At first I didn't understand why I was dreaming these terrifying things, but then, weirdly, during a dream I 'heard' a voice explain a part of it it, and I was like, Doh! Melissa Flagg COA OSC (author) from Rural Central Florida on October 12, 2012: Well, I hope my hub helps you complete your project! Many don't understand the "dark side," in this case Anubis. The priest who became Anubis would chant incantations and purify the body with incense making it a suitable host for the soul in the afterlife. I agree, the "dark side" (as most would call it) can be the most powerful, and they have an incredible healing ability which I have felt first hand. I try not to get too wrapped up in it, but I do pay attention. While he would not permit quotation about a possible case in which a constitutional question might be raised, he recalled – if memory served him right – that under the common law a dead cat was not property, and therefore its taking was not larceny. lol, I did a painting of Anubis called, "Initiation" where he is ushering the viewer onto a golden pathway through the Unknown. Feel free to email me by clicking on my profile, then fanmail, and then the link that says "send Daughter of Maat an email." I think there is still so much we can learn from these ancient dieties. I'm very serious about him and I need all th help I can get. Thumbs up! He does have his affectionate side but is a fairly anxious lad. The thing is though I've always adored Anubis. Tom Brahany, a student reporter for the Milwaukee Sentinel, who later became personal secretary to President Woodrow Wilson, and two colleagues, then students at the University, absconded with the cat, which later turned up in the Milwaukee Press Club, where it is still enshrined at this writing as the sacred mascot of the organization. Psycho Pomp ahahaha. But wow... not for the weak of heart... We definitely look at some things the same way. Oh, well: still a neat word. Honestly, I hadn't thought of the keen eyesight, but you are so right!! :) Blessings. The Egyptians were fascinating. In my interactions with him, he has given off a very calm yet relaxed aura. It’s a two-sided story and both deserve to be told. They, generally, manifest as a wise man or woman, or sometimes a helpful animal. Thanks! I do have one coming soon on Seth. After the embalming, the ceremony of the “opening of the mouths” was performed. OldWitchcraft from The Atmosphere on June 12, 2012: Very informative and a beautiful presentation. He's so fiercely protective though. “With this obiter dicta support, and confident, if trouble comes, that I will have friendly press in my native state, I submit this record: “As a schoolboy in Madison, I spent many hours in the State Historical Rooms, then located in the Capitol building. It fascinates me, the myths themselves are so intricate and filled with subtle nuances. Let me know if you find anything out! I learned at the time why it was moved from the rooms of the Historical Society on the floor above, but I have forgotten. Please help me, A few months ago I had a dream that I was looking into the underworld and I saw multiple Anubis, it was pitch black and these things were giants and it had rows of souls lined up and was judging the souls and either destroying them completely or sending them somewhere with a lightning bolt flash type coming out of they’re staff and that was the only thing lighting up the area so I could see I got the hell out of there but it was hard because the demons that depicted themselves as beautiful woman kept tricking me but I eventually got it together and started to ignore them and got the hell out of there what does this mean cuz I had no knowledge of any of this before I had the dream I am still dumbfounded a little I just found out what Anubis is, help me in doing a project and I can't find any accomplishments Anubis did. The Egyptians did, indeed, use aloe vera along with other herbs such as chamomile and orris root to keep the body from decaying and becoming pungent. He stands always a metre away from me and has a dominant presence, he only does this to make me feel safe and guarded. He looks like a man with the head of a jackal (an animal, native to Africa, similar to wolves). Peter Rogers from Plymouth on March 02, 2013: Interestingly, recent investigations into the DNA of the Egyptian Jackal has shown that it is in fact a member of the wolf family, not a jackal. “As a cub aide to the Madison correspondent of the Milwaukee Sentinel, I helped cover sessions of the Wisconsin Legislature in 1897 and 1899. I have two kinds of sleeping dreams--just the ordinary run of the mill kind processing this and that--and another kind that are more vivid, intense, and often lucid or (it seems) accompanied by some other (whom I never see straight on). Egyptian mythology has so many gems in it. It was just what he wanted for a cat show, of which he was a sponsor, in Milwaukee. or meditation dreams? It's so nice to meet someone else who's worked with him. I marvel at the fact that there are still people who pay heed to these ancient Gods and Goddesses. Working with him myself, I've learned quite a bit, all of which is more personal in nature than information you would actually find in Egyptian literature. He is the Egyptian deity of the dead; God of the burial rites and embalming process (mummification). Some time ago I recorded the invocation of Thoth. Some modern historians give Milwaukee as the site of these buildings. Once you work with him, you will gain so much knowledge, and he too has healing abilities simply because of the work he did in embalming, and his closeness with Isis. While I, personally, think mummification in it's physical aspect is repulsive, I'm fascinated by their idea of the afterlife and how the soul remains connected to the body after death. The jackel head surrounded his face like a mist almost like that is his spirit. I need to do some work with that for sure. I can't find any information online and I can't stand to have him hate me. I thought it was so inviting and positive, but when I've shown it to people, their reacts were ... well, not positive :-/ I didn't understand, but you've made excellent points about facing fears and that whole integrity thing. We do think alike. I think what made Anubis so intimidating to me when I "met" him, was his morality. My friend has a copy of the book of life, I couldn't touch it without becoming nauseous. I was not afraid of him, but he was intimidating. Bravo! However, she quickly evolved into the cat goddess that we know today. Anubis came into our centre after his … He wanted the goodwill of the press, but he couldn’t say yes and he wouldn’t say no. Rasta, I just read your hub about aloe vera and it's ancient uses. Wow, this is a wonderful article. In this its helpful that the attributes of a jackal compare well with the attributes of a wolf, but it also opens a new avenue of investigation when seeking to fully understand the nature of Anubis. Anubis came to me in a dream when I first started on the pagan path. I'm so glad you enjoyed my hub, and I will definitely check out that link!! You passed his test first time now you must learn from this one, Many and I mean many years ago. Have you had any encounters with him as of yet? Melissa Flagg COA OSC (author) from Rural Central Florida on March 06, 2013: I did not know about the new research, I've always been fond of wolves. @OldWitchcraft, thank you for you kind comment! Very cool to read about your working with him. The defense rests. He is also my patron God. Thank you Hecate-Horus! I have done quite a bit of research on the Egyptian pantheon, specifically my patrons. Anubis can be a temperamental boy and does come across quite hand shy. Hence my dream with Anubis. The jackal has good vision in low light for not only scavenging, but hunting as well. Finally a write up on Anubis that doesn't portray him as some dark lord, villain or forbidding being. Such an amazing article. Also he led me to believe that after a half century, the statute of limitations might be invoked as a defense. Embalming involved “violating” the deceased. His standard of moral integrity is higher than the majority of humanity could fathom, but he’s not above teaching that integrity to those who wish to learn. Voted up, interesting and useful. Thank you for sharing your Patron God with us. I think I might end up doing a hub on each God of the egyptian pantheon, seems to be pretty popular! If we look into the characteristics of the jackal, we find several attributes.

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