This is such a beautiful song, it is so expressive. He's not crazy, just a little unwell, much like we all are at times. No jus 4 every1's info of what this song is about is about being on dope not weed or ne of that jus ice,crank,or any other form of meth. and dope is not weed. This can really be about so many things people go through. My nutrition is helping a lot with the situation and I thank God everyday! Our son took his own life.He died in 2003 when the song was released.No more suffering or grief. "Hearing voices telling me That I should get some sleep Because tomorrow might be good for something" My wife said this song was for our son.No more voices, sleep or tomorrow. Did anyone link this song to Peeta Mellark? Reading these comments makes me know that I am not alone. "Soon enough you're gonna think of me and how I used to be" show when this finally happens and the people around you wonder what happened and remember how "stable" you used to be. The lyrics can only relate to one thing- my brother. July is the 7th month, 21(3 7s).Our son was gifted. })(); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); This song means so much to me, and it's for so many reasons. A theme song for those who have conditions in which voices and shadows are present in their lives. Doctor said there are medications for this type of illness. I'm not crazy, I'm just a little impaired I know, right now you don't care But soon enough you're gonna think of me And how I used to be yeah, how I used to be My wife and I heard it and she said it was our son. This song really relates to my son. This song and video describe mania to a t. To me I think it has to do with depression by not having any friends just by talking to himself feeling lonely. Rob Thomas states on the live DVD Show: A Night in the Life of Matchbox Twenty that he wrote the song to be a metaphor for humanity in general, a song for people who are "fucked up and feel alone like that. He had very bad mood swings from mania to depression.He suffered from delusions and heard voices or whispers in his sleep. but this does focus on a depressive episode that causes all kinds of strife. I've been reading about different interpretations, and if its about a disease or condition or just being lonely, I think its a good song about life and how people always judge certain people, and never get to know them. My son was diagnosed with Bipolar (Manic Depressant). Log in now to tell us what you think this song means. And I must state that drug addiction does lead to mental illness. By whose definition? saying and acting a way that is completely unusual for me. A very deep depression that is unbelieveable.
He took his own life. If you know someone or loveones who have this illness, PLEASE SEEK HELP,NO MATTER WHAT THE COST. Because, I'm telling you. The Meiert Avis-directed music video follows Rob Thomas through a psychotic episode that includes driving around town with an animated dog while being pursued by A Clockwork Orange … What people said or did would be towards him. you can take this song in many ways as it relates to many issues. He hears voices, has a disease, he's a little unwell and a little impaired but he's not crazy. He had, some sort of a combination of bipolar, schizophrenia and obsessive compulsive disorder. Now whenever I hear that song, I could never listen to it the whole way through. At the risk of getting a little too personal and honest on this blog, for the last few months, I have been experiencing what, in … You clearly have no idea what it is like to have such an affliction because if you did, you would see through the words to the obvious metaphors about feeling like you're crazy or unwell. In many ways, he was unwell. Ummmmmm, from an interview with Rob Thomas
Look, part of the whole problem with the deinstitutionalisation of the mentally ill, which goes all the way back to the early seventies at least, and as far as theory is… I am so blessed to be feeling well and am praying for others in need. In the end, it's a positive song, because you come to terms with the fact you're not crazy." Rob Thomas states on the live DVD Show: A Night in the Life of Matchbox Twenty that he wrote the song to be a metaphor for humanity in general, a song for people who are "fucked up and feel alone like that. Little did I know that in a few years time, it would be the song I could not listen to any more. And "I know right now you can't tell" also describes how many suffer silently and keep it to themselves, which eats through them until it is unbearable and people start to notice a change. Listening to unwell now just breaks me to tears. Nothing felt important to him and no one could understand what he was going through. for me this is the meaning of each stanza according to a psychiatric book,.
