M2019 Cohort: EE Overview--All Stakeholders When writing your paper, pay special attention to how these papers are constructed and use them as models when you construct your own essay. This webpage is under the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. As of 2014, a student who scores an E on either the extended essay or TOK essay will not be eligible to receive an IB Diploma. The extended essay, including the world studies extended essay, offers the opportunity for IB students to investigate a topic of special interest, in the form of a 4,000-word piece of independent research. It's a good idea to read an Extended Essay to see what you're aiming at. send an email to the address on top Extended Essay: Progression of EE Lessons/Process Here is a screencast that provides a quick overview of the EE and what is expected of the SEHS IB candidates. or PM u/TemplarKnight98 on Reddit or Discord. , so economy of words and being articulate is very important. This includes but is not limited to: textbooks, past exam papers, paywalled journal articles, etc. They include the IB examiner's comments on each part of the rubric and a sample RPPF. You can also donate BTC above to help us keep this online. Here are a few Extended Essay guides from other schools that will provide information and insight into the EE process. When you navigate to this page, look on the left side to select your subject area and read through the various items associated with the EE subject area of your choosing. These are the EE Gdoc items that you will need to complete for both the EE and the IS. Below are Extended Essay Exemplars in some of the most common subjects submitted to IB offered at MHS. Our website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors. They include the IB examiner's comments on each part of the rubric and a sample RPPF. Finally, at the bottom is a blank RPPF that you will need when you submit your final EE to IB. If you have resources to donate, Business management_ Example A_markscheme.pdf, Business management_ Example B_markscheme.pdf, Business management_ Example C_markscheme.pdf. IBO: Extended Essay Overview (Link & PDF), M2019 Cohort: EE Overview--All Stakeholders, you will have completed all of the journal tasks that have been assigned in lessons 1-10, you will. When you submit your work to your supervisor, s/he will need to navigate through it with ease and clarity. Some of these handbooks do not take into consideration the new EE changes or follow a different calendar than at SEHS. The information located within this page should be helpful to those seeking help during the EE process. Only join this server if you agree with the rule above, and the rest of the rules the server has. Here are some previously submitted EEs to read through. Make a heading for each item and keep each item allocated to their own pages (do not overlap one item with another item on the same page). Your Extended Essay Gdoc will include a number of different items. Create your own unique website with customizable templates.

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