‘Never-Trumper’ & Fmr Biden Intern [Opinion], Organizer Of Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist Charlottesville Riots Endorses Joe Biden…Mainstream Media Silent, California Becomes First State To Open Door On Paying Black People Reparations…, President Donald Trump Predicts Victory, Cites Alleged Irregularities, Predicts Litigation. After he left the board, the company dissolved and re-formed in Singapore under a different name. The bombshell report reveals that Paul Pelosi Jr. visited Ukraine in 2017 to meet with government officials in regards to a business initiative. The first shows Paul Pelosi Jr. speaking at an event in Washington. 20036, Florida

The Corporate Governance Initiative says its mission is to help organizations "adhere to a system of guidelines, practices, and procedures by which a company is directed and controlled.". In addition, the article cited a TV appearance Pelosi Jr. made on Ukrainian television in 2017. An old version of the company's website said the company was created to "engage in research and in the commercial development of hydrocarbon production methods and technologies.". BOTH Biden’s and Pelosi’s sons have strong ties to Ukraine? Thank you, we appreciate it!

All rights reserved. AND — Better Yet — Speaker Nancy Pelosi even appears in the company’s video ad! The post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. One video opened with a clip of Nancy Pelosi discussing energy-efficient technology, followed by a direct-to-camera statement from her son Paul Pelosi Jr., filmed in Washington, D.C. in 2010. Nancy and Paul Pelosi got married in a Baltimore Cathedral in September 1963.

Here too, we found no evidence that Pelosi Jr. served as an executive for a Ukraine-based gas company. The caption lists other artists that had promoted Viscoil’s work, including Mika Newton, a Ukrainian singer and actress. Big Name Dems (and their offspring) are really piling up now with this Ukraine controversy.

(Read more about our partnership with Facebook.). Conservative social media is saying so.

- Breitbart News". “Hunter Biden was chairman of the World Food Program, which just won the Nobel Peace Prize.

The union of the venture capitalist and the first woman in the U.S. Congress brought forth blessings which most people call children. For starters, the TV interview did not mention anything about energy or gas companies. Paul Pelosi Jr., son of House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, appears to be quite the nonpartisan partyer. Now Nancy Pelosi’s son may be looking to take center stage with the Ukraine controversy.

727-821-9494. stated on October 4, 2019 in posts on the Internet: "Nancy Pelosi's Son Paul Jr. Was Exec at 'Ukraine-Based Gas Company,' Similar to Hunter Biden", stated on October 4, 2020 in a Facebook post. Paul Pelosi, Jr. spent time in Ukraine in 2017.

Pelosi Jr. is quoted at length in the news release. Think about that!, — The American Mirror (@American_Mirror) September 27, 2019.

Don’t do that!” And he said, “so what?” Oh my God, how can you do that to someone? Portions of this article originally appeared at DC Clothesline and was republished with permission from  Dean Garrison.

Government Releases Its Numbers Of Spying On Us Under Cover Of Election Campaign – They Are Staggering! Nancy Pelosi Just Ruined Her Career After Entire Planet Praises Trump For Death Of ISIS Leader, Pelosi Goes on Another Suicide Mission, Passes Legislation Curtailing Trumps Ability to Deploy U.S. "The company was based in Southern California and focused solely on U.S. business," he told PolitiFact in an email. Pelosi Jr.’s mention of the World Sports Alliance came about two years before one of its top executives, Asa Saint Clair, was indicted in November 2019 for using the "World Sports Alliance, a sham affiliate of the United Nations, as a vehicle to defraud lenders" through a cryptocurrency scheme, according to the Justice Department. • Paul Pelosi Jr. once served on the board of an American energy company, Viscoil. By 1969, Nancy was already a mother of five; Christine, Jacqueline, Nancy Corinne, Alexandra, and Paul. VIDEO: Paul Pelosi Jr Nearly Killed a Homeless Man in Fit of Rage, Alleges Ex-Girlfriend Karena Feng told Patrick Howley that Pelosi Jr. almost crushed the man's skull with her stove. The American Mirror, which flagged Pelosi Jr.’s appearance in 2017, preserved a clip of Pelosi Jr. on the Ukrainian station following the video’s removal from YouTube.

You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. “Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ government-run health care plan… could lead to hospitals being closed, put Medicare coverage at risk, and give benefits to illegal immigrants.”. In a world of wild talk and fake news, help us stand up for the facts. His work has previously appeared in Breitbart and Politicalite. Completing this poll grants you access to Right Wing Tribune updates free of charge.

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