“But I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell I know right now you can't tell But stay awhile and maybe then you'll see A different side of me” In this verse of the chorus the singer is saying that he might seem odd, but if you stick around and attempt to understand him you might actually like him and realise that he is not odd or crazy. I love this song because it can have so manny meanings at the same time. Im not crazy, im jyst a little unwell explains it entirely. I can relate to this song because i suffer from depression so I know how it feels not to have anyone in your life. He was diagnosed as Bipolor (Manic Depressent). It pains me to say this, but my brother actually became, someone I hated. I got the help I needed and am doing so much better. Just depends on how you are feeling or how you are as a person. adunit_id: 100001411, I was diagnosed with Bipolar 1 a while ago. There is know more suffering and grief because we knew he was ill. My son has chronic tic disorder like Turrets, with odd bodily movements and sounds, and kids think he's quite odd, he's very sensitive in multiple ways, plus he's very imaginative and tells lots of stories which feed into kids thinking he's odd. It's a powerful song and I love the lyrics. var opts = { One might think it might talk of somebody who feels isolated and just wants understanding. That's mental illness. I was in the hospital for a month and a few weeks. Thomas also spoke on “Unwell,” off the group’s third album, More Than You Think You Are. Happens to all True lovers who have lost their love without any reason. After all, who gets depressed at my age? In addition to great lyrics—which center on Thomas coming to terms with how uncomfortable he felt as a rock star—“Unwell" features some unexpected banjo playing suggested by Matchbox Twenty multi-instrumentalist Paul Doucette. All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. People suffering from depression or other afflictions don't know why they feel the way they do; often times they have no "reason" to feel down all the time. Dope is meth. (function() { Things were not important to my son and he was alone. That has worn on him and now he's feeling depressed. I'm sorry but there is no mental illness here its dope. When my wife and I listen to this song,he is well and will see tomorrow. "The song is about a person who claims to not be crazy even though they're suffering from various occurrences that could lead them to be labeled as such. It leaves scars. It made him so different to what he was as a child. My dad told me the other day that he never expected me to be doing as well as I am now, considering the state I was in only 2 years ago :-) this song was always a song of hope for me, and always reminds me how far I've come :-). Good dose of paranoia is not much fun. Miss You Jason With Love, I have bipolar, and really relate to this song. “Unwell” is the second single from Matchbox Twenty’s third album, More Than You Think You Are. He had severe episodes of delusions,voices or whispers in his sleep and very bad mood swings. Our son listened to this song many times. The assumption that this is about drugs is preposterous. But I dont think the line, "you'll think of me, and how I used to be" refers to the way I was pre-illness, I've always seen it as when I'm recovering from the illness, and my friends and family look at how I was when I was sick, and think of how well I am doing now. Depression, causing mood swings, lack of sleep, loneliness, lack of interest in things you use to do. When I turned 17, I witnessed my younger brother going through a a very complicated state of mind. It’s super easy, we promise! Yeah this song has significant relavance to me. My son is diagnosed with schizophrenia. You tell me which one doesn't. song: "Unwell", /* TFP - lyricinterpretations */ (depression)all day staring at the ceiling; (visual hallucination)making friends with shadows on my wall; (auditory hallucination)all night hearing voices; (command hallucination)that i should go to sleep; (somatic illness) hold on, feeling like i'm headed for a breakdown; (denial{one of the defense mechanism} but i'm not crazy i'm just a little unwell; (bipolar{mania to depression} but stay awhile and then maybe you'll see the different kind of me; (denial)i'm not crazy i'm just a little impaired; (bipolar) but soon enough you gonna think of me how i used to be; (psychosis)i'm talking myself in public; (visual hallucination)dodging glances on the train; (paranoid) l know they've all been talking about me; (psychosis)iv'e been talking in my sleep; (paranoid)pretty soon they'll come to get me, they're taking me away....
Once you see the signs, never leave it to the last minute. but i think its mainly about some one who is schizophrenic with just how he explains his problems in the song and how he says i have been talking in my sleep of how their coming to get me and im guessing the whatevers trying to get him are the voices he hears. That mandolin which I loved as a child only brings nothing but awful memories of that past. }; That I should get some sleep Because tomorrow might be good for something Hold On". He would hear whispers in his sleep and not know why. It is like a living hell.He listened to this song several times and knew he could relate to it. Non-lyrical content copyright 1999-2020 SongMeanings, Javascript must be enabled for the correct page display, More Than You Think You Are [Australia Bonus Track]. Its about the lost love which the singer hopes to get back someday and the song expresses how and what he used to be and the painfull condition he is passing through the present which feels like a crazy guy even though not. But to me, this song touches a very sensitive topic- one more sensitive and harder to go through then death. Song meanings ©2003-2020 This song reminds me of when i was addicted to amphetamines. Rob Thomas, the lead singer for Matchbox Twenty, states that he wrote the song as a metaphor for humanity in general, a song for people who are “messed up and feel alone like that. The word dope was used to describe marajuana long before meth was even around. Something about that mandolin really touched me. Don’t have an account? for hours at a time seeing things that aren't there. My son read the side effects of the medication.One side effect is if you have thoughts of suicide,stop taking the medication. We knew what he would do but wouldn't be there to stop him.He committed suicide with a 357 magnum pistol on July 21,2003.His name was Jason (Hebrew: The Healer). Create an account with SongMeanings to post comments, submit lyrics, and more. They knew about his illness and admitted him in the hospital. We all feel a little messed up sometimes… you’re not alone.”. We got help for our brother, and now he is doing better than we thought he would. HOLY COW I just realized this makes sense!!! All night staring at the ceiling, This song also mentions travelling on trains and thinking people are talking to you. I've never had depression, but I had a manic episode.
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