My Fairy - Light (Southeast Square [Pot]), Challenge Battle: Guard the allied keeps with your life! Lv.2. Lv.7, Challenge Battle: Rack up your KO count! Lv.4. However, there is a way to raise the maximum amount. Lv.3, Heart Container - Agitha (West Town Keep). Lv.5. You cannot attack using bombs, the bow and arrows, the boomerang, or the Hookshot. Successfully complete the 'Survival Lv.4' challenge in Ganon's Fury with an 'A' rank to unlock the Cucco's Fury special section in Challenge mode, which allows you to play Ganon's Fury challenges as a giant Cucco character. Ganondorf / Standard Outfit (Boss): Successfully complete the 'Rulers of Twilight' illustration, then complete the mission with the same name on the Rewards map with an 'A' rank. All attacks are devastating! Challenge Battle: Watch out! Lv.7, Challenge Battle: Defeat all Giant Bosses in time! Lv.2, Adventure Battle: Destroy the army with boosted morale! Obtaining these mixtures requires the Apothecary to be leveled up, which is done by collecting Gold Skulltula illustrations from throughout Legend and Adventure mode. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the HyruleWarriors community, A subreddit for all things Hyrule Warriors, Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. 's are found on the bottom-right of your screen, above the EXP bar, while Time and Damage Taken are both found on the top-right corner of the pause screen. The Adventure of Link. While on the battlefield, take the time to grab Gold Skulltulas and Heart Pieces. The following is the level the Apothecary is upgraded using the indicated number of Skulltulas: Leveling up the Apothecary also increases the potency of your special potion that characters can drink mid-battle to get a boost of healing as well as some SP gauge. Lv.2, Candle: Burn the southwesternmost tree in the group of six, Challenge Battle: Defeat all Giant Bosses in time! For Twilight, around 70 is a good place to start, and you'll need to be perhaps more like 120+ to clear it. Each mission consists of a preset challenge, ranging from normal story battle… For Hyrule Warriors Legends on the 3DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Great Sea Map Farm Guide". The Adventure Map, based on the overworld of The Legend of Zelda, is a 16-by-8 grid made up of 128 scenarios. Adventure Battle: Attack the Festival of Cuccos! You go through there to Lorule once you have the wall painting item, after which you can see the connection on the map on each side showing you unlocked a connection. Data extracted from Allen Tyner’s (aka. You'll need to make effective use of the special Clock item to freeze enemies. Lv.11. When using the compass on a square that allows it, an area will sparkle as a hint, along with a message prompt stating you found a suspicious area. Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition Adventure Map Guide; Hyrule Warriors is receiving its final update and DLC in a few weeks time, which means the game is nearing its final completion at last. Lv.5, Adventure Battle: Fight as a warrior of darkness! Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Adventure Battle: Defeat the forest dragon! For Termina, 50-70 is probably a good place to start at, but you're going to want to be more like 100+ to actually 100% it. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Hyrule Warriors Adventure Maps. Adventure Battle: Defeat the Big Poe Forces! Bomb: Bomb the fifth wall tile from the left above the river, Fairy Top - Outset Shirt (North Field Keep), Challenge Battle: Rack up your KO count! For Termina, 50-70 is probably a good place to start at, but you're going to want to be more like 100+ to actually 100% it. r/HyruleWarriors: A subreddit dedicated to exploring and sharing the fun of Hyrule Warriors/Hyrule Warriors Legends Lv.8, Bomb: Bomb the western of the two full tiles just east of the diamond open area. In addition to writing guides, SBAllen is an avid gamer, father, and Product Manager of GameFAQs. Most of your enemies do it after you land a couple of attacks on them, so why shouldn't you? K.O. Adventure Map. Adventure Mode is a special mode in which you can acquire Heart Containers and powerful new weapons, power up your warriors, and unlock new Characters.. Lv.9. My Fairy - Darkness (Southeast Keep [Pot]), Challenge Battle: Defeat all Giant Bosses in time! Cookies help us deliver our Services. Lv.4, Challenge Battle: Destroy enemies and traitors alike! Adventure Battle: Destroy enemies and traitors alike! A single blow will put you at death's doorstep! Hidden Palace Challenge Battle: Fight through the tricky quiz! The potion will also change color (Red - Purple - Blue - Green - Yellow) to reflect its potency. Heart Pieces will raise that warrior's maximum health. Lv.7, Bomb: Bomb the seventh wall tile from the left, Challenge Battle: Guard the allied keeps with your life! Each map in Adventure mode has a 'final' stage with Ganon as the last enemy (killing him will trigger the credits). Lv.1, Adventure Battle: Destroy the army with boosted morale! Fairy Food - Life Tree Fruit (Southwest Keep [Pot]), Heart Container - Skull Kid (West Temple), Challenge Battle: Watch out! Lv.2, Fairy Top - Skyloft Shirt (East Temple Hall), Challenge Battle: Defeat all Giant Bosses in time! Fairy Bottom - Skyloft Slacks (Rockface Keep), Adventure Battle: Destroy enemies and traitors alike! Candle: Burn the southern of the two trees by the west exit, Heart Container - Toon Link (Fairy Fountain), Adventure Battle: Destroy enemies and traitors alike! For the first adventure map, you can make a good start at any level, and will likely be around level 50-70 at the end. Lv.1, Adventure Battle: Capture the enemy keeps! Lv.10, Challenge Battle: Watch out! Lv.4, Candle: Use on the bottom of the two bushes by the east exit, Adventure Battle: Destroy the army with boosted morale! Using the Gamepad as a second screen, you can press '+' on a new controller to play. As is tradition with Legend of Zelda games, the Master Quest Map is something of a "remix" of the original Adventure Map. Lv.3, Adventure Battle: Destroy enemies and traitors alike! Adventure Battle: Defeat the warriors of Twilight! Lv.8, Adventure Battle: Capture the enemy keeps! Lv.11, Ladder: Use on the eastern of the two docks. Lv.1, Candle: Burn the southeastern of the four trees by the west exit, Challenge Battle: Rack up your KO count!

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